

<h3>12月12日上午Garrod校董在设计技术(D.T.)教室给我们上了一节难忘的STEM课程</h3> <h3>一开始,他先引入一个让人摸不着头脑大问题,让孩子们在接下来的几个小时的课程后,用2-3分钟的演讲,来解答这个问题 - “数学如何能帮助我们用艺术的方式看待世界?”</h3> <h3>首先,他让孩子比较图片,选择他们喜欢的,然后再让孩子解释他们的原因。孩子发现“原来我还可以选择‘不喜欢‘?而且还没有错误的答案?’’” 逐渐的孩子放下了心理负担,大胆发言。</h3> <h3>接着,问道孩子iphone 手机照相里面九宫格是用来干什么的。这点连我们部分大人们都没思考过的问题,导出了“Rule of Three” - "三法则“。</h3> <h3>又从梵高的“”向日葵“”里面籽的顺时针逆时针曲线上的平均数量,引入了斐波那契数列。</h3> <h3>又带到了斐波那契数列图形化的 “黄金螺旋”</h3> <h3>理论和现实联系起来,既然我们在巴斯,就谈谈巴斯新月楼的建筑,看看窗户的长宽比例,和大部分相框的长宽比例,甚至我们的手机屏幕,是不是符合数列里面最重要的 “34 ,55” 两个数字的比例?</h3> <h3>到了应用到生产中,为什么要花费更多的成本制造一个符合黄金比例的罐头? </h3> <h3>孩子们自己在名画上画出九宫格,寻找自己最喜欢的艺术品。</h3> <h3>用心的校董给我们制作了宿豫版“星球大战”,用人和乐高小人的比例,让孩子计算课室的空间,搭建同样比例的乐高模型。先让孩子2分钟开会分工,之后15分钟搭建。</h3> <h3>在这个过程中,校董故意放了一些无关紧要的零部件,而且材料明显不足。 这样的课件材料设计,是希望孩子更注重在团队合作里面的角色,发现问题,解决问题。在这节课里面,成功的团队合作比成功的作品更为重要。</h3> <h3>背着孩子上课,小个子抵达知识殿堂的天梯。</h3> <h3>思考,讨论,发现,分享</h3> <h3>第二节STEM课程实在罗马浴场进行,这样的机会相当难得。因为校董为罗马浴室做过科研,我们的孩子才得以如此珍贵的机会。</h3> <h3>我们站在2000年的历史遗迹上上课。</h3> <h3>如何用数据和实验估算出2000年前罗马时期的狗脚印本尊的体重和身高。</h3> <h3>现场还很荣幸有两位帝国理工的理论物理学和数学研究生助教。</h3> <h3>听听孩子们对学习STEM课程的感受吧!</h3> <h3><br></h3> <h3>12月13日晚上大家一起观看了国王伍德公学的圣诞音乐会。</h3> <h3>12月14早上8:30</h3><h3>孩子们吃过早饭后,收拾好行李和朝夕相处4天的buddy 们依依不舍的告别.</h3> <h3>我们的毕业仪式在被列为世界文化遗产的巴斯大教堂举行!这次圣诞后大教堂因为修缮将关闭3年,多么难得的机会。</h3> <h3>Garrod校董亲自给大家颁发证书,还赠送了孩子们宿舍最佳学生才能拥有的特殊荣誉别针,和皇家工程学院未对外发布的限量版别针,明年是英国的工程之年,所有STEM相关的人士将获得该别针。</h3> <h3>老师也领有证书哦!</h3> <h3>我们还被邀到巴斯大教堂观看Kingswood学校组织的圣诞唱诗班表演。</h3> <h3>欣赏了国王伍德公学的唱诗班表演之后,大家一起乘车前往剑桥。再见了,美丽的巴斯城!再见了,国王伍德公学的老师和同学!明年再会。</h3> <h3>张键昭日记:Today ended in the school study life, I feel benefited. Compared with Chinese schools, British schools feel much better than Chinese schools, Chinese education is only book education, through the teacher lectures to teach knowledge, so students will lose interest in learning. and the education of England is colorful and diverse, below I will talk about. Of all the courses, I like Spanish best because we start from the same place with British students and I don't find it difficult but interesting. and acting lessons, where we play the lycanthropy game, which is fun, and we need reasoning 。That's a great way to develop our acting skills. In history class, the teacher did not explain too much, but showed us a film about history, which is very helpful, although there are many words in the film I do not understand, but I still learned a lot. animation helped me learn knowledgeI like this way of teaching! </h3><h3>We also had a few stem classes with the school board, which I thought was the most interesting. We talk about art, we talk about mathematics, we talk about history, we can say, stem covers everything. . This not only cultivate our interest in learning, but also a very good training of our ability to associate, from one thing to another thing, that is very great. </h3> <h3>张茂源日记:After studying at the Kindwood school, I found that my spoken English has improved greatly, and I also learned about the unique English courses and their various courses. English classes are open, lively, eating, interacting with teachers, and students who come to the teacher's classroom, who are different in each class and feel good. I also met a lot of friends in school and they were very kind to me. The canteen food in the school is different every day, and every meal is delicious. They were out of school at four o 'clock in the afternoon, and there was activity to watch movies and dance parties... The dorm time every night is very interesting and their dormitory is very high. I don't leave school very much, I am very happy here!</h3> <h3>陆宁日记:These days, we went to many places, learn a lot of knowledge. Appreciate all college, the church, let's deeper understanding of the British culture and religion. Kings wood in school life learning, let's know how to independence their things yourself. Kings wood inside of the person is very good, for we are very friendly, and particularly to take care of us, we play with them very much. At school ,I also get a lot of good friends, such as my shadow buddy Dasha, cute girl Hohona Japan, China's Angel ,Hong Kong's dawn, Hong Kong's boy Ryan. I have won't problems ,they will help me to solve. In the course on STEM, each subject together, as well as the school Garred dong funny humor's speech, make us a good time, even yourself to feel that the ancient historical sites, make us happy. These days, My feel is very deep, learned a lot of things, I am very happy these days.</h3> <h3>刘桐宇日记:In the UK, I have a lot of happy things, this is the seventh day, we come from the bath, Cambridge, came to the host family, they received us warmly, I think, this several days, I am very happy, also a little embarrassed, for example, ge the principal to take pictures, suddenly took out a cigarette out of his pocket, so embarrassed, I from the study of these days, I learned a friendship and a smile, and learned humility, but I am not spelling, but spoken English is a little bit stronger than the average person, there is still room for improvement, but because you said is not completely understood, tragedy. So, I will work hard, try and try again. Before I go home, I will be much better than I am now.</h3>