<h3>12月9日早餐后,我们从伦敦向牛津大学进发。</h3> <h3>How beautiful!</h3> <h3>孩子们车程两个小时到达牛津,探访世界一流名校——牛津大学的风采。</h3> <h3>牛津大学校徽主体部分由三颗王冠组成(上二下一),中间为一本展开的书,上写"DOMINUS ILLUMINATIO MEA"("主照亮我"),这表明了中世纪宗教对大学的影响,强调"启示"是知识和真理的源泉。校徽上的王冠则昭示着大学教育的高贵与荣耀,这与英国大学培养绅士的大学理念是息息相关的,英国著名教育家纽曼在其《大学的理念》一书中认为大学的目的是培养或造就有智慧、有哲理、有修养的绅士,我国教育家郑晓沧也总结说:"英国的大学理想,在养成 Gentlemen,牛津大学可以为其代表"。</h3> <h3>Yvonne 老师给大家分配任务呢:找出大家见到的college,church和museum。</h3> <h3>街头艺人表演,很英国的一位老人。</h3> <h3>学生舞蹈表演也很棒哦!</h3> <h3>很有生活气息的一个大学城。</h3> <h3>pasty口味也很好哦!</h3> <h3>是否像中国的大饺子?</h3> <h3>研究一下共享单车可否使用?</h3> <h3>在陌生的环境还是还是要学会使用地图哦!!</h3> <h3>逛逛书店也不错哦。</h3> <h3>Yvonne 老师给大家讲解在英国如何写信寄信呢。</h3> <h3>《爱丽丝漫游仙境》的作者可是牛津大学Chris Church的一位数学老师查尔斯·路德维希·道奇。他用笔名刘易斯·卡罗尔写作。</h3> <h3>然而国王伍德公学的前学生,著作了 《ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON PURE GEOMETRY》 的J.W. RUSSUELL, 曾经刘易斯·卡罗尔的同事呢。</h3> <h3>Chris Church好壮观,作为哈利波特的拍摄现场之一,让同学们雀跃不已</h3> <h3>神气</h3> <h3>牛津的"叹息桥"。据说学生从右边的宿舍走到左边的教学楼上课和考试,每次都因为没有复习或准备充分而感叹时光流逝,发出声声叹息......然而这只是学生间的说法之一。</h3> <h3>神学院</h3> <h3>放飞梦想。</h3> <h3>参观完牛津city,向巴斯进发。一路上随处可见英国农场和村庄的风采。</h3> <h3>到了巴斯,Garrod校董亲自带我们去参观Chritmas Market。</h3> <h3>巴斯的Christmas Market 人山人海。你知道么?圣诞集市其实是德国的文化习俗。在英国,巴斯的圣诞集市每年都吸引了很多人来购物,感觉就和中国的过年庙会一样。</h3> <h3>个子太小了Garrod校董直接背着看哟!</h3> <h3>来张搞怪自拍吧。</h3> <h3>巴斯的小吃也很美味哟!新鲜出炉的华夫饼加上香甜的太妃糖浆,Yummy!</h3> <h3>圣诞气息非常浓厚,这是当地社区的人自发组织上街表演唱诗班,完美的BGM。 </h3> <h3>各种手工艺品,一个个商铺绕着巴斯大教堂围着一圈,一个晚上都逛不完。</h3> <h3>这英式马车究竟是摆设还是交通工具?</h3> <h3>街头艺人到处可见哦!</h3> <h3>吃饱玩好又学习到很多的文化知识,乐呵呵地向国王伍德公学前进。</h3> <h3>陈慧宁的日记:Today is a warm day.The sun is bright,the wind is slow.I like this day very much.</h3><h3> First, we pack our bags,then we have breakfast.finally,we set off.We see a lot of nice things,and buy some nice things.I feel very happy today,because i get a lot of things,look many things,and these people are friendly,they always smile to me,my heart feels very warm.</h3><h3> But i don't like taking photos,so when we take photos,i don't behave well.</h3><h3> We see a lot of churches and colleges.I feel very happy today.</h3><h3> After today,i have a lot of harvest,like know about the world and London,know London is beautiful and believe in Christianization.</h3><h3> I like today very much.</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>张键昭的日记:On the third day of our trip, we went to Oxford. On the way, Ivan told us the difference between Oxford and Cambridge. Oxford is a University in the city. Cambridge is a city in the University. That's very special. </h3><h3> When we got to Oxford, we went to a bookshop,it was very cheap because Christmas was coming. Then we went to the souvenir shop in Oxford, which is full of Oxford specialties. </h3><h3> After leaving bath, we headed for bath. First we arrived at king's wood school, met our roommates, and then went to the Christmas fair in bath with the teachers. There were so many people that we followed our teachers to prevent us from getting lost. We ate hot dogs together. It was very delicious. </h3><h3> In the evening, we watched film with our roommates, ate pizza together, and went to bed early. </h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>蔡亦宸的日记:Today the teacher showed us around the city - Oxford. After we had finished our breakfast, the teacher took us shopping. After we had finished shopping, the teacher assigned us a homework - let's go to Oxford's church and college. Initially absent-minded, because feel very simple. But we got serious -- we found the task very, very difficult. So we began to gather together, and to search for...</h3>