禄劝思源学校第一届英语风采大赛 The first students English talent show at SiYuan School of luQuan

禄劝县思源学校 杨兴瑜

<h3>为丰富学生的校园文化生活,增强学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的英语表达能力,充分调动学生学习英语的积极性,并给学生提供展示英语才能的舞台,思源学校于2017年12月10日在报告厅举行了第一届英语风采大赛。</h3><h3>In order to enrich the students’ school life ,arouse the English learning interests and enthusiasm as well as improve &nbsp;their abilities of English speaking.&nbsp; On the December 10th , 2017, the first English talent show was successfully held in the&nbsp; lecture hall of SiYuan School &nbsp;to build up a platform for displaying &nbsp;students’ abilities in English learning.<br></h3> <h3>本次英语风采大赛参赛对象为高段(七至九年级)共36个教学班。</h3><h3>All the participants in this English talent show are middles students from 36 classes (Grade7 to 9) at SiYuan School.</h3> <h3>可爱的高段的英语老师们!认真组织、精心准备、耐心辅导。孩子们的每一点进步,都离不开你们的悉心教导。为了让学生更好的展示自己,你们牺牲了自己的休息时间去指导他们,为他们选择参赛素材、指导发音、准备ppt,你们,在践行“特别能吃苦 特别能战斗 特别能奉献”的思源精神,从你们身上,我们看到了“饮水思源 大爱无疆”的校训的内涵。你们,就是思源学校168个教师的缩影。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>For better performances and shows in English, English teachers spent more spare time on guiding students to get better pronunciation and intonation, besides preparing recourses and PPT used in the contest for them. A spirit of endurance, hardships and obligations has been developing and practicing&nbsp; among teachers staffs at SiYuan School. As a Chinese saying goes “Grateful for favors received, boundless for great love.”, which deeply shows the essence of motto of SiYuan School. A small group of&nbsp; English teachers here are only an epitome of 168 teachers staffs.</h3> <h3>比赛现场气氛热烈,节奏紧凑,同学们通过配音、情景剧、话剧、诗歌朗诵、唱英语歌、讲故事等多种形式充分展示了自己的英语风采,演唱英文歌曲、舞蹈等多种才艺展示,涌现出一大批优秀的学生,他们语音标准、用词准确、创意独特、表情自然、仪表大方,赛场里不时响起阵阵掌声。</h3><h3>With warm atmosphere and close pace being full of the contest, students thoroughly showed their&nbsp; own abundant talents in English dubbing, sitcom, drama, poem recital , songs singing and dancing etc; a lot of excellent students have been emerging in large numbers in it. Their shows brought round after round of applause in virtue of correct English pronunciation and expression, including their creative performances,&nbsp; natural&nbsp; and poised manners.</h3><div>&nbsp;</div> <h3>《泰坦尼克号》配音,惟妙惟肖!</h3><h3>Two students are making dubbing vividly with a select of romantic movie called“Titanic”.</h3> <h3>情感的爆发往往不仅仅是语言,更有发乎自然的肢体表达。还要注重与观众的交流,尤其是心灵的撞击。很显然,孩子们做的不错。</h3><h3>As we know, not only lies emotional outburst in language, but also does in body language. Moreover, it is more important to intercommunicate with audiences in soul. Obviously, students did a good job.</h3> <h3>话剧《白雪公主》,同学们自己动手,制作了大量的道具,还自己设计服饰,给人耳目一新的感觉。</h3><h3>Students refreshed and designed&nbsp; their own properties and clothes for a drama show named “Snow White” .</h3><div>&nbsp;</div> <h3>诗朗诵《再别康桥》。</h3><h3>Four girls are reciting “Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Again” in English, a Chinese poem written by Xu Zhimo.</h3> <h3>合唱《冰雪奇缘》主题歌。</h3><h3>A group of students are singing the theme song from the movie “Frozen’’.</h3> <h3>搞笑版《白雪公主》,饰演白雪公主的,可是如假包换的帅小伙喔!反串表演可以如此惟妙惟肖,可真是太难得了!</h3><h3>A little boy dressed up to be a princess in the drama “Snow White’’, who is really showing himself&nbsp; amusingly.</h3> <h3>通过本次活动,不仅激发了同学们英语学习的热情,提高了同学们的口语表达能力,而且在活动中形成了学生们相互学习、师生共同成长的良好氛围,促进了教师、学生们的相互交流,得到了学生、家长和老师们的好评,收到了很好的社会反响。</h3><div> By joining in and watching the contest , students have been inspiring their enthusiasm&nbsp; in English learning and improving &nbsp;the abilities in English speaking. A good momentum of mutual learning and promoting among the students and teachers has been taking shape; meanwhile, positive praise and comments on this contest from teachers, students and their parents were also harvested.</div><div>&nbsp;</div> <h3>比赛虽然结束了,但是比赛中形成的学习英语的氛围会在思源的上空久久回荡,它是我校英语教研的一个新的、良好的开始,相信思源学校英语教学的前景会更加绚丽多彩。</h3><h3>Although&nbsp; the English talent show came to an end, the strong air of English learning has been filling in the campus of SiYuan School, which will be a truly good beginning of English teaching, learning and research for the teachers and students here. Hopefully, &nbsp;all the teachers and students will be able to bring a brighter future to&nbsp; English&nbsp; teaching &nbsp;and learning in Siyuan’s coming days.</h3>