
Чжан Лэй

<h3>颐和园十七孔桥金光穿洞</h3><h3><br></h3><h3> 每年的12月22日前后(12月21日~23日),太阳黄经达270度时是二十四节气的'冬至'。冬至日太阳直射南回归线,北半球白天最短,黑夜最长,数九寒天从冬至开始。</h3><div> 冬至是全年太阳高度最低的一天,冬至日北京正午太阳高度只有26°34′,据说当年十七孔桥的建造者精心设计,将南回归线的落日与十七孔桥成垂直状态,因此当夕阳西下时,阳光最大程度的洒满十七孔桥的每个桥洞,并出现金光穿洞的奇特景观。为此每到冬至这一天,摄影爱好者纷至沓来,其盛况空前。</div><div> 有网友说今年的奇观来的较早,从12月5日就开始了,得知此消息后,我迫不及待的在6日约了摄友一同前往。为了争取一个好的机位,我先于中午11:30就来到了十七孔桥,此时已经有几位摄影爱好者在桥边支好了三脚架。我在一个桥墩旁试了试构图,感觉满意后就开始兴奋地等待金光的到来。</div><div> 时间一点点的过去,来拍照的人也越来越多。金光大概从下午三点半左右开始一直延续到五点前后,在这一个半小时里,阳光会洒满十七孔桥的桥洞,景色非常美!</div><div> 接下来请大家一起来欣赏一下我拍摄的夕阳下的十七孔桥。</div><div> The golden light of the 17th arch of the Summer Palace is pierced </div><div> </div><div> The sun's yellow longitude reaches 270 degrees on December 22 every year (December 21 ~ 23), which is the "winter solstice" of the 24 solar terms. The northern hemisphere has the shortest day of the day and the longest night in the northern hemisphere. The winter solstice starts from the winter solstice.<br></div><div> </div><div> Winter solstice is the year of the lowest altitude of the sun one day, the winter solstice in Beijing at noon the sun only 26 ° 34 ', it is said that when the builders of the marble seventeen-arch bridge which elaborate design, the setting sun and the marble seventeen-arch bridge which the tropic of Capricorn into vertical state, so when the sun sets, the maximum with the marble seventeen-arch bridge which every little tunnel, and a golden light pierced peculiar landscape. To this day, photography fans began to come to the winter solstice.<br></div><div> </div><div> Some netizens said that this year's wonder came earlier, starting from December 5th, and I can't wait to get together with my friends on the 6th. In order to get a good position, I arrived at 17 kong bridge before 11:30 am, and there were already a few photographers who had set up tripods at the bridge. I tried the composition next to a pier and felt satisfied and began to wait for the golden light.<br></div><div><br></div><div> As time went by, more and more people came to take pictures. The golden light starts from around 3:30 PM to around 5:00 PM, and in this hour and a half, the sunshine will be full of the bridge of the 17 kong bridge, the scenery is very beautiful!</div><div><br></div><div> Next, please enjoy the 17 kong bridge in the sunset.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div> <h3>这也是金光一景啊!This is also a golden scene!</h3> <h3>摩肩接踵jostle each other in a crowd</h3> <h3>人山人海huge crowds of people</h3> <h3>机位一定要高人一头 The Camera position must be higher than the human</h3> <h3>手机摄影师们Photographer of mobile phone</h3> <h3>人头攒动</h3> <h3>顺便说一下,我于8日又去拍了一次。因为12月7日发生了一起因为拍摄而摔伤的事故,公园增派了保安维持秩序 ,以防事故再次发生。</h3><h3>By the way, I did it again on the 8th. Because of a shooting accident on December 7, the park added extra security to prevent the incident from happening again.</h3> <h3>翘首企盼 Expectation</h3> <h3>金光洒满桥洞The golden light is full of Bridges</h3> <h3>冬日暖阳The warm sunshine of winter</h3> <h3>完美的金光穿洞The perfect golden light pierced the hole</h3> <h3>色彩斑斓Bright-coloured</h3> <h3>遐逸美景Leisure beauty</h3> <h3>古桥风韵Ancient bridge charm</h3> <h3>光影的魅力Glamour of the light</h3> <h3>西山美景Xishan beauty</h3> <h3>夕阳下的万寿山 The longevity hill in the sunset</h3> <h3>美丽的金光The beautiful golden light</h3> <h3>桥上放飞的风筝Flying kites on the bridge</h3> <h3>随风飞舞 Dancing with the wind</h3> <h3>霞光造影The beautiful light and shadow</h3> <h3>追光逐影The spotlight by the shadow</h3> <h3>落日里的知春亭The ZhiChunTing in the setting sun</h3>