✍🏻How to draw a jellyfish? 怎样画一只水母呢?


<h3><br>How to draw a jellyfish? 怎样画一只水母呢?<br>1⃣️Put your hand on a piece of paper.把手放在一张纸上。<br>2⃣️Trace your hand and then you can get a jellyfish. 沿着你的手画,就可以画出一只水母了。<br>3⃣️Your little finger, ring finger, middle finger, pointer finger, thumb. 你的小手指、无名指、中指、食指、拇指。<br>4⃣️Here are his eyes. 这是他的眼睛。<br>5⃣️Now say hello to the jellyfish! Shake his hands! 给水母打招呼!握手(水母有好多手)。</h3>