洛杉矶汽车大展LA Auto Show

Christy 言

<h3>想要一次刺激的视觉冲击吗?那就去LA汽车大展吧!在那里你能看到世界上最顶级的豪华跑车......你还可以试驾新的一年最新型的不同类型的汽车......真可谓是一次视觉上的冲击和刺激的体验……<br>Want an exciting visual impact? Let's go to LA. Where you can see the world's top luxury sports cars... You can also test the New Year's new type of car... It's a visual impact and an exciting experience...</h3> <h3>GETTING HERE<br>The 2017 Los Angeles Auto Show returns to the LA Convention Center at 1201 S. Figueroa St in Downtown Los Angeles.<br>We recommend taking the Metro Blue or Expo Line to the Pico Station or the ride-hailing service of your choice to downtown LA. If you are driving and parking, please pay special attention to the signboards on the roads around the LA Convention Center with the most up-to-date parking information.<br>Please review our New Bag Policy before coming to the show<br>在这里,2017年洛杉矶车展将返回洛杉矶市中心的LA会展中心,位于洛杉矶市中心。<br>我们建议乘坐地铁蓝线或世博线前往Pico站或打车服务,前往洛杉矶市中心。如果你正在开车和停车,请特别注意洛杉矶会议中心周围道路上的招牌,上面有最新的停车信息。请在节目开始前先回顾一下我们的新包政策。</h3> <h3>去LA 汽车大展的地图<br>A map for the LA car show</h3> <h3>While Lamborghini unveiled a new <br>convertible version of its LP-580-2 <br>Huracan supercar.<br>兰博基尼推出了一款新的可转换版本的lp-580-2的Huracan超级跑车。</h3> <h3>人潮涌动,热闹非凡……<br>Crowd surge, lively and extraordinary...<br>洛杉矶会议中心每年一度的汽车大展<br>你可以试驾车🚗<br>有超过1000个理由参加洛杉矶的汽车展<br>世界上最大的车展之一,在洛杉矶会展中心有1000辆汽车参展。<br>无论是免费的汽车购物,体验最新的技术,还是探索各种定制的游乐设施和外太空,在展会上,每个人都有自己的感受。儿童票价为5美元,成人为12-15美元。<br>LA Convention Center<br>Annual LA AUTO SHOW<br>You Can Test Drives VEHICLES<br>OVER 1,000 REASONS TO ATTEND<br>One of the world's largest auto shows returns with 1,000 vehicles at the LA Convention Center.<br>Whether it’s hassle free vehicle shopping, experiencing the latest technology or exploring an assortment of customized rides and exotics, there is something for everyone at the show. Tickets start at $5 for children, and $12-15 for adults.</h3> <h3>... Showed off its new DB11.<br>展示了它的新DB11。</h3> <h3>While Cadillac's stylish Escala will certainly make an impression on the crowd along with...<br>凯迪拉克时尚的升级肯定会给大众留下深刻的印象。</h3> <h3>以下的几台车都是最新款的BMW Minn 系列<br>The following are the latest version of BMW Mini series</h3> <h3>2016 BMW M2 Revealed: &quot;M&quot; in Its Purest Form <br>2016年宝马M2显示:“M”是最纯粹的形式。</h3> <h3>2017 Mini Countryman,Even Less Mini<br>2017年迷你乡村人甚至更小</h3> <h3>这是最新款的BMW迷你越野车<br>This is the latest version BMW Mini suv</h3> <h3>这款BMW Mini 敞蓬车,无论是颜色,造型设计,都张显了独特的风格与魅力......<br>This BMW Mini convertible car, regardless of color, design, has a unique style and charm...</h3> <h3>AMG GT Roadsters are at the show.<br>AMG GT双人座敞篷汽车也在会展中</h3> <h3>The company's AMG GT-R <br>静谧空间,尽享惬意生活......</h3> <h3>Jaguar kicked off the LA Auto Show in style with the brand's stunning I-PACE electric SUV that's set to go on sale in 2018.<br>捷豹于2018年开始销售这款令人惊艳的佩斯电动SUV,这款车将在洛杉矶车展上正式拉开序幕。</h3> <h3>Acura's cars were also at the show. Such as the Precision Concept ......<br>讴歌(日本本田的车型)汽车也在展览中。<br>就如精确的概念......</h3> <h3>Acura Precision Concept: The Future Is Now?<br>讴歌的精确概念:未来是什么?</h3> <h3> The new NSX supercar.<br>新型的讴歌NSX超级跑车。</h3> <h3>BMW rolled out its new M760i xDrive <br>luxury limo.<br>宝马推出了新款M760i xDrive豪华豪华轿车。</h3> <h3>. Mazda's new RT24-P prototype race car.<br>……马自达的新款rt24-p原型赛车。</h3> <h3>这台车真的很酷炫,最适合全家去露营,车子自带帐篷和炊具......<br>This car is really cool, it's best for the family camping, the car comes with a tent and a cooker...</h3> <h3>这台车真是一部浪漫的情侣💕车,里面的装簧让你不忍坐上去!精致、豪华......<br>This car is really a romantic mood lovers car, the inside of the spring make you to sit on it! Exquisite, luxurious...</h3> <h3>这部车,很像一部校车,又像是一部去夏威夷的出游车,给人的感觉就好像你正沐浴着初夏的微风,即将开始一次愉快的旅行......车身上面的图案可爱极了,有夏威夷的小花、有小蜜蜂🐝还有可爱的小兔子🐰车的侧面还挂着一个灵动、精怪的小猴子🐒<br>This car, like a school bus, is like a trip to Hawaii, and it feels like you're just enjoying the early summer breeze, and you're about to start a nice trip... The design on the body was lovely, with flowers from Hawaii, bees and cute little rabbits. On the side of the car was a clever, strange little monkey......<br><br></h3> <h3>Porsche's VW Group siblings will also have a significant presence. Audi's laser headlights finally arrived in the US on a special edition R8 supercar.<br>保时捷的大众集团兄弟姐妹也将有重要的地位。奥迪的激光前灯终于在美国推出了一款特别版的R8超级跑车。</h3> <h3>Lincoln's futuristic Navigator Concept certainly turned some heads at the show.<br>林肯的未来主义导航概念车在这个节目中无疑是吸引了很多人的眼球在车展上。</h3> <h3>Alfa's stunning Giulia sedan is also present.<br>Fiat's Alfa Romeo is such a sedan. The alpha 156, launched in 1997, caused a stir in the world motor industry, and was hailed as a classic of fiat's car series. Romeo and alfa romeo's famous &quot;eating snake&quot; sign also adds a touch of irresistible sexual tension to the name. Alfa Romeo is a carmaking company based in milan, Italy<br>阿尔法令人惊叹的Giulia轿车也在现场。<br>阿尔法 ,菲亚特旗下的阿尔法·罗密欧(Alfa Romeo)就是这样的轿车。1997年推出的阿尔法156型引起了当时世界汽车界的轰动,被誉为菲亚特车系的经典之作。<br>罗密欧 而阿尔法·罗密欧那著名的“吃人的蛇”标志,也为这个名字平添了几分难以抗拒的性感张力。阿尔法·罗密欧(Alfa Romeo)是一家以意大利米兰为总部的汽车制造公司。<br></h3> <h3>Destino’s Child: The VLF Force 1<br>德斯塔诺的新款VLF力1</h3> <h3>Hit Me with Those Laser Beams! 2017 Audi R8 V10 Plus Exclusive Edition Has Laser High Beams<br>用激光照射我吧!2017年奥迪R8 V10 Plus独家版拥有激光高梁新款车型</h3> <h3>Audi h-tron Quattro Concept, the Hydrogen EV Version of the Q6<br>奥迪h-tron 四轮驱动概念车,Q6的氢EV版本<br>(卡特罗牌汽车,全时四驱系统.)</h3> <h3><br>2017 Audi A4 Allroad Quattro: The Only Way We Get an A4 Avant……<br>2017年奥迪A4车:我们获得A4的唯一方式……</h3> <h3>Buick Avista Concept,A Bold Stroke from a Once Stodgy Brand.<br>别克Avista概念车,是对一个曾经平庸的品牌的大胆的打击。</h3> <h3>2016 Buick Envision: Buick's Third Crossover <br>2016年别克的设想:别克的第三辆跨界车</h3> <h3>2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV: GM's $30K Electric Is <br>2017年雪佛兰Bolt EV:通用的30万美元的电动汽车</h3> <h3>2017 Chevrolet Cruze <br>2017年雪佛兰科鲁兹<br>普通版科鲁兹和经典版车型车长是不一样的,14t和15L车型的车长,经典版的要好一些,不管是发动机,还是内饰,还是油耗都是新款的要好雪佛兰科鲁兹是通用汽车以和同价格比雪佛兰,凯翼,长城,悦翔,发现其中有一款凯翼c3和其他汽车比起来,配置跟高端,耗油量低......<br>Ordinary cruze and classical models edition of conductor is not the same, 14 t and 15 l models of conductor, the classic version of the better, whether the engine, or the interiors, or fuel consumption is the new Chevrolet cruze is better than general motors with and prices that Chevrolet KaiYi, the Great Wall, yue xiang, found one wing kay c3 and other models, compared with high-end configuration, low fuel consumption...<br><br></h3> <h3>2017 Chrysler Pacifica: Meet the New Town &amp; Country<br>2017年克莱斯勒Pacifica:满足了新的城镇和国家</h3> <h3>2017 Ford Fusion<br>2017年福特福星</h3> <h3>At the same time, Jaguar's Land Rover sister brand rolled out its next generation Discovery SUV for the first time in North America.<br>与此同时,捷豹路虎姐妹品牌在北美第一次推出了下一代发现SUV。</h3> <h3>Lexus LC500 Coupe: LFA Mission, Lower Price Point<br>新款的雷克萨斯LC500 具有骄跑两用的使命,以及价格更低的特点</h3> <h3>Blatant Motorwagen: Mercedes AMG Announces S63 Cabriolet Edition 130<br>炫酷的新款奔驰一号:<br>发佈新版的S63敞蓬车130款<br></h3> <h3>2017 Mercedes -AMG SLC43: Twin Turbos and a New Name<br>2017年梅赛德斯-AMG SLC43:双涡轮和新名字</h3> <h3>2017 Mercedes -Benz SLC -class: Wave Goodbye to the SLK<br>2017年梅赛德斯奔驰SLC高级蓬车向SLK挥手告别</h3> <h3>2017 Porsche 911 Turbo Turbo S: Updates for the Uber 911s<br>2017年保时捷911 Turbo Turbo S:更新了Uber 911s<br>极速涡轮增压 ,引擎涡轮增压(Turbo)是将气体在进入气缸前预先Uber压缩,提高进入气缸的气体密度,减小气体的体积,在单位体积里,气体的质量就大大增加了,进气量即可满足...<br>涡轮增压器 :产品均由进口耐高温材料POM加工.70年不坏。<br>Speed turbocharged engine turbocharged (Turbo) is the gas Uber in advance before entering into cylinder compression, increase into the cylinder gas density, minimize the volume of a gas, in unit volume, the mass of the gas is greatly increased, the volume can meet... Turbocharger: the products are processed by imported high temperature materials POM. 70 years is not bad.</h3> <h3>2017 Smart Fortwo Cabriolet Debuts: New Gen Car, Four Percent More Roof......<br>2017 奔驰精灵敞蓬车首次亮相:新一代汽车,4%的屋顶......<br>奔驰精灵 奔驰精灵的仪表板由比例相等的基板构成,其中包含压缩的亚麻纤维和聚丙烯。<br>奔驰精灵是采用三缸增压发动机......<br>The mercedes-benz elven dash is made up of equal proportions of baseboards, which contain compressed flax fibers and polypropylene. The Mercedes Benz is a three-cylinder turbocharged engine......</h3> <h3>Aria Concept Car Imagines the Mid-Engined Corvette that Chevrolet Hasn’t Built Yet<br>Aria概念车设想了雪佛兰尚未建成的中置引擎的克尔维特</h3> <h3>Porsche's VW Group siblings will also have a significant presence. Audi's laser headlights finally arrived in the US on a special edition R8 supercar.<br>保时捷的大众集团的兄弟姐妹也会有很大的影响力。奥迪(Audi)的激光头灯终于在一款特殊的R8超级跑车上抵达美国。</h3> <h3>2017 Lamborghini Huracan Spyder Now In Rear-Drive Form<br>2017兰博基尼Huracan Spyder现在的后轮驱动形式</h3> <h3>So Spicy: Lexus Sriracha IS Brings Tears to Our Eyes......<br>如此炫目的雷克萨斯Sriracha让我们热泪盈眶......</h3> <h3>2017 Land Rover Discovery: Newly Re-Discoveried<br>The big Land Rover leaves the LR4 behind.<br>2017年陆虎发现:新发现的大型路虎将LR4抛在身后。</h3> <h3>SUPER KODO! Mazda’s New Daytona Prototype Wears a Road-Car Face.<br>超级科多兽!在马自达(Mazda)的新Daytona原型车上戴着一辆公路车。</h3> <h3>Porsche Builds a Mid Engined 911 RSR for Le Mans and IMSA Competition<br>保时捷为勒芒和IMSA的竞争建立了一个中间引擎的911 RSR</h3> <h3>Jaguar I-Pace Concept: 400 HP, All-Wheel Drive, Coming in 2018<br>An electric crossover that will aim at the Model X.<br>NOVEMBER 2016 BY ANDREW WENDLER <br>捷豹i - pace概念:400马力,全轮驱动,将于2018年推出一款电动跨界车,将于2016年11月由安德鲁·温德勒(ANDREW WENDLER)设计</h3> <h3>2018 Mercedes-AMG E63: Not Quite Unlimited Power, But Close The awesome AMG now tops out at more than 600 horsepower.<br>OCTOBER 2016 BY JENS MEINERS <br>2018年梅赛德斯- AMG E63:不是无限的力量,但是接近了令人敬畏的AMG,现在超过600马力。2016年10月由JENS meiner设计.</h3> <h3>Ram Debuts New 1500 Rebel Mojave Sand, 1500 Ignition Orange Sport Editions.<br>Ram首次推出1500个反叛军莫哈维沙,1500个点火橙色运动版。<br> </h3> <h3>2017 Smart Fortwo Electric Drive<br>The Smart that won't stray far from the city.<br>SEPTEMBER 2016 BY JENS MEINERS<br>2017 的奔驰精灵是全新的电动车,它不能开离城市很远。<br>是在2016 年9月由JENS MEINERS设计的</h3> <h3>From Scion Concept to Production Toyota: The 2018 C-HR<br>It's a little ute coupe! <br>BY DAVEY G. JOHNSON <br>从赛恩的概念到生产丰田:2018年的C-HR它是一辆小型的敞蓬车。<br>由戴维·约翰逊(DAVEYG.JOHNSON)设计<br>Scion(中文译赛恩)是北美丰田(Toyota Moto ale, U..)<br>塞恩 :在汽车小型化趋势越来越明显之时,两个“例外国”也逐渐被关注。2月中旬,丰田汽车宣布其面向美国市场推出的小型车品牌塞恩(Scion)即将退出历史舞台。这一品牌是丰田北美在2002年纽约车展时推出的,与丰田、雷克萨斯并列,然而不过15年的时间便宣布死亡。<br>Scion:when the trend toward miniaturization of cars is becoming more and more obvious, the two &quot;exceptions&quot; are getting noticed. In mid-february, Toyota announced that Scion, the small car brand it launched for the U.S. market, was about to exit the historic scene. The brand, which was introduced by Toyota North America at the 2002 New York auto show, juxtaposed with Toyota and lexus, but died within 15 years.</h3> <h3>Jeep's wild Wrangler Trailcat is hard to miss...<br>吉普的野生牧马人是很难被忽略的...</h3> <h3>刺激而炫目的汽车🚘大展的视觉冲击参观结束🔚了!真是意尤未尽啊!<br>以上的图片一部分是2016年已参展过的汽车(在2017年出售)还有一部分是将在2017年汽车大展中展出的新款汽车。<br>亲爱的朋友们还没有去过参展的别失望噢!以上是2016年的汽车大展!哈哈😄2017年汽车大展将在2017年12月1日-10日正式拉开帷幕,请准备好去经历一次视觉的冲击吧!<br>The visual impact of the exciting and dazzling car exhibition is over! What an undoing! <br>The above images are part of the cars that have already been exhibited in 2016 (for sale in 2017) and part of the new cars that will be on display at the 2017 auto show.<br>Dear friends have not been to the exhibition disappointed, above is 2016 car exhibition! The 2017 auto show will officially kick off on December 1, 2017, and be ready to go through a visual impact.</h3>