

<h3>石塘镇是浙江省温岭市辖镇,地处浙江东南,由原石塘、箬山、钓浜三镇合并而成,区域面积28.47平方公里,海岸线长58.6km,常住人口7.3万,辖58个行政村,其中纯渔业村54个。石塘素有“画中镇”之称,被誉为“东方的巴黎圣母院”。</h3> <h3>Stone Town is the Municipality Town of Wenling, Zhejiang, located in the southeast of Zhejiang, combined by original Stone Town, Ruoshan Town, Diaobang Town. Its area is 28.47 square kilometers, the length of coastline is 58.6km, the resident population is 73 thousand, and there are 58 administrative villages, of which 54 are pure fishery villages. Stone pond is known as "Town in Painting ", known as "Oriental Notre Dame de Paris".</h3> <h3>石塘的石元素无处不在,而最能体现石塘传统特色的,当属石屋,石塘号称石屋之乡。石塘镇共有石屋19000多间。这些石屋多为清末民初建成,清代举人陈策三曾用“千家房屋鱼鳞叠,半住山腰半海滨”来形容这道风景。</h3> <h3>已有几百年历史的大奏鼓表演热烈奔放,充满浓郁的渔家风情。男扮女装是大奏鼓最大的特点,浓重的白粉打底,涂上胭脂口红,戴上羊角帽,吹起唢呐,敲起大鼓、扁鼓、铜钟、木鱼、钹,明艳的服装,欢快的节奏,看着就让人很欢乐。其原先只是一个渔村舞蹈,现如今已经成了国家级非物质文化遗产。</h3> <h3>石塘的先民大多自闽南迁徙而来,与多种文化交融渗透,由此形成了渔村独特的乡土文化。</h3> <h3>Most of the ancestors of Stone Town came from Minnan, and mingled with various cultures, which formed the unique local culture of the fishing village.</h3><div><br></div><div><br></div> <h3>The grand drum performance with hundred-year history is vigorous and unrestrained, full of rich fishing style. A man disguising in female attire is the biggest feature of grand drums. Men with a thick white makeup, painted rouge, wearing horn cap, blowing suona, beat drums, flat drum, bell, Muyu, cymbals. Bright clothing and lively rhythm, make people happy. It was originally a fishing village dance, and now it has become a national intangible cultural heritage.</h3>