1013 6 7 -
十年苦读一朝决胜负,数载艰辛六月定乾坤。 ——2022届康乐中学高三高考百日誓师大会
1061 7 9 -
English is the bridge to the world, by which we are able to learn the rest parts of the world and with which we can walk
533 11 9 -
English is the bridge to the world, by which we are able to learn the rest parts of the world and with which we can walk
533 11 9 -
English is the bridge to the world, by which we are able to learn the rest parts of the world and with which we can walk
533 11 9 -
English is the bridge to the world, by which we are able to learn the rest parts of the world and with which we can walk
533 11 9 -
English is the bridge to the world, by which we are able to learn the rest parts of the world and with which we can walk
533 11 9