Light Volleyball Tournament Photo Album III
This is just a photo album for the tournament on29/5/2021.As for the official reports on the event, please refer to the
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說走就走的愛國行- Canberra之行
A working turn table with connected tracks,A train converted from a bus specially done for the queens visit,Made in Am
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站在前人的肩膀上 ~ 五年后2022年5月,卢定涛先生仙逝 ~特以2017年的此文悼念
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Light Volleyball Grand Prix Australian 2021(3)
I want to have what she is having,大美腿,苦不苦,想想长征二万五😂,累不累,想想革命老前辈😂,Log30hs
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Paul Han -2020/5/24 03:00
匆匆忙忙整理了幾張韓師兄的照片(部分照片由校友們提供特此鳴謝Amos Danny David Tina Wendy Sally Andy Rosanny等(按出場先後排
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