【0B U1 Jack in the box】双语工程2005期No.69Beck打卡 DAY1(20200720)
英语教材:0B,unit1-6动画片:Peppa pig,S131~35汉语教材:牙牙学语2,汉语教材:牙牙学语2-10大雁,英文理解性阅读中文,Game
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【FT- Christmas Day】双语工程2005期No.69Beck打卡Day64
Christmas is in December.It's a season with many traditions.People think about families, friends and giving. Most famili
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【FT Halloween day】双语工程2005期No.69Beck打卡day52(20201031)
1.The history of Halloween day.Halloween is an annal holiday, celebrated each year on October31,that has roots in an age
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【FT- Watermelon pizza and watermelon swimming pool】双语工程2005期No.69Beck打卡 DAY24(20200817)
M: Baby,close your eyes. Can you imagine that…You are on a picnic and it's a hot, sunny day. You are ready to cool off
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