《Song of Myself 》6 Version 1892
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《Song oh Myself 》version 1892 第12节
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14.4《I Sing the Body Electric 》
继续翻译小游戏,随着诗人去感受人与人之间的感情交流、人体放电!14.4 I Sing the Body Electric,——by Walt Whitman,4,I h
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I am a floating cloud in the sky,偶尔投影在你的波心——,Adventitiously casting a shadow over the heart of your waves.你
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I am a floating cloud in the sky,偶尔投影在你的波心——,Adventitiously casting a shadow over the heart of your waves.你
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I am a floating cloud in the sky,偶尔投影在你的波心——,Adventitiously casting a shadow over the heart of your waves.你
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I am a floating cloud in the sky,偶尔投影在你的波心——,Adventitiously casting a shadow over the heart of your waves.你
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14.2 《I Sing the Body Electric 》
本周继续翻译这首作品的第二小节。诗人如素描一般用语言描绘了不同人物的神态,展现对人体、进尔到人类伟大品质的热爱。14.2 I S
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I am a floating cloud in the sky,偶尔投影在你的波心——,Adventitiously casting a shadow over the heart of your waves.你
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