V-Learn万思乐学小西妈双语工程2006期262号Alvin-Day 41
Equinox/ˈiːkwɪnɒks/:春分或秋分one of the two times in the year(around20 March and22 September) when the sun is above
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V-Learn万思乐学小西妈双语工程2006期262号Alvin-Day 18
Reading:HeinemannOxford Tree ReadingOxford Traditional Tales,Listening:a) English songs from Kinder Power,b) Heinemann
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万思乐学小西妈双语工程2006期262号张子骞Alvin 第一季度学习总结-Day 9
双语工程项目负责人: Sunny Xie(妈妈)日期:2020年08月30日,种一棵树的最好时间是十年前,其次是现在。同样,孩子的语言启蒙教育
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小西妈双语工程2004期170号Dora打卡 Day 12
1. Listening:0b Unit1-12(滚动听)2.Reading:牛津树3级10本,牛津传统故事5,4本(滚动读一周,4-5次)3. Vedio:0B Unit2 Merry-g
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小西妈双语工程2004期170号Dora打卡 Day 12
1. Listening:0b Unit1-12(滚动听)2.Reading:牛津树3级10本,牛津传统故事5,4本(滚动读一周,4-5次)3. Vedio:0B Unit2 Merry-g
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万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程2006期262号Alvin 打卡Day 2
Listening: Henimann and Oxford tree reading,Get some fruits and snacks ready, and act as a hungry people.Learn to recog
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万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程2006期262号张子骞Alvin 打卡Day 3
English song“Big apple tree” from Kinder,Reading:Henimann,Oxford tree reading,Learn the English song“Big apple tre
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小西妈双语工程2004期170号Dora打卡 Day 10
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