春天‖鸟放飞,鹰崛起(The birds flying eagles rise.)
The birds flying, eagles rise.——北京八维教育让孩子们成就梦想的魅力与神奇,, Beijing Baway education enables,child
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春天‖饮水当思源(Drinking water is the source of your thoughts.)
Drinking water is the source of,your thoughts.于福军,Zit of the spring.2022/07/15,Jul.15th2022.北京八维教育是一座育人
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春天‖盛夏入维 再谱新篇(Entering into Baway education to compose a new chapter.)
Entering into Baway education to, compose a new chapter.于福军,Zit of the spring.垂询:15645999680,Tel:15645999680,
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春天‖乐呵,就好!(Let's have be happy.)
On Jun.10th,2022.early morning.乐,来自缘;乐,生于情。家乡温泉之乡林甸小城,活跃这样一支团队,他们有一个温馨的称呼——“
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春天‖紧跟时代,择路精彩(2)(Keep up with the times and create wonderful Education.)
Keep up with the times and create wonderful Education.,,于福军,Zit of the spring.2022年6月1日,On June1st,2022.Da
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