

<h3><b>  为了进一步贯彻落实英语课程标准,优化课堂教学,提高教学效率和年轻教师的业务水平,10月12日上午开始,由学校组织开展"青年教师成长研磨课",本校全部英语教师参加了此次活动。</b></h3> <h3><b>   In order to further implement the English curriculum standards, optimize classroom teaching, improve teaching efficiency and the professional level of young teachers, starting from the morning of October 12th, "young teachers' growth grinding course" was organized by the school". All English teachers participated in this activity.</b></h3> <h3><b>  10月12日上午第一节由翁小莉老师上的外研版(三年级起)四年级Module 5 《Unit 1 Can you run fast?》的第一课时。在这节课中,翁老师通过复习之前所学的运动词汇引入新的知识,并引导学生学会运用can来询问别人的能力问题,表达自己会或者不会做的事情。接着从生活实际出发,让学生能够区分,理解词组 run fast,jump high&nbsp;,jump far, ride fast&nbsp;并运用于Can&nbsp; you 的句型。通过多种读书的形式进行教学单词,让学生在游戏中学习新单词。通过小组对话演练进行课后拓展,并让学生学会使用Can&nbsp; you 的句型。</b></h3><h3><b> 在上课过程中,翁老师发现学生的学习兴致不高,课堂气氛不活跃,所以就经常性提问,并引入游戏调动学生的积极性。翁老师对待教学认真负责,条理清晰,对待学生严格要求,能够鼓励学生踊跃发言,使课堂气氛比较活跃。</b></h3><h3><b>&nbsp;</b></h3> <h3><b>  In the first section of the morning of October 12th, the first class of Module 5, "Unit 1 Can you fast run", was written by Professor Weng Xiaoli on grade four (grade three). In this class, Mr. Weng introduced new knowledge by reviewing the vocabulary he had learned before, and guided students to learn to use can to ask questions about other people's abilities and express what they would or would not do. Then, starting from the reality of life, let students distinguish and understand the phrases run fast, jump high, jump far, ride fast and sentence patterns used in Can you. Through a variety of reading forms of teaching words, let students learn new words in the game. Through the group dialogue drill after class expansion, and let students learn to use Can you sentence pattern.&nbsp;</b></h3><h3><b> In the course of teaching, Weng found that students' interest in learning is not high, the classroom atmosphere is not active, so regular questioning, and the introduction of games to mobilize the enthusiasm of students. Weng teacher is responsible for teaching, clear, strict demands on students, can encourage students to speak actively, so that the classroom atmosphere is more active.</b></h3> <h3><b> 10月12日下午第一节,由李红珠老师展示了一节五年级上册Module3 Unit 1 Where did you go?的新授课。李老师以Trip为主题组织教学活动,巧妙地使用多媒体课件开展教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣。让学生在快乐的气氛中学习新知,寓教于乐在此得到充分的体现。李老师精心设计的教学活动,循序渐进,层层深入,引领学生在40分钟有限的课堂时间里,思维得到无限飞翔,快乐地畅游学习英语。科组的其他老师专习旁听,静静地融入本课堂,感受此课时快乐的学习气氛。</b></h3> <h3><b>  The afternoon of October 12th, by Li Hongzhu teacher shows a section of the fifth grade I Module3 Unit 1 Where did you go? New teaching. Li takes Trip as the theme to organize teaching activities, skillfully uses multimedia courseware to carry out teaching activities, and stimulates students' interest in learning. Let students learn new knowledge in the happy atmosphere, edutainment fully reflected in this. Teacher Li's well-designed teaching activities, step by step, depth, lead students in 40 minutes limited classroom time, thinking unlimited flying, happy to swim to learn english. The other teachers in the study group attend the lecture quietly and integrate into the classroom quietly, and feel the happy learning atmosphere of the class.</b></h3> <h3><b>  10月13日上午第一节,由青年教师冼慧敏老师执教的三年级上册Module4 Unit 1 It 's red!</b></h3><h3><b> 课上,冼老师教态亲切自然,紧抓学习重难点设计教学,设计符合学生的活动,课堂活跃有实效,因此学生们配合度高,积极性强,课堂气氛活跃。在冼老师由浅入深地带领下,学生们很好的完成了教学任务。</b></h3> <h3><b>  The morning of October 13th, the first day, young teacher taught by teacher Xian Huimin the third grade I Module4 Unit 1 It's red! In class, Xian teacher teach kindness and nature, grasp the importance of learning, design teaching, design in line with students' activities, classroom active and effective, so students with high degree of cooperation, enthusiasm, active classroom atmosphere. Under the guidance of Xian teacher, the students completed the teaching task well.</b></h3> <h3><b>  这样的教研活动是一次智慧的碰撞,是教师们互相交流学习的平台。</b></h3><h3><b> 这样的教研活动还树立了高效课堂的典范,让全体英语教师明确了高效课堂的模式,为后教学注入了新的动力。</b></h3> <h3><b>  This kind of teaching and research activities is a collision of wisdom, but also provides a platform for teachers to exchange learning.&nbsp;</b></h3><h3><b> Such teaching and research activities also set up a model of efficient classroom, so that all English teachers clear the efficient classroom model, for the post teaching injected new impetus.</b></h3>









