<h1><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">《秋歌》</b></h1><h3>作者:西渡</h3><h3>诗评:李莉</h3><h3>朗诵:李莉</h3><h3><a href="http://m.ximalaya.com/89832136/sound/52265131/" target="_blank" class="link"><i class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"></i>《秋歌》朗诵链接</a></h3><h3>诗歌翻译:彧蛇<br></h3><h3>赏析翻译:彧蛇</h3><h3></h3> <h3>《秋歌》赏析刊登于中英双语纸刊《诗殿堂》总第四期,【诗文赏析】栏目。</h3> <h3>题目为,“境界辽远,情怀深广的《秋歌》”。英文翻译彧蛇(Christopher Tai)英文翻译附于后。
</h3><h3><br></h3> <h1><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">秋 歌</b></h1><h3>西渡</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>无边落木</h3><h3>——杜甫</h3> <h3>一夜落木,太阳的巡演接近尾声, </h3><h3>在行星中间盛传着来自太空的秘闻,</h3><h3>神的头发稀了,神的头脑空了,</h3> <h3>天使在人间挨饿,</h3><h3>被两只经过的燕子抬入天空深处的摇椅,</h3><h3>陷入昏沉的、持续的梦境。</h3> <h3>梦见圣诞老人, 就着月光,补袜子的窟窿;</h3><h3>梦见其他的神的不倦的游戏,</h3><h3>那也是我和你的游戏。</h3> <h3>大树也在做梦,他站着,</h3><h3>梦见早年走失的表亲,</h3><h3>梦见她又穿上少女时代的白裙子,</h3><h3>在冰水的池子里参加婚礼,</h3><h3>客人都是肥胖的企鹅。</h3> <h3>梦见蝉退出最后的身体,结束诗人生涯,</h3><h3>把歌声藏进木质的深处。</h3> <h3>午夜过后,人也在做梦,</h3><h3>梦见垂头垂脑的天使,</h3><h3>宣告,神和万物一同老去。</h3> <h3>时光的脱臼的关节,</h3><h3>发出失群的孤雁的哀唳。</h3><h3>再往前,记忆是唯一的财富。</h3><h3>我们的爱也要经受考验,</h3><h3>能否帮我们坚持到另一个春天。</h3> <h3>做梦吧,哭吧,点上蜡烛哀悼吧,</h3><h3>成长已经废止,田野已经腾空,</h3> <h3>新来的神被钉上十字架,</h3><h3>流遍天空的血,神的遗言。</h3><h3>眼看海水没顶,花园的门纷纷关闭。</h3> <h1><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);"><b>《秋歌》(西渡)赏读</b></span></h1><h3>李莉</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>这首《秋歌》想象和意象奇特、灵动、鲜明、大胆、浓烈和神奇。不是用脑,而是用心+超感+外来神力,不是天马行空,而是"不着边际"了:)</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>但其实字字句句段段都有着内在的独特的紧密的联系和呼应。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>整首诗透着一种无边无际的无可救药的忧伤和绝望。诗人在彼时的心绪是如此入骨彻心的惆怅和哀痛。</h3><h3>一种深切的甚至是绝望的情感弥漫在整个诗中,浸心蚀骨。有很多意象呈现不同寻常不同反响的震撼!分句赏析。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>引言
<font color="#1564fa"><b>无边落木
以杜甫的无边落木作引言从而奠定了全诗的悲凉基调!<br></h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">1)"一夜落木,太阳的巡演接近尾声</b></h3><h3><font color="#1564fa"><b>在行星中间盛传着来自太空的秘闻”</b></font><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);"><br></b></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>起句,就把人瞬间带入一派萧萧落木,整个暗淡无光的深刻的悲楚之中。"太阳的巡演接近尾声",出奇而恰切的想象!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3 style="-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);">"行星中间盛传着什么样的秘闻呢"?答案就在下文中。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">2)"神的头发稀了,神的头脑空了,天使在人间挨饿"</b></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>"行星中间盛传着什么样的秘闻呢"?它们在交头接耳,窃窃私语,不得了啦,"神的头发稀了,头脑空了",不是因为落木萧条吗?是啊,你可不知道,"天使在人间挨饿"呢,因为树上没有了果子啊。以天星天神天使作拟人化的意象,实乃大胆独特形象幽默灵动的创新!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>至此仅仅四句,以太阳,行星,天神和天使的想象,展示了诗人独特广阔的创新和高远深沉的思考。诗的意境大悲大怆大痛而大美!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">3)"被两只经过的燕子抬入天空深处的摇椅"。</b></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>"挨饿的天使"被两只经过的燕子抬入天空深处的摇椅"。多么灵动,多么巧妙,多么贴切啊!"摇椅"给下面的"圣诞老人"的引出做了铺垫。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">4)</b><font color="#1564fa"><b>"陷入昏沉的、持续的梦境</b></font>。</h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">梦见圣诞老人,就着月光,补袜子的窟窿</b></h3><h3><b><font color="#1564fa">梦见其他的神的不倦的游戏</font></b><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">" 。</b></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>陷入昏沉持续梦境的天使梦见了圣诞老人"补袜子"。以圣诞老人装礼物的袜子做意象,一句"就着月光",好细腻传神。太空深处,圣诞老人坐在摇椅上,戴着老花镜,在月光下,细细密密地补袜子的画面跃然纸上,简直太有趣生动别致啦!出人意料又合乎"逻辑与传说",乃"传说之上的传奇"。真是神来之笔!"袜子的窟窿"象征了后面的"我和你的爱的窟窿"。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>天使还梦见了其他的神玩着不倦的游戏。这也是以神喻人的拟人的手法,强调了“不倦”,寓意是一种让人快乐和喜爱的,令人不知疲倦的游戏。过渡和寓意下文“我和你的游戏”。越是令人身心愉悦,不知疲倦的好玩儿的游戏,不是越令人不舍结束,欲罢不能吗?</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">5)"那也是我和你的游戏"。</b></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>从太空中的太阳和行星,到天空中的"天神",到"天使",再经"圣诞老人"连接到地上的"我和你",一句话就"从天上到人间",落地并揭示了"我们之间的爱的游戏"。爱如果是游戏,如何能玩儿长久呢?如何不互相情伤呢?</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);"><b>6)“大树也在做梦,他站着”</b></span></h3><h3><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);"><b><br></b></span></h3><h3><span style="caret-color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">承接起始的"萧萧落木"之情境,与之后的"梦见圣诞老人"之梦境,自然延伸到"大树也在做梦",树当然是站着了,其实作者的真实之意是通过这一多余的"闲笔",暗示树是被动站着的,并不会自己移动,寓意"爱的游戏",或"爱"之所以成为"游戏",不是自己"移动"造成的,而是一种无奈无力的"被移"而成。</span></h3><h3><span style="caret-color: rgb(22, 126, 251);"><br></span></h3><h3><span style="caret-color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">那么,无奈悲伤的大树梦见了什么呢?</span></h3><h3><br></h3><h3><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);"><b>7)“梦见早年走失的表亲”</b></span></h3><h3><span style="caret-color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">即梦见儿时青梅竹马的表妹。</span></h3><h3><br></h3><h3><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);"><b>8)“梦见她又穿上少女时代的白裙子”</b></span></h3><h3>梦见她穿上了少女时代的白裙子。那是萦绕"我"心的抹不去的色彩、形状和画面。那是爱的纯洁,爱的美丽,爱的形态和爱的记忆。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">9)"在冰水的池子里参加婚礼,客人都是肥胖的企鹅。" </b></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>本来婚礼是浪漫的美丽的,被诗人写在了梦里,写在了冰水的池里,谁能跳进冰水的池里作陪呢?自然是最冰天雪地的北极的企鹅莫属了。摇摇摆摆的企鹅一幅可爱的憨态,衬托婚礼的美梦。婚礼的渴望揉入冰水的绝望的对比意象,使悲伤之情深入骨髓,难以言表的痛尽在诗里,难以言传的伤更入心底。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">10)"梦见蝉退出最后的身体,结束诗人生涯,把歌声藏进木质的深处。"</b></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>这一小节精彩之极!蝉是一种奇特的动物,春蝉羽化,秋蝉情死。蝉的一生有禅意:蝉的一蜕有羽翼(春),蝉的一鸣有爱意(夏),蝉的一死有心意(秋),蝉的一藏有深意(冬)。秋蝉完成生命交接的使命,雄蝉退出身体而结束生命,雌蝉把受精卵藏入树皮内,也随之而去(受精卵会发育后随树皮的剥落掉落埋进泥土,在黑暗中历经多年多次蜕变生长,待有一天羽化成蝉)。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>所以诗人说,大树"梦见蝉退出最后的身体,结束诗人生涯,把歌声藏进木质的深处"。多么深透的领悟与哀痛!"歌声"是蝉鸣,是爱语,是爱的结晶,也是"我们"的"恋曲","我们的爱恋"已到深秋,诗样美妙的爱情即将结束,只能把曾经的"爱的诗篇"埋藏心底深处。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>语言在此时多余而苍白无力!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">11)"时光的脱臼的关节,发出失群的孤雁的哀唳"</b></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>两个彼此相连又相关的新奇出人意料的意象,渲染了多么悲怆的形声色态啊!人的关节脱臼的响声是凄楚的疼痛的,而"时光关节脱臼的响声"是什么样的呢?是如"失群的孤雁的哀唳",这样的类比和想象如此神似形象和凄美,令人无法释怀!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>前有天地,此有时空。蝉鸣如丧,天地同悲,时间哀唳。念4D的整个宇宙之悠悠,与我心有戚戚焉!宏大格局,浩瀚视野,心为宇宙,无边无际!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">12)"再往前,记忆是唯一的财富"</b></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>因为"时光脱臼"了,因而停止前行了,所以"只有过去"了,所以"记忆是唯一的财富"。没有了未来,怎不让人痛彻心扉?希望是半个生命,如何"活下去"?绝望之情何等深邃?</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">13)"午夜过后,人也在做梦,梦见垂头垂脑的天使,宣告,神和万物一同老去"。</b></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>承接之前的天使做的圣诞老人的梦,大树做的婚礼的梦,自然到了"人也在做梦"。梦见什么呢?"梦见垂头垂脑的天使, </h3><h3>宣告,神和万物一同老去"。承接与呼应前面的天使和天神,"垂头垂脑",即是"萧萧落木"的无精打采的样子。在万物之上的,自有永有的造物主的神,竟然"和万物一同老去",世界末日之景象啊。。。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">14)"我们的爱也要经受考验,</b></h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">能否帮我们坚持到另一个春天"。</b></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>看似一种一丝的希望,实则是一种切切的期望交织浸透着一种深深的绝望。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">15)“做梦吧,哭吧,点上蜡烛哀悼吧,</b></h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">成长已经废止,田野已经腾空”</b></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>承接前面天使、大树与人的绝望的梦境,该段续言:做梦吧,哭吧,哀悼吧。没有了希望,所以"成长已经废止",爱也"停滞"了。"田野已经腾空",寓意失去爱的心田被掏空了。如死一般,哀伤之至的心绪啊!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">16)"新来的神被钉上十字架,流遍天空的血,神的遗言。眼看海水没顶,花园的门纷纷关闭" </b></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>因为现在的"神已经和万物一同死去"了,可"新来的神被钉上十字架"。把"十字架神像"的意象用于"新来的神"上,表现对未来的绝望,双重的绝望,死一样的绝望!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>"满天空的血",何等恐怖与凄惨!只能想象,实不敢想象!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>"眼看海水没顶,门全关闭了"。"眼看"与首段的"接近尾声"呼应,眼睁睁看着爱在"接近尾声",却无能为力,更增加了凄楚无耐与哀痛!天空的血、没顶的海和关闭的园,三个看似跳跃,而有同样决绝的意象,综合加深加固了秋歌的悲情,绝望至极了!被彻底淹没了,全无出路了,无法呼吸了!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>越读越体会越觉得这首《秋歌》经典+绝美!古今中外秋歌无数,如此篇境界之辽远,情怀之深广者,绝无仅有,蔚为绝唱!</h3> <h3>研究了蝉的生命周期的"结果":)</h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);"><br /></b></h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">《蝉歌》</b></h3><h3>李莉</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>(科技版)</h3><h3>蝉蜕约1小时</h3><h3>蝉鸣只60天</h3><h3>蝉死仅1秒钟</h3><h3>蝉藏却N多年</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>(朦胧版)</h3><h3>蝉蜕一时</h3><h3>蝉鸣一季</h3><h3>蝉死一瞬</h3><h3>蝉藏一世</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>春天羽化成春蝉</h3><h3>夏日欢歌夏蝉鸣</h3><h3>秋蝉静死秋叶里</h3><h3>新蝉孕育冬土中</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>根干枝叶皮与心</h3><h3>蝉的四季树陪伴</h3><h3>蝉机蝉机皆有时</h3><h3>禅机禅机妙不言</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>蝉的一生多黑暗</h3><h3>蝉的光明何其短</h3><h3>尽情高唱只为爱</h3><h3>为爱赴死何所惧</h3> <h1><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">《老乔捉蝉》</b></h1><h3>李莉</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>老乔爬树去捉蝉</h3><h3>一脚踩空身歪斜</h3><h3>稀里哗啦掉下来</h3><h3>手中蝉儿安无恙</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>手把手儿给女孩</h3><h3>微笑挂满脸和眼</h3><h3>叮了咣啷心儿跳</h3><h3>幸福洋溢少年心</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>问题:请问老乔是谁?</h3> <h3>Autumn Song
By Xidu
Translated by Christopher Tai
Boundless Falling Wood
-Du Fu
With the falling of the wood overnight, the tour of the sun is coming to an end.
There is a secret from space which is circulating among the planet,
God's hair is thinning, God's mind is emptying,
and an Angel is hungry on earth,
She was carried into the rocking chair deep in the sky by two swallows
Then falling into a dazed, continuous dreamscape.
Dreaming of Santa Claus, under the moonlight, mending the hole on the stocking;
Dreaming of other Gods' tireless games, which is also the game played by you and I.
The tree is also dreaming. He stands there and dreams of the cousin who got lost in his early years.
He dreams that she would again wear the white dress from when she was a young girl.
She was at a wedding in a pool of ice water, all guests were fat penguins.
Dreaming of cicada escaping from the final body, ending the career as a poet,
And hiding the sound of the song in the depths of the wood.
When midnight has passed, people can also dream, dreaming of angels with her head down.
She declares that God and all things have gotten old together.
The dislocated joints of time,
Sounds the mourning of a lonely geese of the lost group.
Moving forward, memory has becoming the only wealth.
Our love will need to be tested,
Can it help us persist to yet another spring?
Dream, cry, light up a candle and grief in sadness,
Growth has been abolished, field has been vacated,
The new God is crucified, his blood flows through the sky, and its Gods final words.
Seeing that the sea is drowning everything, the gates to the gardens are shut one by one.
</h3><h3><br></h3> Autumn Song" -- A far-reaching Realm with profound Feelings
Appreciating "Autumn Song" (Xi Du)
by Lily Li
Translated by Christopher Tai
The imagination and imagery of the "Autumn Song" poem are a combination of peculiarity, intelligence, vividness, boldness, strength and myth. Instead of using the brain, it made use of the heart and super feeling plus external divine power, it is not unconstrained, but "neither here nor there” In fact, the words and sentences within have inherently unique and close connections and correlate with each other.
The whole poem reveals an infinitely hopelessness, sadness and despair. The poet's mood at the time was with so much sorrow and sadness. A deep and even desperate feeling spreads throughout the whole poem, chilling the heart and erode the bones. There are many imagery that show the different shocking effects, through the unusually different reactions! Lets appreciate it paragraph by paragraph below.
Boundless Falling Wood
-Du Fu
The use of Du Fu's “Boundless Wood” as the Forward lay the foundation for the tragic tone of the entire poem!
Verse One
With the falling of the wood overnight, the tour of the sun is coming to an end.
There is a secret from space which is circulating among the planet,
God's hair is thinning, God's mind is emptying, and an Angel is hungry on earth,
She was carried into the rocking chair deep in the sky by two swallows
Then falling into a dazed, continuous dreamscape.
Dreaming of Santa Claus, under the moonlight, mending the hole on the stocking;
Dreaming of other Gods' tireless games, which is also the game played by you and I.
In the first sentence, the reader is instantly drawn into a deep sorrow like the gloomy forest with fallen wood, with “the tour of the sun is coming to an end ", surprisingly and reasonably imagined!” What kind of secret is there among the planet?" the answer is seen below.
They whisper to each other, and its awful. "Gods hair is thinning and his mind is emptying." Isnt it because of the depression? Yes, don't you know? "Angels are hungry on earth," because there are no fruits in the trees. The image of anthropomorphic Angels, Stars and Gods is a bold and unique innovation with humorous image.
With only three sentences so far, with the imagination of the sun, planets, Gods and Angels, the poet's unique and broad innovation together with his high-level deep thinking is showcased. The artistic conception of poem is a great grief, it is sorrowful, painful yet so beautiful!
The starving angel "is carried by two swallows into the rocking chair in the depths of the sky." How smart, how clever, how appropriate! "Rocking chair" paved the way for the introduction of "Santa Claus" below. The angel who fell into a dazed, continuous dreamscape dreamed of Santa Claus "mending socks." The poet used the gift-giving stocking of Santa Claus as a symbol, describing the scene "under the moonlight," so delicately accurate. Deep in the space, Santa Claus sitting in a rocking chair and wearing reading glasses. Under the moonlight, the picture of Santa sewing in dense stitches to mend the stocking jumps right out in front of us, so funny and vivid! Although surprising yet in line with "Logic and Legend", it is "the legend above the legend." Its the stroke of a genius! "The hole on the stocking" symbolizes the "hole in the love for you and I" below.
The angel also dreamed of other Gods playing a tireless game. This is also an anthropomorphic way to emphasize "tirelessness", implying a kind of game that makes people happy, a game which people love, and play tirelessly, transitioning and implicating "our game" below. Isnt it true that the more enjoyable, untiring and more fun of the games, the more reluctant you are willing to let it end?
From the sun and the planet in space, to the "God" in the sky, then to the "Angel", through "Santa Claus", and to "You and I" on the ground, all in one single sentence, it completed a journey "from heaven to earth", landing and finally revealing "The game of love between us". Love makes people tireless, but if it is a game, how can it last for a long time? How can we not hurt each other? <h3>Verse Two
The tree is also dreaming. He stands there and dreams of the cousin who got lost in his early years.</h3><h3>
He dreams that she would again wear the white dress from when she was a young girl.
She was at a wedding in a pool of ice water, all guests were fat penguins.
Dreaming of cicada escaping from the final body, ending the career as a poet,
And hiding the sound of the song in the depths of the wood.</h3><h3>
From the beginning of the "Falling wood" situation, to the dreamscape of "dreaming about Santa Claus" afterwards, the poem naturally extends to "the big tree is also dreaming", of course, the tree is standing, the fact is, the authors true intension is to suggest that the tree is passively standing and will not move by itself through the use of this extra sentence. Implying "love is a game", or the reason "love" has becoming a "game", is not caused by itself "moving", but caused by a helpless and powerlessly "forced move".
So what did the helpless tree of grief dream of? In this case, he is "dreaming of the cousin of his childhood." He dreamed that she wore a white dress from when she was a young girl. Which captures the color, shape and picture that can't be erased by “my” heart. It symbolizes the purity of love, the beauty of love, the form of love and the memory of love.
Supposedly, a wedding should be romantic and beautiful, however, when it is written by the poet in a dream, written in the pool of ice water, who would be willing to jump into the pool of ice water to accompany him? Naturally, the arctic penguin of the most frozen place on earth would be the best choice. The beautiful dream of a wedding stands out against the charming naivety of the swaying penguins. The contrasting image of ice water against the desire of the wedding, making the sadness deepening, chilling the bone, the unspeakable pain is hidden in the poem, making the hurting unbearable , it cuts deep into the bottom of the heart.
“Dreaming of cicada escaping from the final body, ending the career as a poet, and hiding the sound of the song in the depths of the wood.” This section is written so wonderfully! Cicada is a peculiar insect, a cicada in the spring sprouts wings, and the cicada in autumn dies for love. The life of cicada has the spirit of Zen: breaking out of the cocoon with wings (in spring), calling out in songs for love (in summer), dying with no regret which is full of heart (in autumn), and hiding back in cocoon with deep hope (in winter). The male cicada completes the mission of life handover, and he comes out of his body and ends his own life. The female cicada hides the fertilized eggs in the tree bark and follows the male to death. (The fertilized egg will grow and then fall into the soil with the peeling of the bark, and it will grow and evolve in the dark for many years, and quietly waiting for the day when it will break out of the cocoon and grew wings, becoming a cicada.)
So the poet said, the big tree “dreams of a cicada escaping from the final body, ending the career as a poet, and hiding the sound of the song in the depths of the wood.” What a profound awakening and sorrow! "Sound of the Song" is the chirping of cicada, it is a language of love, a crystallization of love, and it is “our” "love song". "Our love" has reached the late autumn, and the poetic love is coming to an end. We can only conceal the "Poetry of Love" deep in our hearts.
Any language here would be deemed unnecessary and powerless!<br></h3> <h3>Verse Three
When midnight has passed, people can also dream, dreaming of angels with her head down.
She declares that God and all things have gotten old together.
The dislocated joints of time,
Sounds the mourning of a lonely geese of the lost group.
Moving forward, memory has becoming the only wealth.
Our love will need to be tested,
Can it help us persist to yet another spring?
From the aforementioned Angels dream about Santa Claus, to the big trees dream of the wedding, naturally, "people can also dream." What do people dream about? “Dreaming of angels with her head down, declaring that God and all things have gotten old together." Undertaking and echoing the Angel and God mentioned before, “with head down “is the look of "falling wood ". Above all things, God, the eternal creator, unexpectedly “gotten old together with all things", signifying the scene of the end of the world. . .
The following two sentences are two strange and unexpected images which are connected and related to each other, and how sorrowful the shape and sound are rendered! The sound of human joint dislocation is painfully sorrow, and what is the sound of "dislocated joints of time "? It is like "the mourning of the lonely geese of the lost group". Such an analogy and imagination are so vividly life-like and beautiful, which is hard to get over!
Heaven and earth is before us, this is the time and the place. The sad chirping of cicada, is the sorrow of the heavens and the earth, and the mourning of time. The whole universe and time that I see as 4-Dimension is echoing with my heart full of sorrow! The grand scheme of the poem, with its vast and immense vision, stretches the heart to be limitless, it is as big as the universe!
Because "time is dislocated," it stopped moving forward, so "there is only the past", therefore "memory is the only wealth." Without the future, how can it not be painful? Hope is half the life, how do we "live on"? The feeling of desperation is emphasized so deeply.</h3><h3>
“Can it help us persist to yet another spring?”, Seemingly there is hope of some kind, in actuality, it is an expectation intertwined with a deep feeling of despair.
<br></h3> <h3>Verse Four
Dream, cry, light up a candle and grief in sadness,
Growth has been abolished, field has been vacated,
The new God is crucified, his blood flows through the sky, and its Gods final words.
Seeing that the sea is drowning everything, the gates to the gardens are shut one by one.
Connecting the aforementioned dreams of desperation of Angels, trees and people, this paragraph continues the “Dream, cry, and grief”. There is no hope, so "growth has been abolished" and love becomes "stagnant". "Field has been vacated", meaning that the heart of lost love is hollow out, and the mood of extreme sorrow is as dreadful as death!
Because the current "God has died with all things," yet "the new God is crucified." The image of the "Cross of the crucifixion" is used on the "new God" to express a deep despair for the future, its a desperation in two folds, its the despair of death!
“Blood flows through the sky ", how terrible and miserable! I can only imagine, yet I dare not to imagine it!
“Seeing that the sea is drowning everything, the gates are shut one by one.”
"Seeing" echoes the “coming to an end" of the first paragraph, witnessing that the love “coming to an end", but there is nothing we can do, which increased the desolation; hopelessness and sorrow! The blood of the sky, the over flooding of the sea, and the closed gates of the gardens, the three seemingly random items, yet with the same desperate imagery, collectively deepened and reinforced the sadness and the desperation of the autumn song! You are completely submerges by it, there is no way out, and it is almost impossible to breathe!
The more you read, the more you feel that this "Autumn Song" is a classic and its splendidly beautiful! There are countless autumn songs written in ancient and modern times in the world, yet none so far-reaching into the realm with such profound feelings, There is no other, making it a swansong!<br></h3> <h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">西渡简介</b>:诗人、诗歌评论家。1967年生于浙江省浦江县。1985-1989年就读于北京大学中文系。清华大学文学博士。毕业后长期从事编辑工作。中国计划出版社编审。北京大学中国新诗研究所研究员。初岸文学联合发起人。大学期间开始写诗,1996年以后兼事诗歌批评。著有诗集《雪景中的柏拉图》(1998)、《草之家》(2002)、《连心锁》(2005),诗论集《守望与倾听》(2000)、《灵魂的未来》(2009)。2008年法国菲德罗普出版社翻译出版了其诗选集《风或芦苇之歌》。其他编著作品有《太阳日记》、《北大诗选》(与臧棣合编)、《戈麦诗全编》、《先锋诗歌档案》、《访问中国诗歌》、《现代语文》(初中读本)(与王尚文先生合作主编)、《经典阅读书系•名家课堂》等。曾获刘丽安诗歌奖、《诗林》"90年代诗歌特别贡献奖"等。</h3> <h3><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">李莉简介</b>:毕业于北京大学计算机软件专业。1999年从北京移民加拿大。现在多伦多某银行任高级架构师,从事大数据相关的软件开发。业余时间读诗,评诗,写诗,论诗,诵诗,不亦乐乎!诗文散见公司与学校出版物及网络平台。曾创立Family,Friend and Fun 3F俱乐部,组织各种室内外文化文体活动十余年。曾在微网组织策划大型全球华人网络互动春晚。数与字皆喜,文与理兼修,崇尚和追求自然、自由、自信、自主、自在,自强的“六自”理念。</h3> <h3><font color="#1564fa"><b>彧蛇简介</b></font>:本名戴岩,笔名蛇影。自小移民海外的华裔资深电脑分析师。喜爱诗歌,加拿大华人原创诗歌朗诵会舞台总监。 《诗情太平洋》总社长,《彧蛇诗歌情》主编。作品被收录《中国当代千人诗歌》,《关雎爱情诗》,《当代诗典》,《中国风》等多种著名文学刊物。 编辑和出版国内首部接龙诗集《留住春天》。</h3>