屋里屋外一起嗨We are happy inside and outside of the house.


<h3>我的地盘我做主,想我所想,玩我所爱</h3><h3>I am the director at my place. I can play any game, whatever I love, whatever I am thinking.</h3> <h3>我的作品美吧</h3> <h3>体验应选游戏的乐趣</h3> <h3>我们拼好啦!棒棒哒!</h3> <h3>加油,我马上拼完</h3> <h3>我在娃娃家看到爸爸妈妈啦!好开心!我们的👑王冠漂亮吗?</h3> <h3>摇啊摇,摇啊摇,摇到外婆桥,外婆夸我是好宝宝……</h3> <h3>小滑梯的乐趣</h3> <h3>哥哥姐姐的荡桥,再大些我们也能像哥哥姐姐一样棒!</h3> <h3>包包自己剝小小鹌鹑蛋的皮,给个大拇指!</h3> <h3>彩虹跑道,好舒服</h3> <h3>做操啦</h3> <h3>吼吼哈黑,我是大英雄……</h3> <h3>我们的小小值日生,棒棒哒!</h3> <h3>一群萌宝来袭……</h3> <h3>又一群萌宝来袭……</h3> <h3>Children love play games. We are learning while playing.We develop our mind by playing, sharing our belongings. It is so good to make new friends. </h3>