<h3>生活就像一台钢琴 ,你敲打的什么声音 ,决定你自己的选择。</h3><h3>Life is like a piano, what sound you beat, and decide your own choice.</h3> <h3>强者的世界里没有忧伤,只有汗水,弱者的世界里只有悲哀,只有泪水。</h3><h3>Strong world without sadness, only sweat, the weak world only sad, only tears.</h3> <h3>当黎明破晓,黑暗便远离。</h3><h3>When the day is bright, dark will be away</h3> <h3>千载难得一见情景,就在那一瞬间的出现。 </h3><h3>Rare in the millennium is the moment the sun has just appeared</h3> <h3>当你们看到整个太阳的时候,已经太耀眼夺目了。</h3><h3>But you see the whole sun, it is too dazzling.</h3> <h3>当滚烫的太阳从东方燃起,世界之窗都被染上了色彩</h3><h3>But the hot sun from the East ignited, the of the world have been infected with color</h3> <h3>玻璃还遗留着昨日的痕迹,阳光已经破窗而入,温暖了行人。</h3><h3>Glass also left the traces of yesterday, the sun has broken into the , warm pedestrians.</h3> <h3>所以我们都喜欢日出的美妙,是因为它瞬间让世界变暖</h3><h3>So we all like the sunrise wonderful, because it instantly let the world warm</h3> <h3>让我们永远的珍藏着美好的时光</h3><h3>Let us always treasure a good time</h3> <h3> <span style="line-height: 1.5;">让我们一起沉醉在音乐里的阳光 </span></h3><h3>Let us indulge in the music in the sun</h3> <h3>让我们的生命奏出和谐的音符</h3><h3>Let our life play a harmonious note</h3> <h3>让我们一起飞翔诗和远方的世界</h3><h3>Let us fly the poem and the distant world together</h3> <h3>但时光停留在海岸线的时候,我的心已飞回了美丽的故乡....</h3><h3>But the time to stay in the coastline, my heart has been flying back to the beautiful hometown ....</h3> <h3>太阳每天都升起降落是没什么奇怪,当你在路途无聊的时候和风景一起看,更让人喜出望外!</h3> <h3>黎明即起 与日同升 举国共庆 飞向辉煌</h3>