祥和的云【原创】Auspicious clouds of peace【Original】


<h3><br /></h3><h3>9月6日早上,雾天灰蒙蒙,10.50分的飞机,从上海浦东飞往马德里,坐在窗口,期待能拍到美好的照片,看着天气是乎没什么希望。</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>September 6 morning, day mist gray, 10.50 points of the plane, from Shanghai Pudong to Madrid, sitting in the , looking forward to take a beautiful photo, watching the weather i</h3> <h3>飞机一飞到上空,顿时明亮了,蓝蓝的天空,白白的云,心情豁然开朗,云是那么可爱,像一只白喜鹊叫着.</h3><h3>A plane flew over, suddenly bright, blue sky, white clouds, feeling suddenly, the clouds are so cute, like a white magpie cried.</h3> <h3><br /></h3><h3>此时被一个声音打破了沉静,好浪漫的求爱,原来是一对恋人在见证他们的爱情,真是天上人间。</h3><h3>At this time was a voice to break the quiet, good romantic courtship, the original is a pair of lovers in the witness to their love, really heaven and earth.</h3> <h3><br /></h3><h3>我拿着相机瞬速对准,还没来的及调光就拍下来,那欢乐的气氛,让自己沾点喜气。</h3><h3>I took the camera instantaneous alignment, not to come and dimmer to shoot down, that happy atmosphere, <span style="line-height: 1.5;">Let yourself get some festivity</span></h3> <h3><br /></h3><h3>睡了一会儿,就快到西班牙了,感觉时间过得特快,在飞机降落时,拍了几张。</h3><h3>Sleep for a while, it is approaching Spain, and feel the time flies, in the plane landed, took a few.</h3> <h3>西班牙这块热土,像他们的国旗黄和红,象征着西班牙人的热情奔放。</h3><h3>Spain this piece of land, like their flag yellow and red, a symbol of the spirits of the Spaniards.</h3> <h3>西班牙是君主立宪制国家,健康,现代,民主的发展趋向。属于世界先进的工业生产国家。</h3><h3>Spain is a constitutional monarchy, healthy, modern and democratic development trend. Belonging to the world's most advanced industrial production countries.</h3> <h3><br /></h3><h3>教育12年免费制,学校每周3个小时的体育课,不像中国学生16岁头长发白了,像个小老头,爬黄山还不如我。</h3><h3>Education 12 years free system, the school 3 hours a week of physical education, unlike the Chinese students 16 years old head white, like a small old man, climbing Huangshan not as good as me.</h3> <h3><br /></h3><h3>西班牙很美,是文艺复兴时期最强大的国家。10月又要去巴塞罗那喝喜酒了!</h3><h3>Spain is beautiful, is the Renaissance the most powerful country. Do not go to Barcelona in October!</h3> <h3>人逢喜事精神爽,看云像看见仙女下凡了!天上的云是那样的祥和和自由!</h3><h3>People every happy event cool, see the clouds like to see the fairies down the mortal! The sky is so peaceful and free!</h3>