Speech and Debate Tutoring


<h3>Our fantastic coach team</h3> <h3>Inspire! Connect! Support! Speech and Debate Tutoring Group founded in January 2017.</h3> <h3>Our instructors gathered before the seminar </h3> <h3>Introducing the tutoring group to public</h3> <h3>Introduction of Extemp Speech </h3> <h3>Introduction of Congressional Debate</h3> <h3>Introduction of Parliamentary Debate</h3> <h3>Introduction of Public Forum Debate</h3> <h3>Introduction of Lincoln Douglas and Policy Debate </h3> <h3>Our first tutoring class--Congressional Debate</h3> <h3>Parliamentary Debate Class</h3> <h3>Speech Class</h3> <h3>Public Forum Debate Class</h3> <h3>Lincoln Douglas Debate and Policy Debate Class</h3> <h3>Summer workshop </h3>