对不起!今天虹口向全国人民道歉!I'm sorry, today Hongkou is apologizing


<h3>对不起,</h3><div>今天虹口向全国人民道歉。</div><div>不管你是否喜欢这里,</div><div>你每一次的到来和离开,</div><div>都是属于你和虹口的记忆。</div><div>今天 ,来听听虹口对你们的歉意。</div><div>I am sorry to apologize to the national people today. Whether you like it or not, every time you come and leave is the memory of you and the Hongkou.Let's hear the Hongkou apology for you today.</div> <h3>是我们宣传得不够多</h3><div>以至于几乎所有没来过虹口的人</div><div>都以为虹口只有鲁迅公园、北外滩、鲁迅纪念馆、四大会址、龙之梦。</div><div>以至于你们在假日中忍受人山人海的折磨,</div><div>却不知道虹口还有很多地方值得去</div><div>其实虹口不只有这些。</div><div>We do not have enough publicity so that almost all of the people who have not come to Hongkou think very well, only Lu Xun park, Lu Xun memorial hall , Capitalland. So that you suffer a lot of people in the holidays, but you do not know that there are many places to go. In fact, there are more than that.</div> <h3>【一】休闲好去处</h3> <h3>在虹口区,有一种休闲,叫花境花园。吃完饭来这里体会“曲径通幽”。花朵朝你微笑,树木向你颔首。</h3><h3>In Hongkou District, there is a kind of leisure, called the garden of flowers.After the meal, I come here to experience the “The winding path leads to a secluded quiet place”. Flowers smile at you, and the trees bow to you.</h3> <h3>在虹口,有一种景色,叫做万树繁花,就在8号线虹口足球场站一号口。</h3><h3>In Hongkou, there is a landscape called Thousands of trees and flowers which is on line 8, the Hongkou football field station 1.</h3> <h3>【二】美食林</h3> <h3>位于四川北路上的虹口糕团厂,定胜糕、年糕团,等你带他们回家。包你吃了还想来!</h3><h3>At the Hongkou factory in Sichuan north road, DingSheng cake, Rice cake regiment, you will take them home.You eat, and you want to come.</h3> <h3>喜欢粤菜的朋友们注意啦,虹口区的海丰港千万不要错过。萝卜糕,海鲜面,烧鹅,好吃到停不下来。The friends who like Cantonese food pay attention, do not miss Haifenggang in Hongkou District.The carrot cake, the seafood noodle, Roast goose. It is so delicious that it can't stop.</h3> <h3>在虹口区,有一种日式美食,叫做平成屋。In the Hongkou Disteict, there is a Japanese food called Pingchengwu.</h3><h3>还记得前段时间超火的电视剧《我的前半生》吗?知道那里的取景地之一,就是位于虹口区四川北路上的这家平成屋日式料理。这下它可要大火一把啦。</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>什么?我居然看到了百果园,还有奶茶店一點點?没错,现在你来到的地方就是甘河路上的美食一条街。<br></h3><h3>在虹口,有一群美食,叫甘河路美食一条街。</h3><div>There are a group of delicious food in Hongkou, on Ganhe Road Food Street.</div><div>百果园的水果清甜可口,还有网红奶茶店一點點,五芳斋回味餐厅,带你走进记忆中的老上海美食。</div> <h3>【三】菁菁校园,快乐海宝</h3> <h3>在静静的广中路小巷里,有一群快乐小海宝叫鲁中学子。多才多艺的他们,为学校带来欢声笑语。</h3><h3>Versatile people bring laughter and laughter to the campus.</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>课本剧,舞蹈,唱歌,孩子们多才多艺,用他们的创意为校园添上点滴欢乐。</h3><h3>Singing, dancing, textbook plays…The children are versatile, and use their creativity to add a bit of joy to the school.</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>【四】But…</h3> <h3>What a mess!</h3><h3>共享单车任意摆放,影响行人走道。前一阵子还亲眼目睹有小黄车倒挂在树上。</h3><h3>衷心希望,市民素质提高后,梦想中最美的虹口会来到!</h3><h3>Sharing bicycles randomly affects pedestrian walkways.We sincerely hope that the quality of the public will be improved and the most beautiful Hongkou District of dreams will come.</h3> <h3>鸣谢:朋友圈内分享,讯飞随身译。</h3><h3>By海宝嘟嘟</h3>