Gao Global Education Ltd Day5/Day6 科学博物馆 /牛津街购物


<h3>William在解释如何拍电影</h3> <h3>晨练</h3> <h3>科学博物馆</h3><h3>李祎杭 Today is Monday, we went to class in the morning, this lesson is about Harry Potter, we discussed Harry the author of Potter J.K.Rowing, the teacher looked at some of Harry Potter's plot to us, and let us answer some questions, after class, we solved the lunch, afternoon we went to the Museum of natural history, there are many natural science exhibits in the museum, there are a lot of insect specimens, while we play as he walked quickly in the afternoon, we went back home, the dinner is delicious Roast Chicken,we had a good day。</h3> <h3>这个很酷!我来张合影!</h3> <h3>还有我哦😯</h3> <h3>科学管理的东西好多啊!目不暇接、:)</h3> <h3>牛津街真美!</h3> <h3>英国🇬🇧最大的玩具店!</h3> <h3>我们都喜欢❤️玩具店!</h3> <h3>高老师一共烘烤了三只鸡,我们都好爱吃!烧土豆,胡萝卜,白萝卜白薯,色泽鲜艳,我们几个大个都吃了第二盘😄</h3><h3>张润哲 Today is Monday, we went to class in the morning, this lesson is about Harry Potter, we discussed Harry the author of Potter J.K.Rowing, the teacher looked at some of Harry Potter's plot to us, and let us answer some questions, after class, we solved the lunch, afternoon we went to the Museum of natural history, there are many natural science exhibits in the museum, there are a lot of insect specimens, while we play as he walked quickly in the afternoon, we went back home, the dinner is delicious Roast Chicken,we had a good day。 Today,we had a class as usual,which is about Harry Potter .In the afternoon,we went Natural Science Museum and saw many things and also got my friends some gifts.That's great!We have chicken as dinner. It's fantastic!</h3> <h3>王同学的评论!</h3> <h3>高老师家门口常常有这样的冰激凌车路过,我们好开心哦!这里的冰激凌好好吃😋</h3> <h3><br /></h3><h3>刘英哲 科学馆Today,we had a class as usual,which is about Harry Potter .In the afternoon,we went Natural Science Museum and saw many things and also got my friends some gifts.That's great!We have chicken as dinner. It's fantastic! </h3><h3>We bought some ice-cream in one ice-cream car. Today it was very happy.</h3> <h3>姜老师也忍耐😣不住了😊</h3> <h3>Olivia吃的冰激淋把她的舌头染尘蓝色了!</h3> <h3>玩玩Hugh 的礼物……</h3> <h3>Today we go to the Toy City ,I bought a Quite a lot stuff. .And It cost £65 王锦洋</h3> <h3>  刘佳禛。今天我们去玩具城买东西。进去一看好大的玩具城的呀!他一共有六层。我买了糖和玩具之类等的东西。这就是我的快乐的一天。<br /></h3> <h3>张润哲 We had a class about food today,which made me hungry.We learnt many new words like aubergine .At the end of the class,we made our own menu,I had think about a lot of discounts!In the afternoon,we went to a enormous toy store.I bought some darks and a boomerang .We played them in the afternoon,when we got home.They are fantastic!</h3> <h3>刘英哲。 &nbsp;</h3><h3>Today,we had a class as usual,which is about Harry Potter .In the afternoon,we went Natural Science Museum and saw many things and also got my friends some gifts.That's great!We have chicken as dinner. It's fantastic! &nbsp;</h3><h3>李祎杭Today morning.I had class. This is about Herry Potter.I knew something about this film.It was interesting.</h3><h3>In the afternoon.We went to the science museum by train and underground.I saw a lot of scenery along the way.In the museum I saw lot of machine.Such us car,rocket,engine.I was learned a lot in </h3><h3>the museum.When we come back to home,</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>彭浩 &nbsp;</h3><h3>Today is Monday, and we begin our lesson again. In class we learned about Harry Porter. In the afternoon, we went to the Museum of natural history. There are a lot of strange things, and there are lots of specimens. A lot of things we don't understand. After reading the above explanation, I learned a lot of knowledge. 牛津街Today,we had a class as usual,which is about Harry Potter .In the afternoon,we went Natural Science Museum and saw many things and also got my friends some gifts.That's great!We have chicken as dinner. It's fantastic! 科学博物馆 We had a class about food today,which made me hungry.We learnt many new words like aubergine .At the end of the class,we made our own menu,I had think about a lot of discounts!In the afternoon,we went to a enormous toy store.I bought some darks and a boomerang .We played them in the afternoon,when we got home.They are fantastic!<br /></h3>