<h3>小朋友们越来越合作!小手拿草莓,太美了</h3> <h3>美好的一天从营养的早餐开始</h3><h3>!</h3> <h3>英国🇬🇧的教育方式,课堂上老师的教学,和师生之间的互动与中国的区别到底是什么?英国的公民有礼貌吗?英国的建筑和人文化....同学们畅所欲言!</h3> <h3>我们做辩论,邻居家的小猫也来凑热闹。</h3> <h3>已经到了目的地,同学们,考考你们的识标能力^(^ ^)</h3> <h3>和警察叔叔照一张,她显出很乐意的样子(*^o^*)</h3> <h3>这张椅子好好看,如果在长些,我们就都可以坐下了😄</h3> <h3>这棵树有几百年历史!</h3> <h3>看看我们的午饭吃什么!好好吃哦...蔬菜沙拉🥗</h3> <h3>Piazza </h3> <h3>还有炒米饭!</h3> <h3>皇家格林尼治天文台</h3> <h3>到了天文台,照照片的人真多,速度必须快!</h3> <h3>看看我们站在本初子午线上!</h3> <h3>来张集体照!</h3> <h3>小刘同学看的真仔细....</h3> <h3>我用1便士印了个天文台的图!</h3> <h3>我也做了一个,好棒</h3> <h3>晚餐是营养配餐,我们都又回去吃了第二盘!:)鸡块,薯条,西兰花,和胡萝卜,还吃了冰激凌(香草味和巧克力味的)...小编我只顾发冰激凌..忘了照相了。:)</h3> <h3>今天我们去天文台看航海用具和钟表展品。我们在商店里买了怀表等等之类的各种东西。 刘佳祯</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>This morning we had cereal and bread, and then we went to the observatory to see the sea ware and clocks and watches. I bought all kinds of things in the shop.</h3><h3>姜悦然</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>李祎航</h3><h3>Today,In the morning we have a debate.It was about England education, build and people.All members express one's thoughts.It was very fierce.</h3><h3> In the afternoon we went to the Greenwich observatory.We arrived a ground first and took lot of beautiful pictures of London.Then we went to</h3><h3>The prime meridian.This is a line separating the eastern hemisphere.</h3><h3>We across this line and took pictures.</h3><h3> After that we successively visited Hall of Clocks and Watches.In this place we saw some chronometers used by astronomers.Then we went to Astronomical telescope Hall. We saw some</h3><h3>Telescope.</h3><h3> Today,I learned a lot knowledge in the </h3><h3>observatory It was very interesting and good for me geography.It was a nice day.</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>补日记 I and my friends woke up at 6:00 ,play games for half of an hour ,dressed ourselves and then go downstairs for breakfast.After the breakfast,we went to the school and have a lesson about the Great British and the United Kingdom which I fond it interesting. In the afternoon,we met madam Margret,the ambassadress and she told us some history of the Great British and somethings about afternoon tea.Then we performed our programs and give her our gifts.At last,we have an afternoon tea which is brilliant.刘英哲</h3> <h3>小编我也来一张自拍:)天气太棒了👏🌟👏💢心情也棒棒的!</h3>