<h3>阳光明媚,斜射在摆在餐桌上的鲜花,心情棒棒滴!</h3> <h3>Mark在教大家吃麦片的步骤😊</h3> <h3>小刘同学给大家介绍大英博物馆,中英文对照,这可是真功夫!</h3> <h3>英国🇬🇧大英博物馆</h3> <h3>终于到了,我们都太兴奋了!</h3> <h3>为了让每个人更了解它,截两张图供大家学习参考!^_^(^o^)</h3> <h3>一定仔细看哦!</h3> <h3>锻炼同学们的识图能力,还真的不错呢!赞一个!</h3> <h3>要看的东西太多也了啦!还是来个小小册,供大家观赏。</h3> <h3>小姜的思绪已经随着时光的隧道回到了新亚述时期!</h3> <h3>我们刘英哲同学在参观的过程中被墙上精美绝伦的壁画吸引住了,忍不住停下驻足观望和拍照[Smile]</h3> <h3>在参观过程中,每个人都陶醉在艺术和历史的气息中,感受到了艺术的精妙与历史的沧桑,十分专心[Smile]</h3> <h3>看看童鞋们今天的日记,一定有很多东西可以写!</h3><h3>李祎行</h3><h3>Today,I went to school to have class.I learned some things about England underground and some famous place s in London.It was very interesting.</h3><h3>In the afternoon.I went to the British museum.We visited the Greece and Athens venue.In this place.We saw some sculpture of people and history, and we know some history about Greece and Athens.After that.We visited the Egypt venue.In this venue.We saw mummies.And we know make mummy step</h3><h3>Today is very useful and very interesting.</h3><h3>.</h3><h3>刘英哲Today we went to school as normal, and have a class about London and it's great!Then,we had some sandwiches for lunch and went to the British Museum .We mean to see the Egypt pavilion and China pavilion,but the China one was closed so we can only see the mummies which is amazing but kind of scary.At last,we went back to our home and have our dinner at 7:00.</h3><h3> </h3><h3>张润哲 </h3><h3>Today, we also had an English lesson. We learned about the British underground and the famous places in london. Then we had lunch there, After that we went to the British Museum, At first we visited the Greek Pavilion, and then visited the Museum of Egypt, and bought some souvenirs, we come back with a lot of memories, I thought today is very meaningful. </h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Peng Hao <font color="#ed2308">: </font>We had a lesson this morning. The teacher told us about the famous buildings in england. We have a lot of knowledge. In the afternoon, we went to British Museum. First, we went to the Egyptian pavilion. There are lots of cultural relics in it. There are a lot of mummies, very scary. After that we went to the Rome tube and the Greek tube. Know a lot of knowledge.</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>刘佳琪: </h3><h3>下午的时候我们一起这大巴车去大英博物馆看看木乃伊是怎么做成的。里面可真大呀!看完木乃伊后去商店买纪念品。我很高兴。</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>王锦洋 </h3><h3>Today we go to the British museum look Egptian pavilion ,We look mummy. And we go to shopping</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>宋胤翔</h3><h3>Today, we went to a British museum is grand! We went to the Egyptian first! I love the building! I saw the </h3><h3>mummies!</h3> <h3>明天继续=(^.^)=</h3>