<h3>今天是我们行程的最后一天了,我们今天今天的行程是BBQ和颁奖典礼❤</h3> <h3>超市🏪采购中🏁</h3> <h3>购买完成❤</h3> <h3>到达目的地❤风景太美了❤</h3> <h3>同学们的合影❤</h3> <h3>开始动手做串啦,姥姥在切肉📣先把肉切成丁❤</h3> <h3>大家动手串串串🏁☀</h3> <h3>当当当❤串好的成果❤</h3> <h3>生火~( ̄▽ ̄~)~</h3> <h3>马上开始📣</h3> <h3>烤肠❤</h3> <h3>香嫩的鸡翅😃</h3> <h3>最小烤串师~( ̄▽ ̄~)~</h3> <h3>烤串小组</h3> <h3>扇火😃</h3> <h3>合辑❤</h3> <h3>烤羊肉串get🏁</h3> <h3>烤鸡翅🐔get🏁</h3> <h3>水果get🏁</h3> <h3>水果沙拉🏁get🏁</h3> <h3>香喷喷😃</h3> <h3>马上要开饭啦😄</h3> <h3>开饭啦🏁🏁🏁</h3> <h3>马上就是小朋友们的最喜欢的项目喽📣</h3><h3>休闲娱乐时间,游泳,网球🎾,排球,羽毛球,⚽足球,等等~( ̄▽ ̄~)~</h3> <h3>开心的瞬间❤</h3> <h3>(❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*</h3> <h3>马上就是我们的颁奖时间啦,检验我们这半个月的学习成果的时间到啦📣</h3> <h3>第一项学术:</h3><div>5磅田芮宁,朱睿涵,白润泽,刘佳琪</div><div>3磅陈星宇,冯思雨</div><div>1磅金晶</div><div>四等奖欧阳,周,王宝悦,</div><div>伊雯,美美,张智芊</div><div>赵毓宁,赵清逸,曾昊,</div><div>江山</div><div>第二项英语日记冯思雨,曾昊,</div><div>第三项勤学苦思,赵毓宁,</div><div>第四项乐于助人奖,</div><div>王俊熙本</div><div>第五运动风范陈宣奥本</div><div>第五项才艺风范,金晶本,曾昊,美美,周,王宝悦,</div><div>第五项勇敢坚强赵清逸</div><div>第六项,最佳摄影奖,张伊雯</div><div>第七章优雅淑女奖,妞妞</div> <h3>同学们的合影❤</h3> <h3>高老师和王老师为我们颁奖❤</h3> <h3>颁奖的精彩瞬间❤</h3> <h3>小同学们,真的是棒棒的❤</h3> <h3>让我们再一次把掌声送给我们每一个同学们❤</h3> <h3>日记时间❤</h3> <h3>大使夫人的感谢信❤</h3> <h3>赵毓宁</h3><h3> Today is the next-to-last day of English study. We ate bread and milk for orange juice this morning, but today is also the last day we go home and eat our bread and milk orange juice. When we finished breakfast in the morning, we went to get ready for the barbecue, and when we went to the supermarket, we pulled back two cars, full of ingredients. When we finished, we went to a friend's house to prepare a barbecue. We baked the barbecue ourselves. 好好吃😋! After the barbecue, we went to the pool to paddle, and everyone was almost wet. We had a good time! At the end of the day, it was almost a prize! I got a hard - learning award, good accident! What a great day it is today![微笑]</h3> <h3>欧阳墨菲</h3><h3>It's Monday today. We went to BARBECUE! </h3><div>We got on the bus at nine. Then we went to the supermarket to buy the things of barbecue. I bought some food, that's chiper that the food in the scenery spots.</div><div>It was noon when we arrived at the barbecue places. It's the house of my teacher’s friend. It's very big and beautiful! There are tables and benches under a big tree. Some students sat on the benches and string the food on. And the other students(include me)would baked the food. It took a long time to finish cooking. Then we sat together and ate our results. That's really delicious!</div><div>After eating, we began to play. There is a pool with warm water in the garden of the house, so we jumped into it, swimming and playing with the water. I didn't swim for a long time. Then I found a playground and played badminton and football on it. I enjoy playing football! Thought it will make me tired.</div><div>It's a nice day, isn't it!</div> <h3>田芮宁</h3><h3>2017年8月7日 星期一 英国东格林斯特德 ☀️</h3><div>这是在英国的最后一天,为了庆祝在英国的这段美好的时光,我们在东格林斯特德的一个草坪上,举行的一场盛大的烧烤盛宴。</div><div>我们在买好了食材之后,于上午十一点左右到达了目的地。经过一番整理,我们开始制作烤串。</div><div>首先是鸡翅。我们先将鸡翅放在酱油和洋葱里腌制,再把它剪成一块一块的,最后把它穿成串。</div><div>接下来,就是烧烤必吃的羊肉串了。先由姥姥把大块的羊肉切成小块,我们再把它们穿上。</div><div>之后,我们把它们一起烧烤。经过长时间的等待,终于品尝上了全程自己制作的烧烤。</div><div>下午,我们有自己的活动时间,有人干这,有人玩那。绝大多数都去游泳了,而没带泳衣的我,去打了羽毛球。</div><div>明天就要离开,期待下次的旅行❤️</div><div>On Monday, August 7, 2017, east greenstead, England☀️</div><div>It was the last day in the UK, to celebrate this wonderful time in England, where we had a big barbecue on a lawn in east greenstead.</div><div>After we bought the ingredients, we arrived at our destination about eleven o 'clock in the morning. After some finishing, we started to make a skewer.</div><div>The first is chicken wings. We put the chicken wings in the soy sauce and the onion, and then we cut it into pieces and we put it in a bunch.</div><div>Next, it is the lamb kebab that the barbecue will eat. First, my grandmother cut chunks of mutton into small pieces and we put them on.</div><div>After that, we grill them together. After a long wait, I finally tasted the barbecue made by myself.</div><div>In the afternoon, we have our own time, some people do it, some people play it. Most of them went swimming, and I, without a bathing suit, went to play badminton.</div><div>Leave tomorrow and look forward to the next trip.❤️</div> <h3><b>今天我们的游学❤也是基本画上了圆满的句号了,在这半个月中,我们有欢笑,有成长,每个同学都收获了很多很多,感受到英国的人文文化和校园文化,对于每个孩子来说,都是非常棒的一个经历☀在这个过程中,我们有过快乐,也有过摩擦,我们是一个团体,我们一起成长📣孩子们变得越来越独立,越来越有责任感,越来越懂得理解他人,越来越愿意帮助他人,老师们也慢慢的发现每个孩子的闪光点,同时也帮助他们改掉身上的小陋习~( ̄▽ ̄~)~</b></h3><h3><b> 希望这次游学后,孩子们收获的不仅仅是学习上的收获,也能收获更多的友谊和欢乐❤</b></h3><h3><b> 同学们,see you again❤</b></h3><h3><b> 有机会我们冬令营再见❤</b><br></h3> <h3>白润泽</h3><h3>2017.8.7</h3><div>在伦敦的最后一天</div><div>上午,我们来到了一个超市,在里面买了午饭用的食材。有:蘑菇,蔬菜,水果,羊肉……种类繁多。</div><div>中午,我们到了高老师朋友家,那里十分的大,还有很大的草坪。我们在草坪上踢球,打羽毛球和打棒球。玩的十分开心。紧接着我和高老师就去厨房切玉米,玉米汁喷了我一脸,头上不是汗,而是玉米汁。弄得我狼狈不堪。</div><div>我们午饭很丰盛都有:香肠,鸡翅,鸡腿,蔬菜沙拉……吃得我连打饱嗝。</div><div>吃完了,我们去旁边的游泳池游泳,足足游了两三个小时,游得我气喘吁吁。</div><div>然后我们在后花园颁了奖,我莫名其妙的得了一个绅士奖,打了我个冷不防。还有学霸奖,我是一等奖,奖励是5英镑</div><div>你好,明年的英国 2017.8.7</div><div>On the last day of London</div><div>In the morning, we came to a supermarket and bought food for lunch. There are: mushrooms, vegetables, fruits, mutton... There are many kinds.</div><div>At noon, we arrived at our friend's house, which was very large and had a large lawn. We play football on the lawn, play badminton and play baseball. Have a good time. Then my teacher and I went to the kitchen to cut the corn. The corn juice sprayed my face, not sweat on my head, but corn juice. I'm in a mess.</div><div>We have a big lunch: sausages, chicken wings, chicken legs, vegetable salad... I even had a burp.</div><div>After the meal, we went swimming in the pool next to us, swimming for two or three hours, and I was out of breath.</div><div>Then we gave the prize in the back garden, and I got a gentleman's award for no reason, and I was cold and cold. And students with excellent performance award, I was the first prize, reward is 5 pounds</div><div>Hello, British next year</div> <h3>巴凤妍</h3> <h3>美丽的高老师,我们冬天见❤</h3>