<h3> 我们一家子(2015.08) Our family(2015.08) </h3> <h3> 2014.10.20我在新加坡出生。可是,刚刚出生的我,怎么插了好多管子啊! (听妈妈对我说,我出生时可危险了,总祘祖上保佑,我们母女平安。) I was born in Singapore on October 20th ,2014. But why a lot of pipes on my body when I was born?(My mum said to me that my life was in danger when I was born. God bless,we were all safe.)<br></h3> <h3> 出生后的第三天,插的管子少了许多。 The pipes became less and less after 3 days。</h3> <h3> 出生后的第四天,今天可以去看妈妈了! After four days, I could meet my dear mum.<br> </h3> <h3> 我和妈妈的第一張合照,我好温暖!(第四天) It was my first photo with my mum. I was so happy and warm.<br></h3> <h3> 看我睡得多香! Look, how sweet am I! </h3> <h3> 同上。 The same as above.<br></h3> <h3>马年出生的我,今天🈵️月啦!爷爷、奶奶给我戴上了吉祥的卡通马,我真的很喜欢。抱着我的是我的第一个阿姨大Nem。 I was born in the year of the horse. Today I have been for a month. Grandpa and grandma gave me a lucky cartoon horse. I was so glad and like it very much. The Big Nem who was holding me was my first aunt .</h3> <h3> 同上。 The same as above.<br></h3> <h3> 这是我的第二个阿姨,漂亮的DaTa姐姐。 This is my second aunt, beautiful DaTa sister。</h3> <h3> 奶奶和我,多好啊! Grandma and I. How nice!<br></h3> <h3> 100天的我。 It is me,100 days.</h3> <h3> 100天的二哥。 Second elder brother,100 days. </h3> <h3> 100天的大哥。 Elder brother,100 days </h3> <h3> 我好像长大一点点了! It seemd I have grown up a little. </h3> <h3> 我已經可以🐲抬头了! Look, I could "Dragon 🐲Raise Head". </h3> <h3> 我会在地板上爬啦! I could crawl on the floor!</h3> <h3> 看我,笑得好开心哦! Look at me. I laughted so happy.<br></h3> <h3> 今天阿姨给我穿了件露背连衣裙,好害羞啊! Today, I dressed in a backless dress by aunt. How shy am I !</h3> <h3> 同上。 The same as above.<br></h3> <h3> 有对虾吃了,不管它害不害羞了! There are delicious prawns, no matter it is shy or not.<br></h3> <h3> 阿姨给的对🦐真好吃,吃饱了! The prawns were so delicious that I ate too much.<br></h3> <h3> 大哥、二哥,陪伴我第一次走出家门,好开心哇! Go out of the house for the first time with my two brothers. That's so fun!<br></h3> <h3> 我第一次走在小区的小路 。It is the first time that I am walking on the road accompanied by two brothers in our house estate. </h3> <h3> 同上。 The same as above.<br><br></h3> <h3> 走不动了,二哥和我一起坐上小车,大哥推着车。 When I couldn't go any farther, I would sit in the baby stroller with my second elder brother pushed by our elder brother.<br></h3> <h3> 二位阿姨(妞妞和兰兰)和我在海湾广场。 I was at the Bay Square with two aunts(Miumiu and Lanlan )</h3> <h3> 同上。 The same as above. </h3> <h3> 新年快乐!(2015年春节) Happy New Year!(2015New Year)</h3> <h3> 我过一周岁生日(2015.10.20) Celebrating my birthday for one years old. </h3> <h3>小Nem 阿姨陪我去学校报名,可我才一岁半啊! I went up to the kindergarten accompanied by aunt Nem. But I was only eighteen months old.<br><br></h3> <h3>穿上了新的校服,我和二哥哥一起去上学的第一天。 It was the first day that I went to the kindergarten in new school uniform with my second elder brother.</h3> <h3> 我们在动物园游玩! We were playing in the zoo.<br><br></h3> <h3> 看我有多漂亮! Look, how pretty am I !<br></h3> <h3> 二哥哥惹我生气了! The second elder brother annoyed me!<br></h3> <h3> 你看,我多乖啊 ! Look, how cute am I !</h3> <h3><br> 2017年夏,和大哥、二哥在鳥公园。 We were in the Bird Park in the summer of 2017. <br></h3> <h3> 同上。 The same as above.<br><br></h3> <h3> 2017年6月,我们一起去参观军演。 We visited military exercises together in June 2017.<br></h3> <h3> 我们又去动物园了! We went to the zoo again <br></h3> <h3> 快乐一家人。爸爸那里去了? Happy family,Where's daddy? <br></h3> <h3> 我们和大熊猫在一起。 We were with the panda.</h3> <h3> 我们都不怕! We were all not afraid !<br></h3> <h3> 看我躲猫猫! Now I am playing a hide-and-seek game !<br></h3> <h3> 大哥待我真好! The elder brother is so kind to me !</h3> <h3> The same as above.</h3> <h3> 我在开车。 I am driving the car。<br></h3> <h3> 爸爸、妈妈带着我们兄妹三,一起去游玩! Daddy and mummy took us to go out together!<br></h3> <h3> "妞妞"阿姨给我拍的第一张照片。(MiuMiu阿姨我一直叫她"妞妞"阿姨)。 It was the first photo took by aunt MiuMiu.(I always called her aunt NiuNiu) <br></h3> <h3> 真舒服!(2017.06在飞禽公园) So comfortable! (2017.06 in the bird park) <br></h3> <h3> 爸爸、妈妈刚刚给我买的新车,沒有人教我,我带上二哥就开走。 Daddy and mummy just bought me a new bike. I was so proud that I could bring my second elder brother on it without teaching.</h3> <h3> 好开心!(在金沙大酒店住房休息) So happy!(having a rest in Jinsan Grand Hotel)<br></h3> <h3> 我们给二哥过五周岁的生日(2017.09.07)We were celebrating birthday to second elder brother on his five years old. (2017.09.07)</h3> <h3> 放学了,可以回家了! School is over. I could go home !</h3> <h3> 我在吃西点,好吃极了! I am having western food. It's delicious </h3> <h3> 哥哥陪我玩水。 I played with water accompanied by second elder brother. <br></h3> <h3> 才二岁多的我,爸、妈就陪我开始学游泳了! When I was only two years old,I began to study swimming accompanied by daddy and mummy.<br></h3> <h3> 2017年4月,爷爷摔了一跤受伤了,只能躺在床上。我陪着爷爷,还做小眼睛给爷爷看。In April 2017, grandpa fell and was injured and only could lie in bed. I accompanied him and played games of "small eyes" for him.<br></h3> <h3>2017年4月爷爷跌了一跤,受伤了, 6月,爷爷稍稍康复了些,带我在小区晒太阳。In June, Grandpa got a little better and took me in the sun in our house estate. <br></h3> <h3> 爷爷回老家去了,好想爷爷啊! Grandpa went back to his hometown. How I miss him !<br></h3> <h3> 同上 The same as above.<br><br></h3> <h3> 我又長又胖了! It seemed I was a little fat again!</h3> <h3> 今天我过生日啦! Today, it's my birthday! </h3> <h3> 同上。 The same as above. </h3> <h3> 同上。 The same as above.</h3> <h3> 同上。 The same as above.</h3> <h3> 同上。The same as above.</h3> <h3> 同上。 The same as above.</h3> <h3> 妞妞阿姨和我。anut MiuMiu and me。 </h3> <h3> 我开始学着走路啦! I'm learning to walk! </h3> <h3>大哥、二哥陪我第一次走在小區的小路上,好开心哇! It is the first time that I am walking on the road accompanied by two brothers in our house estate. How happy am I!<br></h3> <h3>十一个月的我,已经可以开始自己吃饭了,多有能耐!I could eat myself when I was only eleven months. How capable am I!<br></h3> <h3> 我們跑步進入了又一個新年! We ran into another new year! (New year's day in 2017 )</h3> <h3> 看我多胆大,大狗狗我都不怕! Look,how brave am I!I'm not afraid of the big dog! <br></h3> <h3> 仅以此美篇祝福孫女袁誠嬰生日快樂!身體健康!幸福成長! We wish you,our granddaughter, happy birthday, good health, strong growth! 2017.10 無夕(wuxi)</h3> <p>三年后的我,毕业啦!2021年一月二日开始,我和二个哥哥在同一个小学校上学了。</p> <p>新加坡抗疫时期,妈妈带我们做了一次有意义的活动。爷爷编辑好图片,还投稿了 “江苏侨联”组织的一次摄影比赛。</p> <p>同上。</p> <p>同上。</p> <p>同上。</p> <p>同上。</p> <p>同上。</p> <p>同上。</p> <p>今年是新加坡成立55周年纪念日(1965年8月9日~2020年8月9日),妈妈带我们第一次去爬山。</p> <p>一个星期后,我们又爬了一次山。</p> <p>同上。</p> <p>同上。</p> <p>同上。</p> <p>同上。</p> <p>同上。</p> <p>同上。爬山热了,把外套脱了,継续!</p> <p>同上。</p> <p>同上。</p> <p>同上。</p> <p>同上。</p> <p>同上。</p> <p>同上。</p> <p>我自己上色、剪辑亲手做的手工,漂亮吧!</p> <p>同上。</p>