DAY4-Walking Day


<h3>元气满满的一天开始啦,应同学们强烈要求要吃泡面,我们早上就吃面拉,不过吃面也要健康哦,来个鸡蛋补充蛋白质把❤</h3> <h3>法式面包三明治是不是很美味呢😍</h3> <h3>来到我们的火车🚉站喽,是不是很美呢❤😍</h3> <h3>今天是由我们美丽的金晶和曾昊同学为我介绍今天的行程(´▽`)ノ♪🎬</h3> <h3>看我们这个最小的专业摄影师😁</h3> <h3>精彩片段❤</h3> <h3>地铁线路还真的是复杂呢,小编想吐槽一下,为什么要把所有的地铁站都在上面,诶,瞬间好凌乱😱</h3> <h3>坐地铁的片段❤</h3> <h3>这个棒棒冰好好吃的呀(´▽`)ノ♪</h3> <h3>马上就开始我们的漫步伦敦之旅了❤</h3><h3>lets go(づ ●─● )づ</h3><h3>大本钟 ,议会大厦,白金汉宫等等(´▽`)ノ♪</h3> <h3>白金汉宫</h3> <h3>白金汉宫前的合影❤</h3> <h3>大本钟❤</h3> <h3>议会大厦❤</h3> <h3>同学们在泰晤士河前面的合影❤都是萌萌哒呢❤</h3> <h3>同学们在议会大厦前面的合影❤</h3> <h3>接下来就是购物时间呢(´▽`)ノ♪小同学们都买了自己想要的东西,还有给亲人朋友带了东西,都是可爱的孩子呢😍</h3> <h3>牛肉🐮</h3> <h3>是不是很满足呢。😁</h3> <h3>记下来又是日记时间哦❤</h3> <h3>田芮宁</h3><h3>2017年7月30日 星期日 英国伦敦</h3><div>今天我们在伦敦体验了生活,像伦敦本地人一样坐了火车,地铁🚇。随着火车出发的轰隆隆声,我们坐到了终点站。</div><div>在这里,我们首先要参观的是白金汉宫。白金汉宫是英国各个君主位于伦敦的主要寝宫及办公处。白金汉宫的外观华丽,是十九世纪的豪华式建筑风格,庞大的规模甚至比华丽的外表更加引人注目。而且,如果白金汉宫安上了英国国旗,那么女王就在,反之则不在。</div><div>吃过午饭,我们来到了大本钟以及议会大楼。大本钟是世界上著名的哥特式建筑之一,也是一座很大的报时钟,每15分钟响一次。在英国,伊丽莎白塔是人们庆祝新年的重点地方,收音机和电视都会播出它的钟声来迎接新一年的开始。同样地,在阵亡将士纪念日,大本钟钟声的传出表示第11个月的第11天的第11个小时及2分钟的默哀开始。而议会大楼是伦敦大学的行政中心,英国政府人员每天都会在这里开会。</div><div>最后,我们坐地铁来到了牛津街,牛津街是英国首要的购物街。</div><div>期待明天的旅行❤️</div><div>Sunday, July 30, 2017, London, England</div><div>Today we have a life in London, like a Londoner who takes the train, the subway🚇. As the train rumbled on, we sat at the terminal.</div><div>The first thing we will visit here is Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace is the main residence and office of British monarchs in London. The facade of Buckingham Palace is magnificent, and it is a 19th century luxury architectural style, with a large scale that is even more noticeable than its flamboyant exterior. Also, if Buckingham Palace is placed on the British flag, the queen is in, and vice versa.</div><div>After lunch, we came to Big Ben and the parliament building. Big Ben is one of the most famous gothic buildings in the world. It is also a big time clock, every 15 minutes. In Britain, the Elizabeth tower is a key place for people to celebrate the New Year, with radio and television broadcasting its bell to greet the beginning of the New Year. Likewise, on memorial day, the chimes of Big Ben chimed in the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month and the start of a moment of silence. The parliament building is the executive center of the university of London, where British officials meet every day.</div><div>In the end, we took the subway to Oxford street, which is the first of England's shopping street.</div><div>Looking forward to tomorrow's travel ❤ ️</div> <h3>冯思羽</h3><h3>Diary Day 4</h3><div>This morning, we took the train to London. 🚅 It was about 20 minutes. Scenery were so beautiful.🌻</div><div><br></div><div>We went to the Buckingham Palace. The flag was on the palace so the queen was live in there.🇬🇧 It was beaitiful!</div><div><br></div><div>Then, we had lunch in&nbsp; great gardon. There were many pigeons. They were cute. We fed them with bread.🐦</div><div><br></div><div>After that, we went to the Big Ben and listened the bell.</div><div>We took many pictures. It was nice!</div><div><br></div><div>Later, we bought some things at the Oxford Street. They were not too expensive.</div><div><br></div><div>Nice day.♡</div> <h3>白润泽</h3><h3>2017.7.30 在伦敦的第四天 早上,我们品尝了Mr.亲手做的美味,都有:煎蛋,烤蘑菇,培根and香肠。 上午,我们乘坐火车去到了白金汉宫,那里的大门气势非常恢宏,那几个门好像在向我们诉说着白金汉宫的历史和荣耀。白金汉宫本身更是让人赞不绝口,米黄色的建筑色让人感到建筑师们技艺的高超 下午,我们步行去牛津街,旅途中经过大笨钟和议会大楼。在大笨钟的正对面有一条水似黄河的海,水是黄色的。大笨钟每隔15分钟敲一次钟,我们一到那里钟声就响起来了。 到了牛津街,那里有许许多多的名牌和纪念品商店。我一走进商店,里面的东西琳琅满目,看得我是眼花缭乱。那里的模型非常逼真,体现出了英国工匠的技艺高超。让我记忆犹新。 期待着明天的到来😊 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; On the fourth day of the fourth day in London, we sampled the delicious Mr. The Fried eggs, the grilled mushrooms, bacon and sausage. In the morning, we took the train to Buckingham Palace, where the door was very grand, and the doors seemed to tell us the history and glory of Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace itself is to let people full of praise, beige color building let a person feel architects skills of superb  in the afternoon, we go to Oxford street, journey through the Big Ben and the parliament building. On the opposite side of the Big Ben there was a sea of water like the Yellow River, and the water was yellow. The Big Ben chimed every 15 minutes, and when we got there, the bell rang. At Oxford street, there are lots of famous brands and souvenir shops. As soon as I walked into the shop, I was dazzled by everything. The model is very realistic and shows the skill of British craftsmen. Let me remember. See you tomorrow👋 </h3> <h3>欧阳墨菲</h3><h3>It's a special day today. We traveled to lots of famous places in London. And we took the trasportations like the Londoners do.</h3><div>After breakfast,the host took us to the trainstation. It's my first time traveling on the train like that. So I'm so excited. I sat in the train, looking out of the ——the view outside is great!</div><div>I really enjoy it.</div><div>Shortly afterwards we arrived at the centre of London. We visited the Big Ben,the Burkingham Palace and the River Times over there.Surprisingly,we saw a bicycle race when we were crossing the road. Everyone tried there best.</div><div>In the afternoon, we went to the Oxford Street,a very famous shopping street in London. We sperate into small groups to go shopping. </div><div>Some people went to the clothes shop, but I went to the Oxford Street just for going to the toysshop——Hamley's. But my friend and I didn't know where the toys shop is, so we searching in the maps.It's far away from here. But we still went on for that shop. Two hours later, we found out that! We were excited, and I bought a Teddy Bear for me. It's expensive but I think it's worth.</div><div>I love my bear very much.It's a nice day!</div> <h3>陈星宇</h3><h3>原文:2017.7.30</h3><div>注:今天是周末,我们不用去上课[耶][耶][耶]早饭也是老样子。</div><div>上午,我们乘坐伦敦火车来到了白金汉宫,白金汉宫是英国女皇位于伦敦的主要寝宫及办公处。 下午,我们步行去牛津街,途中经过大笨钟和议会大楼。议会大楼主要就是女王开会的地方。大笨钟坐落于泰晤士河畔。 下午,我们步行去牛津街,旅途中经过大笨钟和议会大楼。 </div><div> 到了牛津街,那里有许许多多的名牌和纪念品商店。东西都很贵!但是,我们挡不住这诱惑。还是买了很多东西。但愿明天早点到来。&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;译文:2017.7.30</div><div>Note: today is the weekend, we don't have to go to class [ye].</div><div>In the morning we took the London train to Buckingham Palace, the queen's main residence and office in London. In the afternoon, we walked to Oxford street, passing through Big Ben and the parliament building. The parliament building is mainly where the queen meets. Big Ben is located on the river Thames. In the afternoon, we walked to Oxford street, passing through Big Ben and the parliament building.</div><div>At Oxford street, there are lots of famous brands and souvenir shops. Everything is so expensive! But we can't resist the temptation. I bought a lot of things. I hope to arrive early tomorrow.来自@有道翻译官</div> <h3>赵清逸</h3><h3>2017.7.30 Sunday</h3><div>We are hiking today. We got on the train after breakfast. We arrived at the terminus in 20 minutes.</div><div>Here, our first visit is Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace is the main residence and office of the British monarch in London. Located in Westminster, the palace is one of the venues for the national celebration and royal welcome and is also an important tourist attraction. Buckingham Palace is exquisite and elegant. To judge the queen's absence, look at the flag on the top. If in, represent the queen, if not, on behalf of the queen.</div><div>After lunch, we went to see Big Ben. Big Ben is one of the iconic buildings in London, which sits on a bell tower on the Thames. The clock tower is 95 meters high, the bell is 7 meters in diameter and weighs 13.5 tons. Every 15 minutes ring the bells of Westminster. It is a key place for people to celebrate the New Year, with radio and television broadcasting its bell to greet the beginning of the New Year. Likewise, on memorial day, the ringing of bells represents the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month and the beginning of a moment of silence.</div><div>Hope to arrive early tomorrow!</div><div>2017.7.30&nbsp; 星期日 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 今天我们徒步行。吃完早饭我们便坐上了火车。20分钟后我们到达终点站。 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 在这儿,我们第一个参观的是白金汉宫。白金汉宫是英国君主位于伦敦的主要寝宫及办公处。宫殿坐落在威斯敏斯特,是国家庆典和王室欢迎礼举行场地之一,也是一处重要的旅游景点。白金汉宫的精致典雅,极尽精美。判断女王在不在,就要看顶上的国旗在不在。如果在,就代表女王在,如果不在,就代表女王不在。 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 吃过中午饭,我们去看了大本钟。大本钟坐落在英国伦敦泰晤士河畔的一座钟楼,是伦敦的标志性建筑之一。钟楼高95米,钟直径7米,重13.5吨。每15分钟响一次,敲响威斯敏斯特钟声。它是人们庆祝新年的重点地方,收音机和电视都会播出它的钟声来迎接新一年的开始。同样地,在阵亡将士纪念日,钟声的传出表示第11个月的第11天的第11个小时及2分钟的默哀开始。 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 希望明天早点到来!</div> <h3>陈宣澳</h3><h3>2017年7月30日 星期日 英国伦敦</h3><div>今天我们在伦敦体验了生活,像伦敦本地人一样坐了火车,地铁🚇。随着火车出发的轰隆隆声,我们坐到了终点站。</div><div>在这里,我们首先要参观的是白金汉宫。白金汉宫是英国各个君主位于伦敦的主要寝宫及办公处。白金汉宫的外观华丽,是十九世纪的豪华式建筑风格,庞大的规模甚至比华丽的外表更加引人注目。而且,如果白金汉宫安上了英国国旗,那么女王就在,反之则不在。</div><div>吃过午饭,我们来到了大本钟以及议会大楼。大本钟是世界上著名的哥特式建筑之一,也是一座很大的报时钟,每15分钟响一次。在英国,伊丽莎白塔是人们庆祝新年的重点地方,收音机和电视都会播出它的钟声来迎接新一年的开始。同样地,在阵亡将士纪念日,大本钟钟声的传出表示第11个月的第11天的第11个小时及2分钟的默哀开始。而议会大楼是伦敦大学的行政中心,英国政府人员每天都会在这里开会。</div><div>最后,我们坐地铁来到了牛津街,牛津街是英国首要的购物街。</div><div>期待明天的旅行❤️</div><div>Sunday, July 30, 2017, London, England</div><div>Today we have a life in London, like a Londoner who takes the train, the subway🚇. As the train rumbled on, we sat at the terminal.</div><div>The first thing we will visit here is Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace is the main residence and office of British monarchs in London. The facade of Buckingham Palace is magnificent, and it is a 19th century luxury architectural style, with a large scale that is even more noticeable than its flamboyant exterior. Also, if Buckingham Palace is placed on the British flag, the queen is in, and vice versa.</div><div>After lunch, we came to Big Ben and the parliament building. Big Ben is one of the most famous gothic buildings in the world. It is also a big time clock, every 15 minutes. In Britain, the Elizabeth tower is a key place for people to celebrate the New Year, with radio and television broadcasting its bell to greet the beginning of the New Year. Likewise, on memorial day, the chimes of Big Ben chimed in the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month and the start of a moment of silence. The parliament building is the executive center of the university of London, where British officials meet every day.</div><div>In the end, we took the subway to Oxford street, which is the first of England's shopping street.</div><div>Looking forward to tomorrow's travel ❤ ️</div> <h3>刘美辰阳</h3><h3>这是来到英国的第5天了我们早上吃了今麦郎牌的红烧牛肉面还有1个鸡蛋,吃完早饭先乘车到小火车那里去做火车,我们做上了火车后下车了我们就去了白金汉宫拍完照之后我们去公园去吃饭吃完饭了之后我们就去大本钟,牛津街去购物然后我们就回了家。</h3> <h3>张怡雯</h3><h3>We had melon, milk and bread this morning. After breakfast, we came to the railway station, ready to start our day trip.💥 </h3><div>First of all, we came to Buckingham Palace.🏰 After listening to the introduction of Kim Jung Hwa and Zeng Hao, let us have a better understanding of Buckingham Palace. When the flag is raised, it means that the queen is in the palace. We took a few pictures there, ate lunch in the park, fed dove, and went down to the next attraction. 🍱</div><div>Then we came to Big Ben and Thames River. Accompanied by beautiful scenery, took photos. Then we took the subway to Oxford street. Spent a pleasant afternoon shopping there. 🙆</div><div>Finally, we take the subway, and then take the train. Back to the starting point. 🚉</div><div>Look forward to tomorrow💫 </div><div><br></div> <h3>金晶</h3> <h3>王俊熹</h3> <h3>张智芊</h3> <h3>周吾江山</h3>