<h3>广东荣璟新材料有限公司是一家以高性能TPU为主导的绿色环保企业。</h3><h3>Guangdong Rong Jing New Material Co., Ltd. is a green environmental protection enterprise specialized in high performance TPU.(Thermoplastic Urethane)</h3> <h3>生产车间面积达到3000平方米多,拥有全自动生产线及流水线加工技术,专业生产及经营高性能TPU等各种注塑类原材料。</h3><h3>Its production workshop covers an area of more than 3000 square meters. It has automatic production line and processing technology. It is specialized in producing and doing business on various plastic injection raw materials of high performance TPU.</h3> <h3>公司有着多年的聚氨酯材料的生产及行销经验,完整、科学的质量管理体系,以及卓越技术的团队,真诚为国内外客户提供专业的"量体裁衣"服务。</h3><h3>The company has years experience in production and marketing of PU, complete and scientific quality management system and excellent technical team to sincerely serve our domestic and foreign customers. According to the needed data to provide "customized" services.</h3> <h3>我们的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的一致好评,产品在市场具有很高的占有率,行销全国各地。</h3><h3>We are unanimously accredited for sincerity, strength and product quality in the industry. Our products have high occupancy in the market and also are sold to various regions of the world.</h3> <h3>公司始终以客户的需求作为我们努力的方向,怀着感恩之心进一步创新研发,引进新颖先进的生产应用技术,不断努力拼搏、不断开拓聚氨酯等原料的新领域,向绿色、环保、高科技目标迈进。</h3><h3>The company has always been oriented to the customer demand to further realize innovation and development, take lead in advanced and novel production and application technologies, gradually develop new fields in raw materials of TPU and march into the goal of environmental protection and high technology.</h3> <h3>联系方式</h3><h3>电话:020-31136799 传真:020-31136889</h3><h3>地址:广州市番禺区石基镇金龙路南珑工业园A2栋首层,二层</h3><h3>邱生(总经理):18922761322</h3><h3>徐生(副总经理/销售总监)18926212068</h3><h3>邬生(副总经理/行政总监)13609071787</h3><h3>企业邮箱rj@gdrjpu.com</h3><h3>销售部邮箱sales@gdrjpu.com</h3><h3>人事部邮箱personnel @gdrjpu.com</h3><h3>会计部邮箱fd@gdrjpu.com</h3><h3>Contact info.</h3><h3>Tel: 020-31136799 Fax: 020-31136889</h3><h3>Address: 1st and 2nd floors of A2 Block, NanLong Industrial Park,JinLong Rd, Panyu district, Guangzhou China</h3><h3>Mr. Qiu (General Manager): 18922761322</h3><h3>Mr. Xu (Deputy General Manager, Sales Director) 18926212068</h3><h3>Mr. Wu (Deputy General Manager, Admin Director) 13609071787</h3><h3>Enterprise Mailbox : rj@gdrjpu.com</h3><h3>Sales Dept. Mailbox: sales@gdrjpu.com</h3><h3>Admin Dept. Mailbox: personnel @gdrjpu.com</h3><h3>Accounting Dept. Mailbox: fd@gdrjpu.com</h3> <h3>企业手机网站</h3>