
Christina C

<h3>諦願寺</h3> <h3>李蕭錕藝術家之落筆....</h3> <h3>1949年生,台灣省桃園縣人,文化大學藝術研究所碩士,作品曾獲中華文化藝術薪傳獎書法類首獎,於禪畫、書法皆深契心地。曾任華梵大學美術系創系主任,現任國立臺北藝術大學美術系專任副教授。</h3> <h3>有幸法師的陪同解說.....</h3> <h3>在大師前更顯自己的粗拙....</h3> <h3>留下墨跡...</h3> <h3>金碧輝煌的佛堂設計,處處可見尊佛禮敬的用心,然而甚麼又是宇宙中存在之初心呢?佛中之適度、天地之靜默,華麗似乎是多餘了!</h3><h3>無語....</h3> <h3>拾級而上⋯⋯</h3> <h3>手足情深</h3> <h3>好友相聚於台北享受麻辣火鍋!😋😋</h3> <h3>桌藏- 和平東路巷弄間的老屋改建而成的餐館。</h3><h3>The restaurant is in a stand-alone plot of land, inside a restored and renovated colonial Japanese home.&nbsp;</h3><h3>The glass-paneled house with its wooden roof and steel table held together by cables create a clash of modern and tradition, one that works and creates a very elegant and striking atmosphere.</h3> <h3>Before the food......</h3> <h3>The food overall was very good. Every dish was spot-on and well presented. Bread was hot and freshly baked with very tasty home-made butter.</h3> <h3>Lovely Friends from Hong Kong.</h3> <h3>菜單</h3> <h3>松仁路段上的搔首弄姿。</h3> <h3>Along the street </h3><h3>仁愛路四段的路上</h3> <h3>回家.....完美的句點!</h3>