<h3 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">谨以此篇献给曾经年轻的我们!</span></h3><h3 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">因为爱情!</span></h3> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><b style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">凤凰城里凤凰游,人自堤行江自流。</b></h1><b style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);"><h1 style="text-align: center;"><b>笑语时传浣纱女,轻波频载木兰舟。</b></h1></b> <h3>Phoenix, phoenix, the river flows from the river.</h3><h3>While laughing, the woman of the sha gauze, the light wave frequency is the boat.</h3> <h3> 席慕容说如何让我遇见你,佛会把我化成一棵树,种在你经过的路边,每天默默地注视你。</h3><h3> 此刻我不是要遇见你,而是因为你的美,跟随你的脚步,时刻提醒自己别把你丢在风里,随之而来的是我带上行装来到了湘西。了解你的一切。随风而来,欣赏你的秀色,带走我的回忆。风相触在云里,那山那水那人,让我的笔尖划过每一寸土地,留下只属于你和我的故事。梦里多少次魂牵梦绕,这次我是真的来了,爱上一本书,恋上一座城。沱江边,虹桥上,明清旧居里,苗家吊脚楼,土家山寨中,打开尘封的信笺,追溯过往的记忆。</h3><h3> 此刻的你,静立在彼,就已如诗如画。</h3> <h3>The Buddha will turn me into a tree and watch you silently every day as you pass by the road. I am not meeting you at this moment, but because of your beauty, follow your footsteps, remind yourself not to throw you in the wind, and then I bring my suit to the west of hunan. Know everything about you. Come with the wind, appreciate your beauty, take away my memory. The wind is in the clouds, the man of the water, let my pen tip across every land, leaving only the story of yours and mine.</h3><h3>At this moment, you are standing still in the picture.</h3> <h3> 玉带河沱江将凤凰古城一分为二,静静流淌的沱江水,烟雾缭绕着,好似烟锁重楼,朦胧中略带几分诗情画意,青山绿水之间,那份清澈透明,空气清新,似乎弥漫的只有花草的香气,扑鼻而来,此刻心肺🈶️没有感觉纯净了许多,秀美神韵中的湘西小城,如同18岁的林家少女让人怜爱,岸边鳞次栉比的吊脚楼,错落有致的苗家山寨,此刻虹桥下苗族少女银铃般的笑声响彻两岸,让湘西这座边陲古城又重新焕发了新的生机与活力。翠翠和爷爷在哪里……寻觅之旅开始!来了就不想离开!只有亲自来了凤凰,你就会明白沈老为什么写出了中国最具乡土气息的小说,也只有在这样的美景下方能成就一代大师。城还是那座烟雨之城,人已经物是人非了,山更清,水更绿了,让一座名不见经传的湘西小城成为了心中的梦想之城。这里的人只会做一件事,那就是成人之美。</h3> <h3>Where is xiuxiu and grandpa... Start your search! Come on, don't want to leave! Only in the presence of the phoenix, you will understand why shen Lao wrote the most rural novel in China, and only under such a beautiful scenery can master a master. The city is still the city of the smoke and rain, the people have already become the people, the mountain is clearer, the water is greener, the city of the dream of the city of the heart of the city of the heart of the city that has not been passed by the name of xiangxi. People here only do one thing, and that is beauty.</h3> <h3> 婀娜多姿的苗族少女背着竹筐,三三两两,浑身上下全是家族的银饰,你听那清脆的银铃声,就会很快随风传入耳中,泯然一笑瞬间消失在幽深的小巷,有的则披着一头黑发站在沱江边,舀着沱江水,从上至下清洗自己及腰的长发,帅气的苗家阿哥则站在岸边,看着少女们似乎在讨论着什么,情窦初开的她们在凤凰续写翠翠当年的爱情故事,嬉闹声,水声,笑声,与山林的鸟语嘶鸣声,缓缓流入沱江,一方水土养一方人,苗家儿女便是古城历史的见证者。</h3> <h3>The graceful miao girl carrying a bamboo basket, is all about the family silver, you listen to the silver bells ringing, quickly to incoming ears with the wind, some covered with black hair stood on the river edge, having the tuojiang river water, from top to bottom cleaning themselves and waist long hair, handsome merchant may stand on the shore, looking at girls seem to be talking about what, puppy love them in the order of the phoenix written cui cui the love story, noise, acoustic, laughter, and mountain forest bird hooves, slowly into the tuojiang river, one party soil to raise a party person, merchant and children is the ancient city of the witness of history.</h3> <h3> 城内街道满是苗族老人的手工作品,精致。</h3> <h3>The streets of the city are filled with hand-crafted works by miao people.</h3> <h3> 清晨推开窗户,酒店临河而居,得天独厚的优势,自然先一步看到古城的清晨,林中烟云缭绕,沱江河中缓缓升起的雾气弥漫着,估计等到太阳出来才能全部消散殆尽,街道很静,偶尔听到路人的脚步声,还有苗族老人的叫卖声,古老的青石板,走在上面凹凸不平,长年累月的磨砺,已经让石头变的圆润光滑,只见几只不知名的小鸟站立在酒店的房顶,叽叽喳喳似乎告诉人们新的一天开始了!小城静谧而安详,真的适宜度假。</h3> <h3>Opened the in the morning, hotel linhe, advantages, natural first step to see the early in the morning of the ancient city of smoke fills the air in the forest, the river rises in the fog pervaded the tuojiang river, estimate all dissipate until the sun came out, very quiet street, occasionally heard footsteps passers-by and miao old man cries, old green flag, walk on uneven, years of efforts, already make stone round smooth, only a few unknown birds stand on the roof of the hotel, twittering seems to tell people to a new day has begun! The town was quiet and serene, and it was a real vacation.</h3> <h3> 来到凤凰你可以放慢脚步,没有了平日的匆忙,你可以从任何一条街道随意游走,认真看凤凰的每一处景点,累了就在路旁的小吃店品尝当地的特色美食,慢生活,慢节奏,让心变得平静,白墙黑瓦,斑驳陆离的光线照在民居上,与沱江水相映争辉,这就是凤凰。</h3> <h3>Came to phoenix, you can slow down, without the usual in a hurry, you can walk from any street, serious look at the phoenix each spot, tired on the roadside snack tasting the local delicacies, slow life, slow rhythm, let the heart become calm, white wall HeiWa, mottled surfaces of the light on the houses, and set each other off of tuojiang river water ZhengHui, this is the order of the phoenix.</h3> <h3> 夜半时分,月光似乎一泄而下,洒满整个沱江,星光熠熠,宛如璀璨星河,岸上水面在岸上彩灯照射下,犹如一个绚丽多姿的舞台,配以光彩夺目的虹桥,河中繞有游性的旅者在河中坐着小船缓缓而过,不由让人想起徐志摩的诗句:"撑一支长篙,向青草更青处漫溯。"水面泛起阵阵涟漪,如梦似真般幌了眼睛,真可谓是夜色撩人心扉,游人如织,纷纷驻足留影,而此时夜生活大幕才算是真正开启,这里的夜晚更加动人。白天凤凰犹如一位邻家女孩,含蓄内敛,略带韵味,夜色下的古城如同少妇一般端庄妩媚,又🈶️些妖娆迷人,白天与黑夜,古城诠释了它不同时间的美,美得让人心醉神迷,恋她,爱她。街道两边KTV里此时驻唱歌手的音乐声随同风声一起飘散在周围的山林深处,抬头仰望星空,凤凰,来了你还想离开吗?翠翠在这里有了属于自己的幸福,沱江水为她们作证。</h3><h3> 夜色之中不远处,沱江边上,一苗家少女坐在岸边,双手轻轻溅起水花,双脚在水中不停的潦动,脖子上的银项圈发出清脆的响声,对岸的阿哥唱起了湘西小调,虽然语言不通,但从歌声中感受到了那份感情的甜美,此时的凤凰完全沉浸在自己的梦境里。月光下的苗家儿女,花前月下,让多少旅者羡慕不已。</h3><h3> 月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后,彷佛更符合此时的意境。月光下的苗家吊脚楼,缓缓流淌的沱江水,静静矗立的彩虹桥,水清🈷️明照凤凰,浓情蜜意正当时,让我们悄悄地离开,给热恋中的男女留下那一方私密空间,爱情需要的不是轰轰烈烈,而是吴侬软语,腻得不行。</h3><h3> 我就这样牵着你的手漫步在沱江边上,望着远处的灯火阑珊处,似乎能听到你的💗心跳,夜这么静,就想这样一直这样走下去,不希望🈶️尽头,远处篝火晚会的青年男女跳着,闹着,夜幕低垂,留给我们的只有无穷无尽的回味。</h3><h3> </h3> <h3> 一弯明月,繁星满天,沱江水波光粼粼的闪烁着,霓虹灯火梦幻般地肆意绚烂,真的是🈷️映江心明如镜,🈷️在水中,人在月中,我就这样陪着你,宠着你,穰时间静止于此,我们徜徉于月光下,风清树影旁,微风拂面而来,穰静谧的夜空似乎有了灵动气息,此刻的凤凰古城在月光的抚照下,撩动的风情万种,我们又似乎回到了热恋时节,穰我就这样看着你,山水之情,怎能不让你我的心潮浮动?如火的季节,生活依然继续,耳边的湘西民歌号子依然是那么清脆悦耳,苗家阿哥阿妹在这里繁衍生息着,守护这最后的一块世外桃源。</h3><h3> 爱情是什么,就是我陪伴在你身边,待你霜染白发,我依然在这里。穰我握紧你的双手,一刻也不能分离,心与心❤️的交融与碰撞,爱你是一辈子的事。</h3> <h3>In the middle of the night, the moonlight seems to be a drain, draped over the tuojiang river, star, like a brilliant Milky Way, on the shore shore water lights, like a colorful stage, with glittering hongqiao, around a swim in the river of traveler sitting in the river boat slowly through, the ripples on the surface, like a dream, and his eyes like really, really is the night hot heart, attraction, stop to take photos in succession, while the night life unfolds you truly, the night more moving here. </h3><h3>In the KTV on both sides of the street, the music of the singing hand is drifting along with the wind along the surrounding mountain forest, looking up at the stars, phoenix, you want to leave? Cui cui has her own happiness here, tuojiang water to testify for them.</h3><h3>At the end of the month, after sunset, it seems more like the mood of the moment.</h3> <h3> 凤凰之美,美在山清水秀,美在人杰地灵,美在天人合一.不负天地钟灵毓秀之德,凤凰蕴育着一代代既勤劳、勇敢、朴实又富有灵气的凤凰人,不管是苗族人、土家族人或是汉族人,他们吃苦耐劳、勇于进取,崇文尚武、人才辈出,其中佼佼者有抗英名将郑国鸿,民国第一位内阁总理熊希龄,著名作家沈从文,著名画家黄永玉……</h3> <h3>Phoenix beauty, beauty is in the picturesque scenery, beautiful in spirit, beauty in nature. Not the virtue of heaven and earth nature, the phoenix possess the generations are hardworking, brave, sincere and full of reiki of phoenix, both miao and tujia people or han Chinese, they bear hardships and stand hard work, aggressive, chongwen warrior, talented people, of which one has the name will be those, the first prime minister of the republic of China Xiong Xiling, famous writer shen congwen, a famous painter huang yongyu...</h3> <h3> 我自己也是湖南人,为自己的家乡的美景和我们的沈老而骄傲,三湘四水造就了中国历史上无数的文人墨客,湖南人的情感是细腻而又真诚的,湖南人的生活是丰富多彩的,好山好水好风景,大美潇湘,愿家乡的天空永远蔚蓝,别了,凤凰,张家界,我的心已经留在了这里。祝福满满!烟雨凤凰城,最美张家界!黄龙洞的深邃,天门山的险峻,张家界的奇峰怪石,浩浩殇殇的沱江水,苗家山寨里的青年男女,勤劳的阿婆阿公们,你们已经住进了我的心里,挥之不去,有缘期盼再一次相遇!</h3> <h3>Myself and the people of hunan, to his hometown of beauty and pride, for the sake of our Shen Lao openning water has created countless letters in Chinese history, the people of hunan is delicate and sincere emotion, hunan people's life is rich and colorful, good place with good mountains and waters landscape, big beauty xiaoxiang, willing to hometown forever blue of the sky, don't, phoenix, zhangjiajie, my heart has been to stay in here. Bless you! Smoke rain phoenix, the most beautiful zhangjiajie! Huanglong hole deep, the tianmen mountain steep, zhangjiajie mountain peak, the wounds were regression of tuojiang river water, merchant strongholds of the young men and women, hard-working woman grandfather, you have to live in my heart, lingering, is predestined friends look forward to meet again!</h3> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><b>Travel plans</b></h1> <h3>Where are you going to go on vacation?</h3><h3>暑假你想去哪里度假</h3><h3>I don't know</h3><h3>我不知道噢!</h3><h3>Where do you want to go?</h3><h3>你想去哪里</h3><h3>I want to go to the grand canyon</h3><h3>我想去恩施大峡谷</h3><h3>I want to go to zhangjiajie</h3><h3>我想去张家界</h3><h3>I'll look at the route first</h3><h3>我先看看线路</h3> <h3>It takes a few days to see a trip</h3><h3>我看行程需要几天</h3><h3>Three days is better</h3><h3>三天最好</h3><h3>Then you book a tour online</h3><h3>你可以在线预订</h3><h3>Hope is a happy holiday</h3><h3>希望是个愉快的假期</h3><h3>Do you want to go anywhere</h3><h3>你想好去哪里吗</h3> <h3>We're going to visit a few scenic spots on our three-day trip</h3><h3>我们可以看看旅行线路去哪些景点</h3><h3>Zhang jiajie is on a three-day tour</h3><h3>张家界三日游</h3><h3>张家界,黄龙洞。</h3><h3>Zhangjiajie, Yellow Dragon Cave.</h3><h3>张家界国家森林公园;</h3><h3>Zhang Jiajie National Forest Park;</h3><h3>张家界顶有神仙。</h3><h3>On top of the mountain in Zhangjiajie live immortals.</h3><h3>Tianmen mountain </h3><h3>天门山</h3> <h3>The ancient city of phoenix</h3><h3>凤凰古城</h3><h3>Shen congwen's phoenix</h3><h3>沈从文笔下的凤凰</h3><h3>The former residence of shen congwen</h3><h3>沈从文的故居</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>沱江泛舟,凤凰古城的母亲河,泛舟其间,青山倒影,目睹两岸古朴的吊脚楼,一种回归自然的感觉油然而生。</h3><h3>River rafting, the mother river of the ancient city of Phoenix, rafting the meantime, the Castle Peak reflection, the two sides witnessed the Diaojiaolou quaint, a felt sense of return to nature.</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>set out</h3><h3>出发</h3><h3>We need to get from huangshi to wuhan for high-speed rail</h3><h3>我们需要从黄石赶到武汉坐高铁</h3><h3>From wuhan to changsha</h3><h3>从武汉到长沙</h3> <h3>day1:从长沙到张家界需要5个小时。</h3> <h3>7:30从长沙坐旅游大巴前往张家界武陵源。</h3><h3>第一个景点:云天渡玻璃长桥</h3><h3>晚上夜宿百丈峡风景区</h3> <h3>Take a bus from changsha to zhangjiajie.</h3><h3>The first scenic spot: the glass long bridge</h3><h3>The baizhang gorge scenic area at night</h3> <h3>day2:张家界武陵源,天门山国家森林公园</h3><h3>天门索道、天门洞、鬼谷栈道、玻璃栈道、盘山公路99道弯盘山公路。</h3><h3>夜宿凤凰古城</h3> <h3>Zhangjiajie wulingyuan, tianmen mountain national forest park</h3><h3>Tianmen cableway, tianmen cave, ghost valley walkway, glass walkway, and mountain road 99 road</h3><h3>The ancient city of phoenix</h3> <h3>day3:凤凰九景</h3> <h3>Phoenix nine scene</h3> <h3>沈老在边城中描写,若溯流而上,则三丈五丈的深潭清澈见底,深潭中为日月所照影,河底小白石子,🈶️花纹的玛瑙石子,皆看得明明白白,水中鱼游来游去,皆如浮在空气里,一个对于诗歌图画稍有兴味的旅客,在这河中,蜷伏于一只小船上,作三十天旅行,比不至于感到厌烦,正因为处处🈶️奇迹,自然的大胆处与精巧处,无一处不使人神往倾心。他所描绘的是一个近乎世外桃源的乡村社会,一个清新而又质朴的世界,那里人们的淳厚朴实的土性乡风,其实边城中的地点并不是凤凰,而是茶桐。可能因为沈老是凤凰人,读者将其安插在其家乡。全国众多游客慕名而来。不管是与不是,此时显得都不重要,因为在我们每个人心中都有属于自己那一只最美丽的凤凰。</h3> <h3>He paints is a near arcadia rural society, a world of pure and fresh and simple, honest simple localized local custom, people there actually border town of location is not a phoenix, but tea tong. Perhaps because shen is a phoenix, the reader put him in his hometown. A lot of tourists come from all over the country.</h3> <h3>返程,13:30出发凤凰返回长沙,夜宿长沙。假期就这样结束了。人走了,心却留在了凤凰。</h3><h3>虹桥上,沱江泮,青石板路上,都留下了我的足迹,舍不得你也要离开,只有让自己的思绪在凤凰城的天空舞动,画出一副青山绿水图,好山好水好风光,最甜最美是凤凰。</h3><h3> </h3><h3>Return journey, 13:30 depart phoenix return to changsha, night stay in changsha. That's the end of the holiday. The man went away, but his heart remained in the phoenix.</h3> <h3>Hongqiao, tuojiang river panxi, green flag road, have left my footprints, loathe to give up you also want to leave, only to let your thoughts in phoenix, dancing in the sky, draw out a pair of green hills and water, good place with good mountains and waters landscape, is the most sweet the most beautiful phoenix.</h3> <h3>无数文人墨客留墨于凤凰,我也跟随大家的脚步,今夜,让我以沱江为砚,月光作笺,流水为墨,行文一篇。写我对你的眷恋。爱上了你便不想离开。</h3><h3>希望天下有情人</h3><h3>凤凰于飞,梧桐是依。噰噰喈喈,福禄攸归。</h3><h3>就让我一直牵你手一生相伴,执子之手 与子偕老。</h3><h3> </h3><h3>Thousands of literati inks in the phoenix, I also follow the footsteps of everyone, tonight, let me take the tuo river for ink, moonlight for the paper, water for ink, a passage. Write my love for you. You don't want to leave when you fall in love.</h3> <h3>Hope the world has lovers</h3> <h3>Phoenix is flying, wutong is dependent. 噰 噰 JieJie, ferro togeher.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>最美张家界,烟雨凤凰情!</h3><h3>The phoenix of smoke and rain!</h3> <h3>正如李玉刚歌中所唱,刚好遇见你,留下我的足迹和十年的期许,不舍和你分离,正如我此时心境写照,但愿下一次再相遇,又是别样的幸福和美丽。</h3> <h3>第一次做中英对照版本的,🈶️不足之处欢迎大家围观哦!提建议😊</h3> <h3 style="text-align: right;"><span style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">随风起舞字于凤凰</span></h3>