<h3>哈国金雕广场规划设计</h3><h3>The Planning and Design for Jindiao Square in Kazakhstan</h3> <h3>项目主持:王洋、葛汉平</h3><h3>主创人员:王洋、李祉桢、赵虎、解家辉</h3><h3>项目地点:中哈霍尔果斯国际边境合作中心连接通</h3><h3>道哈方区域</h3><h3>用地面积:279 408.36 m 2</h3><h3>建筑面积:445137.06 m 2</h3><h3>容 积 率:1.24</h3><h3>设计时间:2016.5</h3><h3>业主单位:上海易鼎投资有限公司霍尔果斯分公司</h3> <h3>Project Hosts: Yang Wang, Hanping Ge</h3><h3>Chief Designers: Yang Wang, Zhizhen Li,</h3><h3>Hu Zhao, Jiahui Xie</h3><h3>Location: The Kazakhstan area of the</h3><h3>connecting roads of Sino-Kazakhstan</h3><h3>Khorgos international border</h3><h3>cooperation center</h3><h3>Site Area: 279 408.36 m 2</h3><h3>Building Area: 445137.06 m 2</h3><h3>Plot Ratio: 1.24</h3><h3>Design Time: 2016.5</h3><h3>Owner: Shanghai Yiding Investment Co., Ltd,</h3><h3>Khorgos Branch</h3> <h3>金雕中央商务区是金雕广场项目中央核心部分,位于合作区哈方中央地带,一经动工即将成为合作中心人气项目。占地288公顷的金雕广场项目还包括五大单元:艺术馆、会议厅、商业中心、CBD办公区、五星级度假酒店。建成后的中央商务区将成为中亚地区独一无二的集旅游、度假、休闲、购物和商务展览于一体的大型综合商贸及娱乐购物城。</h3> <h3>Jindiao Central Commercial District is the central part of the JindiaoSquare project, which is located in the central area of the cooperation area in Kazakhstan and will become a popular project of the cooperation centeron its construction. The project of Jindiao Square covering an area of 288 hectares consists of five units: art gallery, conference hall, commercial center, CBD office area, and five-star resort hotel. After its construction, the central commercial district will become a unique large-scale</h3><h3>comprehensive business and entertainment shopping mall in Central Asia integrating tourism, vacation, leisure, shopping and business exhibition.</h3> <h3>雕塑透视</h3> <h3>金雕广场酒店</h3> <h3>水疗中心</h3> <h3>多层酒店人视图</h3>