<h3>莎车县旅游路棚户区街景风貌特色提升</h3><h3>The Characteristics Enhancement of the Shanty Town Streetscape on Lvyou Road in Shache County</h3> <h3>项 目 主 持 :王元新、王勇志、李胜启、石岩</h3><h3>主 创 人 员 :王元新、焦琪书、范伟、赵俊、张月磊</h3><h3>参 与 创 作 :李祉祯、郑伟、努尔、帕丽扎提、张雅宁、陈洋茹、张月磊</h3><h3>项 目 地 点 :新疆 莎车</h3><h3>总占地面积:旅游路3.85公里沿线两侧建筑外立面及街道景观</h3><h3>设 计 时 间 :2016.2</h3><h3>业 主 单 位 :莎车县旅游路沿线</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Project Hosts: Yuanxin Wang, Yongzhi Wang, Shengqi Li, Yan Shi</h3><h3>Chief Designers: Yuanxin Wang, Qishu Jiao, Wei Fan, Jun Zhao, Yuelei Zhang</h3><h3>Participate in the creation: Zhizhen Li, Wei Zheng, Er Nu, Pali Zhati, Yaning Zhang,</h3><h3>Yangru Chen, Yuelei Zhang</h3><h3>Location: Shace, Xinjiang</h3><h3>Total Site Area: the architectural facade and the streetscape on both sides of the</h3><h3>3.85-kilometer-long Lvyou Road</h3><h3>Design Time: 2016.2</h3><h3>Owner: along the Lvyou Road in Shache County</h3> <h3>莎车县旅游路处于莎车镇老城区范围内,本案通过结合莎车历史文化的变迁与多种文化的互相交融相结合,将全长3.85 km街面分为了丝路文化特色、多种少数民族文化融合风格、本土地域风格三大风格,由于现状房屋样式各有不同,窗套、门套大小样式很多,方案采用"大统一小变化"的主题思想,在主色调保持统一的前提下,在细部做文章,将富有各种特色风格的符号融入街面中,同时以结合建筑外立面所配套的景观绿化内容穿插其中,增加了整体街景的变化性。</h3> <h3>Lvyou Road in Shache County is located within the scope of the old town ofShache Town. Through combining the historical and cultural changes in Shachewith the integration of a variety of cultures, the case divides the 3.85-kilometer-longstreet into three styles—cultural characteristics of the Silk Road, integration styleof various minority cultures, and features of local regions. Due to different styles ofexisting houses and different sizes and styles of window frames and door pockets,the design adopts the theme idea of "big unification with small changes"thatconcentrates on details under the premise of maining unified dominant tone.Symbols full of various features and styles are used in the streetscape,interspersed with the supporting landscape green of the architectural facade,</h3><h3>increasing changes of the overall streetscape.</h3>