《 中国建筑设计作品年鉴 》 新疆印象院作品篇


<h3>吐鲁番家庭酒庄</h3><h3>Turpan Family Winery</h3> <h3>项目主持:王洋、王元新、马军、阿不都斯木·买买提</h3><h3>主创人员:王洋、罗莎、赵虎、解家辉</h3><h3>项目地点:新疆 吐鲁番</h3><h3>用地面积:158 010.7 m 2</h3><h3>建筑面积:112 871.9 m 2</h3><h3>设计时间:2016.2</h3><h3>业主单位:吐鲁番绿色新能源房地产开发有限责任公司</h3><h3>Project Hosts: Yang Wang, Yuanxin Wang, Jun Ma,</h3><h3>Abdusim Mamat</h3><h3>Chief Designers: Yang Wang, Sha Luo, Hu Zhao, Jiahui Xie</h3><h3>Location: Turpan, Xinjiang</h3><h3>Site Area: 158 010.7 m 2</h3><h3>Building Area: 112 871.9 m 2</h3><h3>Design Time: 2016.2</h3><h3>Owner: Turpan Green New Energy Real Estate</h3><h3>Development Co., Ltd.</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3><br /></h3> <h3>本项目位于吐鲁番示范区。家庭酒庄规划设计有酒</h3><h3>庄、商业、红酒展示中心,主要为酒庄业主服务,并带动经济共同发展。</h3><h3>整个酒庄呈横向不规则矩形,酒庄建筑均为南向或南偏东朝向。酒庄规划三个出入口,东侧、西侧、南侧各一个,南侧入口设计景观广场入口,商业布置成弧形,有利于增加人气,入口直对会所建筑,形成景观轴线。</h3><h3>酒庄建筑采用弧形布置,使规划形态更加灵动。在小区中间留出公共绿地,为业主提供休闲娱乐场地。</h3><h3>酒庄设计300-550 m 2 不同面积户型,为业主提供不同选择。停车位主要采用室内停车结合建筑门前停车,满足业主的停车要求</h3> <h3>The project is located in the demonstration area of Turpan.The planning and design of the family winery consists ofwinery, commercial building and wine display center, whichmainly provides service for the owners of the winery andpromotes the common development of economics.</h3><h3>The whole winery is laid out as an irregular rectangular inthe horizontal direction and the buildings in the winery facesun in the south or in the southeast. Three entrances andexits are planned in the winery with each one in the east,in the west and in the south. An entrance to the landscapesquare is designed in the south with the arc-shapecommercial buildings, which will help increase popularity.</h3><h3>The entrance faces the buildings of the club, forming alandscape axis.</h3><h3>The buildings in the winery is laid out in arc shape, whichmakes the planning form more flexible. Public green spaceis set aside in the center of the community, providing aplace for the owners to have leisure and entertainment.</h3><h3>Different house types with the area of 300-500 m 2 providedifferent options for the owners.</h3><h3>Indoor parking space and parking lot in front of the buildingsare provided to meet the parking requirement of the owners.</h3>