

<h3>Towhomitmayconcern; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; May 18 2017 I had the distinct pleasure and honor of meeting the distinguished artist and professional Jin Linfeng about 3 weeks ago. He is not only honorable but extremely gifted craftsman. He graciously offered to spend some time with us sharing tea and showing us his amazing skills of paper cutting. I even videoed him making a paper cutting for me. My father was a skilled artist,too.So I was attracted by Jin’s work.&nbsp; I have the paper cutting he made me and I will treasure it forever. Jin Lin Feng should be considered one of Chinese distinguished paper-cutting artists. He is&nbsp; also good at photography and paintings . I highly recommend his works to anyone that appreciates fine artwork. I hope all that wish to come and visit has the honor to meet Jin, he is a very&nbsp; generous, kind, and helpful man.&nbsp; You will not regret your journey here. Sincerely, Betsy Moore</h3><div>敬启者: </div><div> 三周前,我非常荣幸地见到了著名的艺术家靳林峰先生。他不仅可亲可敬,而且是一位极具天赋的手艺人。</div><div> 靳林峰先生和蔼地邀请我们与他一起喝茶,并展示了他精彩的剪纸技艺,我还把他为我剪纸的过程进行了录像。</div><div> 我的父亲也是一位有经验的艺术家,所以我被靳先生的作品深深地吸引,我要把他为我做的剪纸保存好并永久珍藏。</div><div> 靳林峰应该被认为是中国优秀的剪纸艺术家之一。除了剪纸,他还擅长摄影和绘画。我极力地将他的作品推荐给每一位能够欣赏美术作品的人,我希望所有想来这里参观的人也能有幸见到大方、和蔼、乐于助人的靳先生,相信你一定会不虚此行。</div><div> 谨上 </div><div> 贝琪 摩尔 </div><div> 2017年5月18日</div><div><br></div><div>翻译:马玉凤</div> <h3>业余时间精心创作</h3> <h3>去了俏佳人形象大提升</h3> <h3>作品被中国文联收藏</h3> <h3>这还真的是真的啊</h3> <h3>红旗渠十连幅代表作品之一</h3> <p class="ql-block">七度音乐吉他培训常年招生:</p><p class="ql-block">地址:林州市太行华府西门北边四楼。 咨询电话: 156 3721 1450</p>