

<h3>We met our Angel Pilar whilst we faced difficulty to deal with bus tickets, She came up, figured out all issues , until made sure we made right Metro to airport. That was May 11, we withdrew first Canimo , sadly. </h3><h3>5月11日,Logrono 车站,买去马德里的车票,窗口姑娘不说英文,路人甲说英文的姐姐当下帮忙翻译,4小时长途车到马德里、一路Metro,送我们到机场的线,转车再转车.... 邹宇还在病中,加上不愿退出的难过中,遇到这个天使,一路送我们平安回家上路,Canimo的神奇每天都在出现...</h3> <h3>'Spanish people love hugs, don't think wrong'&nbsp; Angel joked while she hug Yu.</h3><h3>告别时,Pilar姐姐说:我们西班牙人都是亲亲抱抱的,别想多哈。</h3> <h3>3 weeks later, we came back where we stopped, Pilar email me" let's meet at Estella , where is a nice place to sightseeing"&nbsp;</h3><h3>But, she showed up with the backpack she had 14 years ago while she done her Canimo. She was coming to walking with us, and picking us home! We are incredible touched! &nbsp;</h3><h3>6月3日,我们回到了Estella,重新开始行走。Pilar姐姐说,那地界挺好看的,我去见你们,碰碰面哈。结果,她是背着14年前行走Canimo 的背包、鞋子,准备和我们一起走回家,带我们回家..</h3> <h3>A painting show in Monastery </h3><h3>画展</h3> <h3>Pilar:I used to paint as well</h3><h3>Pilar: 我也画画</h3> <h3>Dinner at Estella </h3><h3>晚饭</h3> <h3>She is cute and happy .</h3><h3>姐姐太兴奋,背着包在Albergue里楼上楼下跑了半个多小时</h3> <h3>We are taking off!&nbsp;</h3><h3>上路了,一共一起走了2天</h3> <h3>You are my sunshine </h3><h3>你是我的阳光</h3> <h3>Wine Fountain&nbsp;</h3><h3>红酒嘿,来,喝一口</h3> <h3>We stopped in a cafe for 3 hours . Pilar was cheering everyone up who came into cafe from pouring rain. Including this 6 months being!&nbsp;</h3><h3>2小时后,大雨,停在一个小cafe, Pilar 姐姐没错过和任何一个活物聊,包括这个6个月没出来的。</h3> <h3>She didn't do any practice for Canimo, but she was pretty good on walking. Quick pace.</h3><h3>没有训练,背着6公斤左右的东西,60岁的年龄,真心比我快,好样儿的!</h3> <h3>We are walking in sun and rain as well. We are being together!</h3><h3>无论风雨,我们一起行走</h3> <h3>This hungry boy was walking back his company home which he bought 4 years ago from France.&nbsp;</h3><h3>这个匈牙利小伙,送4年前的伴回家</h3> <h3>With the chinese priest and his fellow men in villamayor De montjardin.&nbsp;</h3><h3>路遇做完周日Mass的米神父</h3> <h3>Day 2, different backpack </h3><h3>第二天,轻装回家喽!Los acros- Viana- Logrono </h3> <h3>Pilar: Do you like something sweet? </h3><h3>Man: It tastes good, what is it?</h3><h3>Pilar: it is my grandfather's medicine.</h3><h3>Man: Then your grandpa is still alive?</h3><h3>Pilar: No, unfortunately he passed away. </h3><h3>Man: ...poop... </h3><h3>Lol....</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Pilar 姐姐:给你个好吃哒</h3><h3>大叔:这是啥</h3><h3>Pilar:我爷爷的药</h3><h3>大叔:那你爷爷还活着吗?</h3><h3>Pilar:他不在了</h3><h3>大叔:...噗....</h3> <h3>Pilar: Do I look like a witch?</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Pilar:看我像女巫吧?</h3><h3>老邹:还不够邪恶</h3><h3>Pilar: 真的吗?</h3> <h3>God are alway being with us</h3><h3>上帝常在</h3> <h3>Witch walking<br /></h3><h3>行走的女巫</h3> <h3>It is in my 50 years old Bucket list .&nbsp;And I am working on that! </h3><h3>20公里到Viana;行走canimo ,是50岁前想做的一件事。</h3> <h3>Viana is too good to leave .&nbsp;</h3><h3>不想离开,太美的小城,于是住下,虽然行李都寄去了Logrono,不就是不刷牙一天吗,没关系🤣。Pilar 乘公共汽车回家了,14公里外。</h3> <h3>Free tour running by Albergue&nbsp;</h3><h3>晚饭前的免费tour,小城市3条街,一个古老教堂,战争后被赐予的带徽章的房子</h3> <h3>Spiritual feet massage</h3><h3>朝圣者相互照顾着疲惫的腿、脚</h3> <h3>Centra square&nbsp;</h3><h3>广场边的政府</h3> <h3>All church were a denfense port where were built at the beginning . Then turn to be a church later .&nbsp;</h3><h3>很多教堂都先是建在高处的防御工事,后来是教堂,这个只剩下了围墙和石墩</h3><h3><br /></h3> <h3>Pension,&nbsp;</h3><h3>50欧两人,用洗手液洗澡洗头,好得很</h3> <h3>Cafe owner is s Chinese&nbsp;</h3><h3>第三天早上,浙江青田人开店的酒吧,教堂对面</h3> <h3>Day 3, tour in Pilar's school.&nbsp;</h3><h3>第三天,13公里,中午走到Logrono, 第一站是去姐姐学校。在上英文课的学生</h3> <h3>Teacher's office&nbsp;</h3><h3>教师办公室</h3> <h3>Oscar , Pilar's son. Love Asian culture and food.&nbsp;</h3><h3>爱日本文化的儿子,24岁,计算机专业</h3> <h3>Lunch time</h3><h3>3点多,开饭喽</h3> <h3>After lunch, swimming and Jacuzzi time </h3><h3>饭后去游泳了,还有jacuzzi</h3> <h3>Day 4,&nbsp;Pilar: This is the birthday gift for my Mum, it was sad she couldn't make it. </h3><h3>第四天,Pilar:这是给我妈买的生日礼物,可惜她没等到</h3> <h3>Owner of supermarket , done Canimo 3 times, lovely and bright lady.&nbsp;</h3><h3>热情开心、说英文、走了3次Canimo的超市老板娘</h3> <h3>Old cafe&nbsp;</h3><h3>老咖啡馆</h3> <h3>Elegant and very competitive senior ladies in town&nbsp;</h3><h3>街上精致打扮的阿姨们</h3> <h3>Priest of Pilar's perish&nbsp;</h3><h3>Pilar姐姐教会的牧师</h3> <h3>Allways smiling owner of butcher.&nbsp;</h3><h3>早8点,到晚10点,永远笑着的肉店老板</h3> <h3>Piar:&nbsp;The guy who sold his flat to me , made this art. </h3><h3>Pilar, 这是卖我房子的家伙的作品</h3> <h3>Old and charming bar</h3><h3>老酒馆</h3> <h3>Feast day ready for old town of Logrono </h3><h3>为Feast day 装饰中老城区</h3> <h3>Home</h3><h3>回家喽</h3> <h3>Oscar's girlfriend from Ecundo&nbsp;</h3><h3>厄瓜多尔女朋友,Danise </h3> <h3>Day 5,&nbsp;we have to head our way. We felt we left something behind. We will back for that! Our love! </h3><h3>第五天早上,我们离开了,这段可遇不可求的美好</h3>