<h3>2017年6月5日,七年级英语备课组英语朗诵第一组比赛,在教研组长王丽英老师的带领下,紧锣密鼓地展开了!The English-Speaking Competition was a great success!</h3> <h3>这位其貌不扬的小女孩,凭借其强大的气场,纯正流利的英腔,在众多参赛选手中脱颖而出,给在场的每一位观众留下了深刻的印象!I'm the winner !</h3> <h3>看我们那自信的神采!</h3> <h3>I'm the best !</h3> <h3>We are deeply impressed by her funny story!</h3> <h3>This is a good chance for me to improve myself !</h3> <h3>娇小的身躯掩饰不了我们强大的内心!</h3> <h3>Yes!I can do it! </h3> <h3>To be confident !</h3> <h3>How to English well? I'll tell you some good tips!</h3> <h3>Do you know how to stay healthy? Follow me!</h3> <h3>Where,there is a will, there is a way!</h3> <h3>台上激烈角逐,台下心潮澎湃!Don't be nervous! Don't be afraid to make a mistake!</h3> <h3>瞧!台下还有一位 "特殊"的观众哦!领导的支持就是我们前进的动力!</h3> <h3>评委老师们,手下留情哦!😄😄😄</h3> <h3>看我们354班的小外援那认真劲儿,为你们点赞!棒棒哒!</h3> <h3>公布比赛结果,你紧张,我激动!</h3>