瓦努阿图国家田径队在湖南理工学院 人物篇(一)一一瑞克斯


<h3><br></h3><h3>Vanuatu national track and field team in Hunan Institute of Science And Technology - The Introduction of People in The Team(1)</h3> <h3>领队--瑞克斯</h3> <h3>瑞克斯 42岁 瓦努阿图国家田径队领队</h3><h3>Rex, whose age is 42,is the Vanuatu national track and field team leader</h3> <h3>和教练们一起研究训练方案</h3><h3>study the training plan with the coaches</h3> <h3>他是10公里竞走国内纪录保持者,常激励队员要打破国内记录</h3><h3>He is the record keeper of walking in Vanuatu, and encourage athletes to break the national records</h3> <h3>准备开会资料</h3><h3>prepare meeting documents</h3> <h3>每天训练完后主持召开总结会</h3><h3>preside over a summary meeting after daily training.</h3> <h3>为受伤队员进行治疗</h3><h3>help to make treatment for the injured athletes</h3> <h3>看望正在康复的运动员</h3><h3>Visit the athletes who are doing the therapy</h3> <h3>正在给队员做按摩。</h3><h3>Doing massage to the players</h3> <h3>风趣的告诉中方教练每天用药量很多,需要换个高大的药瓶</h3><h3>he tells the Chinese coaches that every day uses a lot of medicines so that they need a bigger medicine bottle</h3> <h3>和运动员比赛,但要先起跑十多米。</h3><h3>Competing with athletes but start more than 10 meters first</h3> <h3>和队员们一起搬送运动器材</h3> <h3>和教练们在一起。</h3><h3>And coaches together.</h3> <h3>和食堂工作人员沟通伙食营养问题</h3><h3>communicate with canteen staff over diet nutrition</h3> <h3>学用中国筷子吃饭</h3><h3>learn to eat with Chinese chopsticks</h3> <h3>十分用心的给女运动员拍照</h3><h3>Taking photos for the female athletes sincerely</h3> <h3>告诉翻译照相时如何摆姿势</h3><h3>he teaches the interpreters how to pose while taking pictures</h3> <h3>别人拍照时常常突然闯进镜头</h3><h3>Rex burst appear in the camera when others take pictures</h3> <h3>平常回到宿舍,喝喝咖啡看看电视</h3><h3>Back to the dorm, he will drink coffee and watch TV</h3> <h3>信仰基督教,睡觉前进行祷告</h3><h3>And he prays before he goes to bed</h3> <h3>公示训练目标,希望队员在太平洋小型运动会上多拿奖牌</h3><h3>He announces the training goal and hope that the team will win more medals at the Pacific Mini Games</h3> <h3>和队员们一起登上岳阳楼</h3><h3>Climb to the Yueyang Tower with teammates </h3> <h3>和队员们一起学习太极拳,希望能回国表演中国功夫</h3><h3>Besides,he studies Tai Chi with team members, hoping to perform it when they go back to Vanuatu.</h3> <h3>为缅甸轮椅篮球运动员送行。</h3> <h3>分别时刻</h3> <h3></h3><h3>瑞克斯先生将尽自己最大的努力,带领运动员前行。。。</h3>Mr. Rex will try his best to lead the players forward。。。 <h3>背景音乐选自瑞克斯先生喜爱的“we are the world”</h3><h3>This background music is Mr.Rex 's favourate song "we are the world"</h3><h3>翻译:paz</h3>