<p>一样的青春一样的梦想。那年,我高三,那个六月,我高考。怎样的一段青葱岁月,我回味,我珍藏!</p><p>The same youth is dreaming the same dream. That year saw my hard work of senior grade three and that June witnessed my exam. What a time of youth ,which I have called back and cherished!</p> <p>三千多个日日夜夜藏了多少梦,不变的是追寻理想的信念。</p><p>Dreams have been put in the deep heart ofmore than 3000 days and nights . My strong belief of seeking the failth will never change. </p> <p>趁着老师抄题的一会会儿时间,打个盹蓄精养锐。</p><p>Get a nap while the teacher is writing on the blackboard with his back to us. </p> <p>上课的时候不敢走神,唯恐漏掉一个知识点。</p><p>Can't be too careful in classes in case mining a little. </p> <p> 高考前,老师殷殷鼓劲……</p><p>Thanks for your warmly encouraging before the exam, my dear teachers. </p> <p> 那天我们早早进入考点,既忐忑又期待。</p><p>That morning I entered the examination school ,perturbed and expecting .</p> <p> “我昨晚还梦到高考题了,谁想知道?”</p><p><br></p><p> “快,说来听听!”</p><p>An exercise was in my last dream. Who wants to try?</p><p>Spreak out. Be quick. </p><p><br></p> <p>老师点名后,鼓励我们细心信心再细心!</p><p>After calling the roll, the teacher reminded us to be much cautious. </p> <p>“当然信心满满喽!”</p><p>Surely ,I am confident. </p> <p>考场外,蝉躁鸣。试场里,时间凝滞,我们挥汗如雨。</p><p>Cicadas chirpping outside, we are sweating in the examination room. Time stops. </p> <p> 娃娃不知做的怎样?快下考了吧?</p><p>How are the kids?Time is up. </p> <p>考过了就别再想了,喝点水,歇息一小会儿。</p><p>No more thoughts. Drink a little to be relaxed. </p> <p>终于考完了一门,自我感觉还不错!</p><p><br></p><p>Finished one and not bad. </p> <p>“咦,咋还有同学没出试场呢?”</p><p>Gee,someone is still in the examination room. </p> <p> 终于考完了……嘿嘿,我就静等录取了!</p><p>Have finished all. Hey, wait to be admitted. </p> <p> 只要努力,成功便自然而然!</p><p>Naturally,anyone who works hard is bound to succeed. </p> <p> 我的高考,仿佛就在昨天。老师给了我高考的信心,母校给了我拼搏的激情。我知道,无奋斗不青春。加油!加油!</p><p>That is my examination as if took place yesterday. It is the teachers who have encouraged me a lot and it is my mother school who has passionated me. </p><p>No struggle,no youth. Come on!</p>