

<h3><br></h3> <h3 align="center">温江© 翻译自英文版<br>(华西原校长毕启的孙子 爱德华.毕启 E.Beech 供稿)<br></h3><br> <h3 align="center">蒋介石夫妇和理学院院长戴谦和夫妇在华西协合大学 (耶鲁大学图书馆)</h3> <h3 align="center"></h3><div style="text-align: center;"><h1><b>蒋介石总司令在华西协合大学约瑟夫•毕启博士的回国欢送会上的致辞</b></h1><b>1940年3月18日</b><br></div><br><div style="text-align: center;"><b>温江© 翻译自英文版</b><br></div>(中文原文未可得,此文系老温译自英文,故不宜讹传。如有损委员长文字功底,万望诸位见谅。)<br><br> 自中国打开了她的大门,西方国家的贤哲们就不远万里,带着耶稣基督的爱,来此传播福音,开办学校。他们的宗教热情和精神令人倍感钦佩。依吾所见,他们建树的最大的功业,当属创办了华西协合大学。那位尽心尽至,勤奋努力,铸就这一伟大项目的人,就是华西协和大学的校长,约瑟夫•毕启博士。<br><br> 早在1904年,他成功地团结了不同教派差会的代表们,在中国的西部筹划筹建这所大学。依其耐心,尽其努力,以6年的筹划运作,使大学得以诞生。三年之后,毕启博士当选为这所大学的校长。作为办教的先驱,毕启博士的创造性努力,为我们国家的公民树立了典范。他为建校筹集的仅一笔资金数额,就远超五十万美金之巨(译注:此指霍尔基金会的捐款。毕启筹集的华西总基金共达400余万美元)。用此基金,他得以在校园里营建起几十栋精美的大楼,购置了精彩,充足的设备。华西协合大学的医科和齿科闻名于我们整个的国土。而大学本身,也已因毕启博士募集的的众多杰出学人及教授们,成为享誉中外的最伟大的教育中心之一。<br><br> 毕启博士确实值得我们的最高钦佩。他的整个一生,全部贡献给了这个国家的教育。现在,他就要悄悄地回到他自己的国家,没有丝毫打算分享自己的一份辛劳成果。以这个国家的感激之情,我们现在有一份小小的心意,我宣布,中国政府现在要颁布一项特级奖励,授予毕启博士(”捐资兴学”)一级奖励证书和红蓝镶绶采玉勋章。<br><br> 毕启博士伟大的人品和精神,以及他在这个国家亲手创立的不朽事业,将会永不消亡。毕启博士也将会为中国学者和学生们永远铭记。先贤孟子曰:“人有三乐。得天下英才而教育之” 。 吾以为,毕启博士就会享受到这种乐趣。在他即将离华赴美的前夕,我特别希望送给他这些话,以纪念我们的感恩,并祝愿他旅程愉快。<br><br>蒋介石的国玺及签名<br><br>1940年3月18日,中国民国29年。<br> <br>注:采玉勳章:民國22年12月2日訂頒,以蔣介石之母親「王采玉」命名。勳章以玉比喻君子之德,象徵至高無上尊榮,是中華民國最高榮譽勳章。采玉勳章分若干等级,其中采玉大勳章为最高级,中心有玉質國徽,仅授予国家元首级人士。其余采玉勳章仅有红,蓝,白色彩玉而无国徽。毕启校长所获为四级红蓝镶绶采玉勋章,为授予国际人士的最高勳章。<br><br><br> <h3 align="center">华西协和大学的校长,约瑟夫•毕启夫妇在华西协合大学(华西原校长毕启孙儿爱德华.毕启E.Beech)</h3> 附:蒋介石委员长的致辞英文稿:<br><br><b> Farewell Address to Dr. Joseph Beech penned by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek (1940-3-18)</b><br><br> Since China opened her door, the sages of the western countries came thousands of miles with the love of Jesus Christ to spread the Gospel, and to open schools. Their religious zeal and spirit are admirable. According to what I have seen, the greatest of these enterprises is the West China Union University. The man who has the patience and who gives the effort to realize this great project is Dr. Joseph Beech, President of the University. <br><br> Early in the year 1904 he succeeded in uniting the representatives of different Missions in planning the establishment of a university in West China, with patience, efforts, and plans for 6 years. The University came into existence, and Dr. Beech was elected President three years later. The creative effort of a pioneer, such as Dr. Beech, is an example to the citizens of this country. The funds he raised amount to far more than half a million dollars gold. Thus he enabled to build up a few tens of fine large buildings on campus, with splendid and adequate equipment. The Medical and Dental College of the West China Union University is famed throughout the land. And the University itself has become one of the greatest centers of learning, with outstanding scholars and professors whom Dr. Beech has engaged both in China and abroad. <br><br> Dr. Beech is indeed worthy of highest admiration. His whole life has been given for the education of this country. He now returns quietly to his own country, without any idea of partaking of the fruits of his labors. As a humble token of gratitude of this country, the Chinese Government has proclaimed a Special Order, and conferred on him the Diploma of the First Class, and the decoration of the Jade Medal. The great personality and spirit of Dr. Beech will be immortal with the enterprise which he has created here in this country. He will be remembered forever by the Chinese scholars and students. “Educating the coming generation,” said Menius, “is the supreme joy of life.” Dr. Beech has enjoyed this kind of pleasure. On the eve of his departure for the United States, I particularly desire to offer him these words in grateful remembrance, and wish him a good voyage.<br><br>Signed by the Great Seal of Chiang Kai-Shek<br><br>Eighteenth of March, 1940, <br>29th Year of the Republic of China<br><br>(From Edward Beech, the grand son of Joe. Beech,PhD, Ex President of West China Union University)<br><br><br>