Three little pigs


<h3> <font color="#b04fbb">故事《三只小猪》围绕“小猪造新房、逃避狼的追赶、与狼进行斗志斗勇最终战胜狼”的故事情节展开。</font></h3><h3><font color="#b04fbb"> </font><font color="#39b54a">The story &lt;Three little pigs&gt; is unfolded with a plot in which the three pigs build new houses, escape the pursuit of the wolf and finally the pigs win in the last.</font></h3> <h3> <font color="#b04fbb">故事的开头介绍了三只小猪的名字和故事背景:猪妈妈提议让三只小猪各自造一所新房子。三只小猪分别去造自己的房子。老大用稻草、老二用木头造了他们的新房,而老三用砖头造了一幢结实的房子。然后我们的故事就开始啦……</font></h3><h3> <font color="#39b54a">It introduces the background information of the story at the beginning of the story. Their mother suggests that her own children should build their own houses by themselves. And then these three pigs are going to build their houses independently. The eldest child build his house with straw. And the second-born build his house with wood. While the youngest son build his house with bricks, which is very strong. Then our story is beginning…</font></h3> <h3><font color="#b04fbb"> 让我们先来认识认识这几位可爱的演员吧!猪妈妈、猪宝贝Tom、Tim、Jim和大灰狼。</font></h3><h3><span style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);"> Let's have a recognition of our actors. They are Mother pig, baby pigs whose names are Tom, Tim, Jim, and the big bad wolf.</span></h3> <h3><font color="#b04fbb"> 这些是为他们制作的道具卡片,是不是很有趣呢?</font></h3><h3><span style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);"> These are the cards that are made for them to play. Are they interesting?</span></h3> <h3><font color="#ed2308"> </font><font color="#b04fbb">看,这些是他们建造的房子。Tom用的是稻草,Tim用的是木头,而Jim用的是砖头。</font></h3><div><font color="#ed2308"> </font><font color="#39b54a">Look, these are their houses. Tom makes it with straw, Tim makes it with wood and Jim makes it with bricks, which is very strong</font><font color="#ed2308">.</font></div> <h3><font color="#b04fbb"> 噢,这是一只非常非常饥饿的大灰狼哦, 他正在等待着小猪们的到来……</font></h3><h3><font color="#39b54a"> Oh, this is a big bad wolf who is very hungry now, and he is there to wait for the pigs to come here...</font></h3> <h3><font color="#b04fbb"> Tom和Tim终于把房子建好啦。他们开心地去钓鱼去啦,可不曾想大灰狼就在附近。他非常非常地饿,正发愁该去吃点什么,就看见了这两只猪。</font></h3><h3> <font color="#39b54a">Tom and Tim finish their buildings and then they decide to go fishing. But they don't know the wolf who is very hungry and wants to find something to eat is there too.</font></h3><div> <font color="#b04fbb">Tom和Tim也看见了大灰狼,他们拼命地跑呀跑,嘴里大喊:“救命啊,救命啊!”赶紧跑进Tom的稻草房间里,可是大灰狼一口气就把Tom的房子吹倒了。没办法,他们又赶紧跑进Tim的木头房子里,大灰狼又一脚把Tim的间踢翻了。实在走投无路啦,这兄弟俩赶紧跑进Jim的砖头房间里,这下应该安全了吧。</font></div><div><span style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);"> Tom and Tim also see the wolf, and they try their best to run faster and faster with saying " help, help!" Then they run into Tom's house made with straw, but the big bad wolf blowns down it. Then they run into Tim's house made with wood, while the wolf kicks down it. At last, they run into Jim's house made with bricks, it maybe safe at this time.</span></div><h3> </h3> <h3> <font color="#b04fbb">但实际情况却不是这样的,狡猾的大灰狼想通过烟囱进入到Jim的家里,准备把猪家三兄弟都吃掉。可Jim好聪明呀,他让Tom把烟囱底下的火点着,烧点热水。</font></h3><div> <font color="#39b54a">But the real reality is not so. The big bad wolf wants to go into Jim's house through chimney and are ready to eat these three brothers. While Jim is so clever that he let Tom to make a fire and boil some water, which is very hot.</font></div><div> <font color="#b04fbb">当大灰狼爬到烟囱顶上准备下时,被烧到了尾巴,吓得他赶紧就跑。这下可乐坏猪家三兄弟了,Jim可真聪明呀!</font></div><div> <font color="#39b54a"> When the big bad wolf is ready to down from the chimney, the water is so hot that makes him not go in the house and only to run away. Jim is clever!</font></div><div> </div> <h3> <font color="#b04fbb">好啦,故事讲完啦。小朋友们一定要向Jim学习,做一个认真、细心、有责任感的好孩子。相信你们一定可以的,加油哦!</font></h3><div> <font color="#39b54a">Well, the story is finished. Our students should learn to Jim and make yourself as good boys with conscientious, careful and responsible. Believe in yourselves, come on!</font></div>