<h3>撰文:山峰</h3><h3>选曲:山峰</h3><h3>拍摄:凉寒一飞</h3><h3>拍摄地:陕西</h3><h3>后期制作:山峰</h3><h3>翻译:山峰《指导:Jenny》</h3><h1><b>关中细犬据史料考证,始于秦朝,最为多的记载为,唐,宋,明,清和皇家狩猎记录,(猃:指脸很长的狗),秦猃早在公元前已成为秦国的御用猎犬,在司马迁《史记,李斯传》中有"牵黄犬,俱出上蔡东门,逐狡兔,甲骨文中形象的勾画就是这种长脸,翘尾,前弓后蹦,身体修长的秦猃身态,据资料显示二朗神的哮天犬与秦猃极为相似………然而中国最古老的物种,原生态犬,随着历史变迁,秦猃几乎灭绝,在爱犬人士的共同努力下才得以延续,但种族数量还是极具有限,今天把秦猃的一面展现大家,希望更多人了解秦猃这一本土古老犬种,使其能更好的繁衍生息,…………</b></h1><h3><b>(在此感谢杨国政先生,二辉先生及广大爱犬人士的鼎力支持)(特谢新西兰湖北籍华侨Jnny 女士的支持)</b></h3> <h3><b>Qin Xian Author: Shan Feng Music: Shan Feng Shooting: Liang Han Yi Fei. Location: Weinan, Shanxi Post production: Shan Feng </b></h3><h3><b>The earliest historical records about Qin Xiao started from the Qin dynasty. More records exist among the royal hunting records amongst the Tang, Song, Ming and Qing dynasties. (Xian: dogs with long faces).</b></h3><h3><b>Xian were used as royal hunting dogs in the Qin dynasty. In the historical record for Li Si the author Si Ma Qian wrote " took the yellow dogs out of Ju Dong Men to chase rabbits. The dog's image in Oracle bone is this kind of dog which have long face,pointing tail and a long body. The front part of the body is higher than the bottom part. It's said that Qin Xian looks like Er Lang Shen's Xiaotian dog. </b></h3><h3><b>This most ancient species of dog almost gets distinct with the change of time. There are only very limited number of dogs still existing today. Today we wish to present this precious species of dog to you in the hope that more people will get to know about Qin Xian.</b></h3> <h3>秦猃</h3><h3>Qin Xian</h3> <h3>关中猎獒画像</h3><h3>GuanZhongmastiff portrait </h3> <h3>唐朝壁画秦猃图</h3><h3>The tang Dynasty murals QinXin figure </h3> <h3>隋唐出土的秦猃俑</h3><h3>Sui and tong dynasties unearthed QinXianfigures </h3> <h3>血统采样</h3><h3>Blood sampling </h3><h3><br /></h3><h3> </h3><h3><br /></h3> <h3>国外友人和秦猃合影</h3><h3>A photo QinXianand foreign friends </h3> <p class="ql-block">蒲城何运龙先生爱犬</p> <p class="ql-block">蒲城何运龙先生的迷雪</p> <p class="ql-block">郭晨爱犬</p> <p class="ql-block">郭晨爱犬</p> <p class="ql-block">迷雪的女儿,犬主:郭晨</p> <p class="ql-block">郭晨爱犬</p> <h3>西安高陵张根同先生爱犬《黑子》</h3> <h3>蒲城何运龙先生的爱犬</h3> <h3>《山峰:笔名》号素斋秦人氏也,一介草民,自幼喜欢书画,摄影,常耕于砚田,混迹网络江湖,愿得一二清水知己。</h3>