<h3><font color="#010101"> 周二下午公办结束,路过环岛,好些花已凋谢,郁金香正开放,随兴拍拍。没有水滴的花朵少了一份娇艳,再好的风景没有人物也好像缺少了些什么。鲜花盛开,唯愿此时此刻此情此景长留。</font></h3> How does a moment last forever?<div>How can a story never die?</div><div>It is love we must hold onto</div><div>Never easy, but we try</div><div>Sometimes our happiness is captured</div><div>Somehow, our time and place stand still</div><div>Love lives on inside our hearts and always will</div><div></div><div>Minutes turn to hours, days to years and gone</div><div>Thus, when all else has been forgotten</div><div>Still our song lives on</div><div></div><div>Maybe some moments weren't so perfect,</div><div>maybe some memories not so sweet,</div><div>but we have to know some bad times,</div><div>or our lives are incomplete.</div><div>And when the shadows overtake us,</div><div>just when we feel our hope is gone.</div><div>we'll hear our song and no ones know,</div><div>our lovely song.</div><div></div><div>How does a moment last forever?</div><div>How does our happiness endure?</div><div>Through the darkest of our troubles</div><div>Love is beauty, love is pure</div><div>Love pays no mind to desolation</div><div>It flows like a river through the soul</div><div>Protects, perceives, and perseveres</div><div>And makes us whole</div><div></div><div>Minutes turn to hours, days to years and gone</div><div>But when all else has been forgotten</div><div>Still our song lives on</div><div>That's how a moment lasts forever:</div><div>When our song lives on</div>