<h3><span style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);"> 7月21日-----27日 马来西亚</span></h3> <h3> 本届⽐赛除武术套路、散打、推⼿、功⼒绝技等项⽬外,增加了"名师名家表演赛"和"中⻢武术书画⼤赛",届时还举办"武术⽂化讲坛"及""中⻢武术传播⼤使"、"优秀教练员"、"⼗佳代表队"的评选。</h3> <h3><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">报名咨询</b></h3><h3>中国秘书处</h3><h3>耿 军 18639113456</h3><h3>张⽂⼴ 13913007155</h3><h3>沙⽂⽣ 13338884000</h3><h3>地址:河南省郑州市健康路联创商务 606 室</h3><h3>⽹址:www.zgwsj88.com</h3><h3>邮箱:zgwsj88@126.com</h3> <h3><span style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);"><b> 刘国明先生是国内为数不多的文武全才,文:他是中国书法家协会高级注册教师,国家一级美术师;武:他是杨式太极拳的正宗传人,中国武术七段。</b></span></h3> <h1><span style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);"> 书法家 武术家刘国明先生</span></h1><h1><span style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);"><br /></span></h1><h3> 刘国明,号明源,自幼习书练拳,文武双修,为杨式太极拳第七代传人,中国武术七段,中国武术段位制指导员,考评员;太极拳、太极推手教练员,裁判员。</h3> <h3> 现任山东省老年体育协会太极拳委员会副秘书长,山东易和太极文化发展交流中心副主任兼副秘书长,山东省老年大学太极拳专业、书法专业课座教授,主要教授传统杨式太极拳;中国武术段位制杨式太极拳,国标杨式太极拳。武当三丰太极拳及太极推手、太极剑、太极刀、太极棍、易筋洗髓内功功法。书法方面主要教授楷书、行书、隶书、篆书、行草书等多种字体,现为中国书法家协会高级注册教师,国家一级美术师,美国艺术家协会中国区副理事长;荣获世界功勋艺术家称号。多年来,教授太极拳和书法学生数千人;德艺双馨,桃李满园,深受广大学员拥戴。</h3> <h3>Martial artist & Calligrapher Liu Guoming;</h3><h3>Mr. Liu Guoming (Ming Yuan), the seventh generation of (Yang style) Tai Chi, was well versed in both polite letters and martial arts since childhood. As an instructor and examinant of Chinese Wushu, coach and referee of Tai Chi, Mr. Liu is appointed Deputy Secretary of Shandong Senior-Citizen Sports Association-Tai Chi Committee and Deputy Director and Deputy Secretary-General of Shandong Yihe Tai Chi Cultural Development and Exchange Center; He also teaches taichi and calligraphy at Shandong Senior-Citizen university, mainly instructing traditional Yang style Taichi, (Chinese Wushu)Yang Style Tai Chi, international Yang style Tai Chi, Wudang Sanfeng Tai Chi and Tai Chi push-hands exercise, Tai Chi sword, Tai Chi Sabre, Tai Chi Stick and other rejuvenating strength-reinforcing exercises. In handwriting, Mr. Liu mainly teaches regular script, official script, seal character, cursive and other fonts. Now he is the senior registered teacher of China Calligraphers Association, State First-Class national artist, vice president of American Artists Association- China District, who is also awarded the title of World Meritorious Artist. For years, Mr. Liu has taught thousands of students on tai chi and calligraphy. His excellence in both performing skills and moral integrity makes him popular among all his students.</h3> <h3> 请关注加微信</h3>