

<h3>  作为一个身在外国的兰州人,时不时的在朋友圈里晒牛肉面,一来引来不少哈喇子馋吃;二来招到众多学徒想学。好吧,今天在这儿一步一步演示家庭版牛肉面的做法。 . As Lanzhou people in foreign countries, they often display beef noodles in the circle of friends, first to attract many people loving to eat them,second to recruit many apprentices who wanna learn how to cook them. Ok, I will demonstrate how to cook beef noodles at home step by step today. </h3> <h3>  1、买一块牛腱子肉(中间有筋隔成小格的那种)和几块牛骨头。用凉水煮开。(同时多烧些开水备用) &nbsp;</h3><h3> 1,Buy a piece of cattle tendon (that is cut into small lattice) and a few cattle bones. Use cold water to boil them. (At the same time, boil some water standby)<br /></h3> <h3>2、第一次煮开的汤很多浮沫,将这锅汤全部倒掉不要,并用开水将肉和骨头冲洗干净。 2、There are many floating foams on the first boiling water, please pour out all the water to discard, then rinse the meat and bones with boiling water.</h3> <h3>3、将肉和骨头放进锅中,添入足量的开水(洗肉和二次加水都用热水,用冷水会导致肉缩紧),大火煮开,将上层浮沫撇去。 &nbsp;</h3><h3> 3、Put the meat and bones into the pan, add enough boiling water (Do use the boiling water to wash the meat and add the secondary water。If you use cold water, the meat will cause the meat shrinkage). Boil them quickly with big fire , and skim the upper froth away.</h3> <h3>4、准备一个洋葱,将外皮剥掉一层,留下一层皮,一来可以给汤增加颜色,二来洋葱不容易散;花椒、两个干辣椒、一个草果、一点儿小茴香、几粒丁香,装入煮肉料盒;切几片生姜。将这些调味料全部放入汤锅中。 &nbsp;</h3><h3> 4、 Prepare an onion, peel off its first layer, leaving a layer of peel to add color to the soup, and let the onion not easy to break up; Prepare some pepers,two dry chiles, an apple, some fennel, some fennel, a few cloves, then put them into boiled seasoning box; Cut a few slices of gingers. Put all of these seasoning into the soup pot at last.</h3> <h3>  5、盖上锅盖转小火煮一个半小时。(各地牛肉成熟时间不同,部位不同所需时间也不同,需酌情増减时间) &nbsp;</h3><h3> 5, Cover the pot and stew them for about an hour and a half with small fire.</h3> <h3>  6、最后十分钟放盐。煮好的牛肉先在汤中泡一个小时使其更入味。捞出牛肉后放凉,入冰箱冷藏(切之前可以放进塑料袋在冷冻室冷冻半小时,这样切时容易切薄片)。 &nbsp;</h3><h3> 6、 Put salt in the last ten minutes. First let the cooked beef put in the soup for more than an hour for the seasioning smell. Remove the beef to cool and then put the beef into the refrigerator (Before cutting them,they can be put into plastic bags and freeze them in the freezing chamber for half an hour, thus you can easily cut them into slices).</h3> <h3>  7、取面时用一个容器量一下,我取了三大勺(如图量具)面,用了同样勺的一勺水。面里放一丁点盐(用两个指尖捏一点儿),一点一点加水,将面团住。 &nbsp;</h3><h3> 7、When taking flours, you'd better use a container for measurement , I took three ladles of flours ( such as the measuring tool as shown in figure ), then put a same ladle of water. Put a little bit of salt into the flours (use two fingers to take a bit), and then add water bit by bit to make them into a dough.</h3> <h3><br /></h3><h3>8、在手上淋一点儿水,用拳头搋面,不停地边翻动边搋,将面揉匀,盖上盖子放置十分钟。 8、Spray a little water on your hand, and use your fists to knead dough constantly , letting the dough kneaded well, and cover it for ten minutes.</h3><h3><br /></h3> <h3>  9、将面团放案板上揉光滑,切成大剂子,擀成圆片(大概一指厚或稍薄)。 &nbsp;</h3><h3> 9、 Put the dough on the table to knead the dough well, then cut it into small pieces of doughes, rolling them into wafers (probably thick as a finger or slightly thin).<br /></h3> <h3>  10、将面饼两面都抹上油,摞在一起,盖上盖子放置半小时(这叫醒面)。 &nbsp;</h3><h3> 10,、Put oil on the both sides of each wafers, pile them up together, cover them for half an hour (it's called waking dough ).<br /></h3> <h3>11、准备白萝卜(最好是绿萝卜)切片,香菜、蒜苗切碎(没有蒜苗用葱叶代替)。 11、 Prepare white radish slices (green radish slices are the best ), minced caraways and garlic sprouts (Without garlic sprouts , you can use spring onion leaves instead).</h3> <h3>12、白萝卜用水煮软捞出,牛肉切片。 &nbsp;</h3><h3> 12、Boil the white radish slices into soft ones and remove them, then slice the beef.</h3> <h3>13、将牛肉汤烧开,关火后撒胡椒粉(如习惯放味精也可放)。 13、After boiling the beef soup, turn off the heat ,then sprinkle a little of ground pepper (Some monosodium can be also put, if you like).</h3> <h3>14、另取一锅倒入开水准备煮面。将一片面拿出,在案板上切成细条。 14、Use the another pan to boil water for cooking noodles. Put a wafer on the kneading board to cut into strips.</h3> <h3>15、拽住面的两头以均匀力度抻拉,拉开后对折,将头儿置一只手,中部用另一只手再拉开,如此折两次拉开,扔进开水锅中,等面都拉完后再煮一分钟左右就可以捞出了。 15、Use two hand to grab the two ends of a strip to stretch it with uniform strength.After that, let it folded, putting two ends in one hand ,and the other hand grab the middle of strip to stretch again, just as doing so twice, throw them into the pot with boiling water, after finishing to pull all strips ,boil them one more minute or so , you can remove them.</h3> <h3>16、面捞入大深碗中,浇上牛肉汤,放入熟萝卜、牛肉片,撒香菜、蒜苗,调醋和辣椒油,开吃! 16、Put them into a deep bowl, add beef soup, cooked carrot strips, beef slices, caraways, garlic sprout, vinegar and chilli oil, then start to eat! Don't forget to pay tuition when you have learnt well. In the red rectangles⬇ ️ below,️ throw three melons or two dates (some money)for the encouragement!(英译:赵宜忠)</h3> <h3>本人亲自出镜为俺家牛肉面"带盐"。学会了别忘了交学费哦!⬇️橙色小框中扔个仨瓜俩枣的鼓励一下吧! 或者加关注,更多精彩内容正在制作中…… </h3> <h3>此为在斯洛伐克居住的朋友看贴后学做的作业。</h3> <h3>此为在布达佩斯居住的好友照方学做的成品。</h3>