北京旅拍(Chinese-English version)


<h3>北京,不仅是个现代大都市,还是座古朴怀旧的古城。</h3><h3>Beijing is a metropolis in northern China and the capital of China.With a history of more than 3,000 years, it has been an indispensable part of China's history.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>#以此链接记录在首都北京看过的风景与感受过的情怀<br></h3><div><br></div><div>怀揣着二十年的首都情怀,进京!</div> <h3>北京之旅第一站「天坛」<br></h3><h3>让我朝思暮想的祁年殿٩(๑^o^๑)۶</h3><div>This is the Hall of Good Harvests,the main building in the Temple of Heaven.</div><div>I'm very interested in this building, because I have seen the pictures of it many times. And the more I know about it, the more fascinating I feel.&nbsp;</div> <h3>「天安门广场」</h3><h3>广场宽阔壮观,中央有人民英雄纪念碑,北侧是天安门城楼,南侧是毛主席纪念堂,西侧是人民大会堂,东侧是国家博物馆。</h3><div>Located at the center of Beijing City,Tian'anmen Square is the must place to visit.Millions of tourists from all over the world come to view its splendid appearance and profound history.&nbsp;</div> <h3>「毛主席纪念堂」</h3><h3>有幸瞻仰到毛主席遗容</h3><h3>This is the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall.To commemorate this great man, the hall was built a year later after his death.&nbsp;</h3> <h3>「故宫」旧称紫禁城</h3><h3>At the heart of Beijing City is the Forbidden City, home to the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. </h3><h3>As a world famous ancient royal palace,it is the largest and most complete existing building of wooden structure in China.&nbsp;</h3> <h3>时间没有夺去它的韵味</h3><h3>反而将其底蕴沉淀</h3> <h3>「太和殿」俗称金銮殿</h3><h3>匾额写着“建极绥猷”,个人认为意思大概是天子要对人民及国家负责,发挥出洪荒之力,让世界更和平昌盛。</h3><h3>This is the Hall of Supreme Harmony. From the picture, we can see that it is quite a hot scenic spot in the Forbidden City.During the Ming and Qing Dynasty here used to be the place where the emperor had grand ceremonies.&nbsp;</h3> <h3>There are a pair of bronze lions who are guarding the gate.In China,people regard stone,iron and bronze lions who are placed at the gate could ward off evil spirits.&nbsp;<br></h3> <h3>护城河冰封风光</h3><h3>The moat was covered by ice. </h3> <h3>「什刹海」</h3><h3>俗话说“先有什刹海,后有北京城”</h3> <h3>「恭王府」</h3><h3>乾隆年间和珅的宅第</h3><h3>The Mansion of Prince Gong is a place really worthy of a visit.Originally it was the private residence of Heshen,Emperor Qianlong's favourite official.</h3> <h3>主人您啥时候回来陪我玩?(ฅ´ω`ฅ)</h3> <h3>Peking University</h3> <h3>从北大出来,走不远就到「圆明园」</h3><h3>雾霾锁城几天,帝都的蓝天终于露脸了</h3> <h3>Famous scenic spots in the Old Summer Palace include the Grand Waterworks, the Throne for viewing the Waterworks and the Labyrinth. The Old Summer Palace was also known as the 'garden of gardens' .</h3> <h3>游人来来去去,仿佛在追逐逝去的辉煌</h3> <h3>岁月与故事</h3> <h3>走过了紫禁城,看过圆明园,这里就是北京之旅不可错过的一站 --「颐和园」</h3><h3>漫步园内,不知不觉走到了「谐趣园」</h3><h3>This is the Garden of Harmonious Interest in the Summer Palace. </h3> <h3>虽由人作 宛自天开</h3> <h3>「十七孔桥」</h3><h3>落日的余晖照亮了所有的孔洞</h3><h3>There are some thirty bridges in the Summer Palace and this one, the Seventeen -Arch Bridge, is the largest one. What surprised me most was that there were 544 stone lions in different sizes and postures carved on the top of the balusters. </h3> <h3>桥头及桥栏望柱上雕刻有五百多只形态各异的石狮,来玩个数狮子游戏?</h3> <h3>北京之旅必不可少的一站当属长城</h3><div>考虑到八达岭长城维修痕迹较大游客较多,而且作为年轻人偏好冒险,所以长城之行选择了交通较为不便但“野性十足”的「慕田峪长城」</div><div>Compared with the famous Badaling, Great Wall at Mutianyu is less crowded, thus a good destination on hot holidays for a Great Wall tour. </div> <h3>以前只在教科书里看过的“蜿蜒巍峨的万里长城”</h3> <h3>慕田峪上的游客大多是外国人,连城墙上的纪念都是以外语为主</h3> <h3>长城上的经历也是蛮有趣的</h3><h3>#遇到一位英语翻译带着两位韩国欧巴和他们的妈妈登长城<br></h3><h3>#遇到带着妻子和两个可爱的女儿的西班牙爸爸</h3><h3>#遇到一边用头顶球一边爬长城的足球爱好者<br></h3><h3>#遇到带着国旗来登长城菲律宾好汉</h3><h3>#遇到会好几国语言的外国姐姐...</h3> <h3>没有雕琢的风景,未经修复的野长城,这里的每一块青砖都是历史留下的珍宝</h3><h3>This is the ancient Great Wall.In the construction of the Great Wall,a great number of laborers lost their lives. </h3> <h3>长城的壮美,恐怕只有身临其境才能感受深切</h3><h3>The surrounding natural scenery is breath-taking.</h3> <h3>从长城上坐滑道下来的体验,你!值!得!拥!有!</h3><h3>当年还是美国第一夫人的米歇尔下慕田峪长城时也是乘这滑道!</h3> <h3>天津小花絮之「五大道」</h3> <h3>「天津之眼」</h3> <h3 style="text-align: center;"><br></h3><h3 style="text-align: center;"><br></h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">·完·</h3><h3 style="text-align: center;"><br></h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">以上均为手机拍摄</h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">the pictures above were shot and edited completely in-phone</h3><h3 style="text-align: center;"><br></h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">多有不足,请各路大神赐教(ฅ´ω`ฅ)</h3>