Dream Theater 《Metropolis Pt. 2:记忆的场景》


<h3 style="text-align: center;">四大金属歌剧之一</h3><h1 style="text-align: center;"><b>Dream Theater<br>《Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory》</b></h1> <h3><font style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">1999年,在眾多乐迷的殷殷期盼下,Dream Theater果然不负眾望,推出了一张令人振奋激赏的Concept Album,这是Dream Theater继《Images and Words》之后前卫金属论坛最劲爆的焦点新闻。各种报导与评论相继出笼,喜欢在线上聊天的网友也多了一分议题,Dream Theater刹时成了前金乐坛万人睹目的焦点,这张专辑不但替前卫金属的定义与精神做了最佳銓释,也替前卫金属的编曲、创作、演奏技巧以及发展方向立了一个新的里程碑。</font></h3> <h3><font style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">《Scenes From A Memory》的出现对Dream Theater有着双重的意义:其一是挟其前卫金属教父之势,完成了一张具有完整概念的前卫金属歌剧(Metallic Opera),这张专辑与The Who的《Tommy》,Pink Floyd的《The Wall》,Queensryche的《Operation: Mindcrime》,并称摇滚四大歌剧。然其编剧架构与演奏技巧之复杂度远胜於前者,堪称是一张经得起时间考验的经典作品。而2000年5月20日的来台演唱会,扎扎实实的一口气将这个歌剧搬上舞台,这种无间断式的演奏不但彻底的让乐迷确信这不是像Queen一样要藉助录音室重复录音的技巧创作出来的作品,也让我们见识到团员的体力与默契,这也是摇滚乐界罕见的现场演唱。其二是Dream Theater的键盘手屡经更軼,由Kevin Moore、Derek Sherinian而换成了Jordan Rudess,使Dream Theater成了典型的学院派乐团。而这种学院派乐师的深厚乐理涵养,加上James Labrie这位Progressive Metal难得一见的主唱(目前仍在老师指导下勤练声乐),这张专辑架构的严紧度与演奏技巧的艰深华丽与滂薄的气势也就不难想像了。Jordan Rudess,9岁时就进入Julliard,受过九年完整的古典音乐教育,最初接触的Pop Music是Beatles的音乐,17岁那年意外的听到了Emerson, Lake&amp; Palmer的专辑《Tarkus》,而迷上了前卫摇滚以及电子合成乐器,Moog和Synthesizer。对於这种能随心所慾的利用各种音色来詮释乐曲的乐器为之动容,18岁那年拿到了奖学金準备进入Julliard音乐学院的大学部,而当时的指导老师也预言,如果他继续深造势必成为美国新一代的伟大钢琴演奏家之一,但是他却放弃了奖学金而走上了摇滚乐的不归路,他曾与名吉他手Vinnie Moore合录过《Time Odyssey》专辑,也参与过Dixie Dregs的巡迴演出。</font></h3> <h3><font style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">1994年获得Keyboard Magazine票选为最佳新人奖。最令他得意的是在与新旧的Keyboard手一起评比时他的排名竟然儘次於他最心仪的Keyboard手─Keith Emerson。他是在参与Dream Theater的成员Mike Portnoy与John Petrucci的Side Project:Liquid Tension Experiment时被延缆进来的。Dream Theater的成员除了James Labrie之外,其他的成员都来自於波斯顿的Berklee School of Music。我们可以在Kevin Moore时期的Dream Theater作品中发现Keyboard和Guitar是势均力敌的。而Derek Sherinian时期的作品《A Change Of Seasons》、《Falling Into Infinity》吉他似乎佔了主导性的地位。Derek的Keyboard固然华丽,但感觉上是较被动,变成了润饰和气氛营造的角色。而这张由 Jordan Rudess担纲的专辑却是Keyboard与Guitar分廷抗礼,不但华丽典雅,而且嚣张跋扈,在在处处可以发现Keyboard与Guitar的竞飆,换言之Dream Theater回到Kevin Moore时代的乐风但复杂度尤有过之。这张专辑的故事是否与《Images and Worlds》中的"Metropolis part 1"有绝对的关联?很难论定,但是从Part 1的歌词中的 "I was told there's a miracle for each day I try. I was told there's a new love that's born for each one has died..." 可以确信故事的灵感来自於这首歌的啟发。</font></h3> <h3 style="text-align: center;"><b>Scenes From A Memory </b></h3><h3 style="text-align: center;"><b>记忆中的场景 </b></h3><h3 style="text-align: center;"></h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">Scene One: Regression(回溯) </h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">Scene Two: Part I. Overture 1928(序曲 1928) </h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">Scene Two: Part II. Strange Deja Vu(陌生的似曾相识感) </h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">Scene Three: Part I. Through My Words(我的话语) </h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">Scene Three: Part II. Fatal Tragedy(最终的悲剧) </h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">Scene Four: Beyond This Life(此生之后) </h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">Scene Five: Through Her Eyes(她的眼神) </h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">Scene Six: Home(家) </h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">Scene Seven: Part I. The Dance of Eternity(永恒之舞) </h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">Scene Seven: Part II. One Last Time(最后一刻) </h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">Scene Eight: The Spirit Carries On(精神永不灭) </h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">Scene Nine: Finally Free(最终的自由)</h3><h3><br></h3> 故事中有五位人物分别是:<h3></h3><h3>1.<b> 催眠师(The hypnoterapist )</b>:主导Nicholas的全程催眠治疗。</h3><h3>2. <b>Nicholas </b>:一位经常为梦境中的女孩所困扰,终日惶惶不安,睡不成眠,不得不求助於催眠治疗,回到前世一探究。</h3><h3>3. <b>Victoria Page</b> :Nicholas的前生,因男友Julian嗜赌成癮,屡劝不听,在灰心之餘让Ed乘虚而入,谱了一段三角畸恋,终至招来杀生之祸。</h3><h3>4. <b>Julian Baynes</b> (the sleeper):Victoria的男友,因沉迷於赌,而且死得不明不白的,所以又称为Sleeper。</h3><h3>5. <b>Senator Edward Baynes [the miracle]</b>:Julian的弟弟,在Victoria伤心无助的情况下给了Victoric "奇蹟"似的抚慰,而自己平白无故"奇蹟"似的博得佳丽的芳心,所以又称为Miracle。</h3><h3><br></h3> <h1><b>1.Scene One: Regression(回溯)</b></h1> <h3>前言:故事以催眠师对尼可拉斯进行回归治疗的话语开始。 </h3><h3>Close your eyes and begin to relax. Take a deep breath, and let it out </h3><h3>slowly. Concentrate on your breathing. With each breath you become more relaxed. Imagine a brilliant white light above you, focusing on this light as it flows through your body. Allow yourself to drift off as you fall deeper and deeper into a more relaxed state of mind. Now as I count backward from ten to one, you will fill more peaceful, and calm. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. You will enter a safe place where nothing can harm you. Five. Four. Three. Two. If at any time you need to came back, all you must do is open your eyes. One." </h3><h3></h3><h3>催眠师: </h3><h3>"闭上双眼,慢慢放松。深呼吸一口气,然后慢慢呼出。集中注意力在你的呼吸上,随着每一次呼吸,你会感到越来越轻松。想像有一道明亮的白光将你笼罩,当这道光映在你身上时,集中精神看著它。让你的意识逐渐飘远,你慢慢下沉,慢慢下沉,沉入意识毫无防备的状态。现在我开始从十倒数到一,你会感到你周围非常平静。十、九、八、七、六.....你现在会进入一个安全的领域,那里没有什么会伤害你。五、四、三、二....如果你感到想要醒过来,你要做的就是睁开眼睛。一..." </h3><h3></h3><h3>尼可拉斯: </h3><h3>Safe in the light that surrounds me </h3><h3>在这片笼罩我的光辉中站立 </h3><h3>Free of the fear and the pain </h3><h3>痛苦和恐惧已离我远去 </h3><h3>My subconscious mind </h3><h3>我的潜意识 </h3><h3>Starts spinning through time </h3><h3>开始穿越时空 </h3><h3>To rejoin the past once again </h3><h3>再次回到了过去 </h3><h3>Nothing seems real </h3><h3>一切渐渐真实起来 </h3><h3>I`m starting to feel </h3><h3>我开始有了直觉 </h3><h3>Lost in the haze of a dream </h3><h3>迷失在梦的迷雾中哦 </h3><h3>And as I draw near </h3><h3>随着我慢慢走进 </h3><h3>The scene becomes clear </h3><h3>眼前的景象也逐渐清晰 </h3><h3>Like watching my life on a screen </h3><h3>就像在萤幕上看着自己的人生 </h3><h3>Hello Victoria so glad to see you </h3><h3>你好!维多利亚,很高兴见到你—— </h3><h3>My friend </h3><h3>我的朋友 </h3><h3><br></h3> <h1><b>2.Scene Two: Part I. Overture 1928(序曲 1928) </b></h1> <h3>纯乐器演奏 无词 </h3><h3>尼可拉斯的意识回溯到了1928年的场景。他看到了许多又陌生有似曾相识的事物。 </h3><h3><br></h3> <h1><b>3.Scene Two: Part II. Strange Deja Vu(陌生的似曾相识感) </b></h1> <h3>尼可拉斯: </h3><h3>Subconscious strange sensation </h3><h3>潜意识有了种特殊的感觉 </h3><h3>Unconscious relaxation </h3><h3>不知不觉 我变得我轻松 </h3><h3>What a pleasant nightmare </h3><h3>多有意思的梦 </h3><h3>And I can’t wait to get there again </h3><h3>我已经等不及再次置身遨游 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Every time I close my eyes </h3><h3>每当我闭上双眼 </h3><h3>There’s another vivid surprise </h3><h3>总有另一面鲜活的场景慢慢展开 </h3><h3>Another whole life waiting </h3><h3>一定另有个完整的生命在等待着我 </h3><h3>Chapters unfinished, fading </h3><h3>那一定是一段未完的章节,中断了又慢慢逝去 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Closer now - Slowly coming into view </h3><h3>现在那场景慢慢拉近,慢慢清晰 </h3><h3>I’ve arrived - Blinding sunshine beaming through </h3><h3>我已经到达,那刺眼的阳光将我围绕 </h3><h3></h3><h3>There’s a house I’m drawn into </h3><h3>我好奇的走进了一栋房子 </h3><h3>Familiar settings, nothing new </h3><h3>好熟悉的家居布置,毫无新奇可言 </h3><h3>There’s a pathway leading there </h3><h3>这还有一条通向那里的小径 </h3><h3>With a haunting chill in the air </h3><h3>气氛诡异,让我不寒而栗 </h3><h3></h3><h3>There’s room at the top of the stairs </h3><h3>楼梯尽头有一间屋子 </h3><h3>Every night I’m drawn up there </h3><h3>每晚我都会在那里醒来 </h3><h3>There’s a girl in the mirror </h3><h3>屋内的镜子中,有个神秘的女孩 </h3><h3>Her face is getting clearer </h3><h3>他的脸庞,慢慢清晰 </h3><h3>Young child won’t you tell me why I’m here? </h3><h3>“年轻人,你能告诉我为什么我会在这里吗?” </h3><h3></h3><h3>In her eyes - I sense a story never told </h3><h3>她的眼神,似乎在诉说着一个未曾说过的故事 </h3><h3>Behind the disguise - There’s something tearing </h3><h3>At her soul </h3><h3>在她那伪装之后,我看到有事情再撕裂她的灵魂 </h3><h3></h3><h3>维多利亚: </h3><h3>Tonight I’ve been searching for it </h3><h3>今夜我一直再觅寻 </h3><h3>A feeling that’s deep inside me </h3><h3>觅寻我心灵深处那朦胧的感觉 </h3><h3>Tonight I’ve been searching for </h3><h3>今夜我一直在觅寻 </h3><h3>The one that nobody knows </h3><h3>觅寻那个无人知晓的东西 </h3><h3>Trying to break free </h3><h3>努力重获自由 </h3><h3></h3><h3>I just can’t help myself </h3><h3>我就是不能自已 </h3><h3>I’m feeling like I’m going out of my head </h3><h3>感觉我的头脑快要失去控制 </h3><h3>Tears my heart into two </h3><h3>把我的心扯成了两半 </h3><h3>I’m not the one the sleeper thought he knew </h3><h3>我不是那个成睡着认识的我了 </h3><h3></h3><h3>尼可拉斯: </h3><h3>Back on my feet again </h3><h3>我的腿可以动了 </h3><h3>Eyes open to real world </h3><h3>我又回到了真是世界 </h3><h3>Metropolis surrounds me </h3><h3>那大都会围绕着我 </h3><h3>The mirror’s shattered the girl </h3><h3>镜中再次映出那女孩的脸庞 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Why is this other life </h3><h3>Haunting me everyday </h3><h3>为什么那个虚幻的生命,像鬼魅一样缠着我? </h3><h3>I’d break through the other side </h3><h3>If only I’d find the way </h3><h3>如果能够有办法安定我的头脑,我愿意来到那个虚幻的世界去觅寻真相 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Something’s awfully familiar </h3><h3>这是如此惊人的相似 </h3><h3>The feeling’s so hard to shake </h3><h3>这种感觉难以忘怀,难以挣脱 </h3><h3>Could I have lived in that other world </h3><h3>我是否在另一个世界活过? </h3><h3>It’s a link that I’m destined to make </h3><h3>看来这一切都是故意来萦绕我的 </h3><h3></h3><h3>I’m still searching but I don’t know what for </h3><h3>我一直觅寻,但就是不知道为什么 </h3><h3>The missing key to unlock my mind’s door </h3><h3>找不到能够打开内心迷惑之锁的钥匙 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Today I am searching for it </h3><h3>今天我会一直觅寻 </h3><h3>A feeling that won’t go away </h3><h3>觅寻那鬼魅般缠着我的感觉 </h3><h3>Today I am searching for it </h3><h3>今天我会一直觅寻 </h3><h3>The one that I only know </h3><h3>觅寻那只有我知道的东西 </h3><h3>Trying to break free </h3><h3>为了重获自由 </h3><h3></h3><h3>I just can’t help myself </h3><h3>我就是不能自已 </h3><h3>I’m feeling like I’m going out of my head </h3><h3>感觉我的头脑快要失去控制 </h3><h3>Tears my soul into two </h3><h3>把我的灵魂扯成两半 </h3><h3>I’m not the one I thought I always knew </h3><h3>我不是那个自己熟知的自己了 </h3><h3></h3><h3>I just can’t help myself </h3><h3>我就是不能自已 </h3><h3>I’m feeling like I’m going out of my head </h3><h3>感觉我的头脑快要失去控制 </h3><h3>Uncanny, strange Déjà vu </h3><h3>那陌生又似曾相识的感觉,是如此的如此诡异 </h3><h3>But I don’t mind - I hope to find the truth </h3><h3>但我不会介意,不会害怕,我希望能够找到真</h3><h3><br></h3> <h1><b>4.Scene Three: Part I. Through My Words(我的话语) </b></h1> <h3><h3>尼可拉斯发现了他和维多利亚前世与来生的关系 </h3><h3> </h3><h3>尼可拉斯: </h3><h3>All your eyes have ever seen </h3><h3>一切你亲眼所见的 </h3><h3>All you’ve ever heard </h3><h3>一切你亲耳所闻的 </h3><h3>Is etched upon my memory </h3><h3>都刻在了我的记忆 </h3><h3>I spoken through my words </h3><h3>随着我的话语带出了所有 </h3><h3></h3><h3>All that I take with me </h3><h3>所有我带着的 </h3><h3>Is all you’ve left behind </h3><h3>都是你留下的 </h3><h3>We’re sharing one eternity </h3><h3>咱们分享着一个灵魂 </h3><h3>Living in two minds </h3><h3>却拥有不同的心灵 </h3><h3>Linked by an endless thread </h3><h3>被一梭无尽延绵的绳索连接 </h3><h3>Impossible to break </h3><h3>无法分割</h3><h3><br></h3></h3> <h1><b>5.Scene Three: Part II. Fatal Tragedy(最终的悲剧) </b></h1> <h3>尼可拉斯: </h3><h3>Alone at night </h3><h3>孤独的夜 </h3><h3>I feel so strange </h3><h3>一股怪异的气氛萦绕着我 </h3><h3>I need to find </h3><h3>看来我需要去觅寻 </h3><h3>All the answers to my dreams </h3><h3>觅寻我那梦靥的答案 </h3><h3>When I sleep at night </h3><h3>每当我入睡 </h3><h3>I hear the cries </h3><h3>总能听到几声悲伤的哭泣 </h3><h3>What does this mean? </h3><h3>这意味着什么呢? </h3><h3></h3><h3>I shut the door and traveled to another home </h3><h3>我关上门,来到另一个家 </h3><h3>I met an older man, he seemed to be alone </h3><h3>我遇见了一个神秘老人,看来他没有同伴 </h3><h3>I felt that I could trust him </h3><h3>我的直觉告诉我他值得信任 </h3><h3>He talked to me that night; </h3><h3>他在那晚告诉了我许多许多 </h3><h3></h3><h3>神秘老人: </h3><h3>"Lad did you know a girl was murdered here?" </h3><h3>“你知道有一个女孩曾经在这里被谋杀么?” </h3><h3>"This fatal tragedy was talked about for years" </h3><h3>“这个悲剧已经被谈论多年” </h3><h3></h3><h3>尼可拉斯: </h3><h3>Victoria`s gone forever </h3><h3>维多利亚永远不会再回来 </h3><h3>Only memories remain </h3><h3>留下的只有她的记忆 </h3><h3>She passed away </h3><h3>她去世多年 </h3><h3>She was so young </h3><h3>那时的她是如此的年轻 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Without love </h3><h3>没有爱 </h3><h3>Without truth </h3><h3>没有真理 </h3><h3>There can be no turning back </h3><h3>就没有救赎的余地! </h3><h3></h3><h3>Without faith </h3><h3>没有信念 </h3><h3>Without hope </h3><h3>没有希望 </h3><h3>There can be no peace of mind </h3><h3>就没有思绪的安宁! </h3><h3></h3><h3>As the night went on </h3><h3>伴着黑夜 </h3><h3>I started to find my way </h3><h3>我开始整理线索 </h3><h3>I learned about a tragedy </h3><h3>我知道了这个悲剧 </h3><h3>A mystery still today </h3><h3>但在今天仍是个谜团 </h3><h3></h3><h3>I tried to get more answers </h3><h3>我想要从他嘴中得到更多的答案 </h3><h3>But he said, "You`re on your own" </h3><h3>但他说:“你还是要靠自己” </h3><h3>Then he turned away and left me </h3><h3>然后便转身离开 </h3><h3>As I stand there all alone </h3><h3>留下我独自一人 </h3><h3>He said, "You`ll know the truth </h3><h3>As your future days unfold" </h3><h3>他回头说道:"随着时间的流逝,你会慢慢知道真相." </h3><h3></h3><h3>Without love </h3><h3>没有爱 </h3><h3>Without truth </h3><h3>没有真理 </h3><h3>There can be no turning back </h3><h3>就没有救赎的余地! </h3><h3></h3><h3>Without faith </h3><h3>没有信念 </h3><h3>Without hope </h3><h3>没有希望 </h3><h3>There can be no peace of mind </h3><h3>就没有思绪的安宁! </h3><h3></h3><h3>注:尼可拉斯又开始了回溯治疗,这次他要回到从前找出那个梦靥的答案,随着催眠师的话语,尼可拉斯的意识再次回到1928年。 </h3><h3></h3><h3>催眠师: </h3><h3>"Now it`s time to see how you died. Remember that death </h3><h3>is not the end but only a transition." </h3><h3>“现在你会看到你的前世是怎样死的.记住死亡并不是终结,而只是一个过度</h3><h3></h3><h3><br></h3> <h1><b>6.Scene Four: Beyond This Life(此生之后) </b></h1> <h3><h3>这一场景以1928年报纸头条的murder报道展开。讲述的是维多利亚的死亡。 </h3><h3></h3><h3>[Headline:] “Murder, young girl killed </h3><h3>头条新闻:一起谋SHA案!一位年轻的女孩被杀死! </h3><h3>Desperate shooting at Echo's Hill </h3><h3>枪声响彻了回音山 </h3><h3>Dreadful ending, killer died </h3><h3>吓人的结局,嫌疑人已死 </h3><h3>Evidently sucide.” </h3><h3>现在看来是自戮(注:这里说的自戮是指的嫌疑人) </h3><h3></h3><h3>A witness heard a horrifying sound </h3><h3>目击者听到一声恐怖的枪声 </h3><h3>He ran to find a woman dead and </h3><h3>Lying on the ground </h3><h3>他跑到现场,发现一位女性倒在地上,已经死亡。 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Standing by her was a man </h3><h3>站在那个女子旁边的是一个男性 </h3><h3>Nervous, shaking, gun in hand </h3><h3>表情紧张,浑身颤抖,手中握着枪 </h3><h3>Witness says he tried to help </h3><h3>目击者说他想要帮助这名男子 </h3><h3>But he’d turned the weapon on himself </h3><h3>但是他却把武器对准自己 </h3><h3></h3><h3>His body fell across that poor young girl </h3><h3>他的身躯横倒在那个女孩子的身体上 </h3><h3>After shouting out in vain </h3><h3>几首呼叫求救无效后 </h3><h3>The witness ran to call for assistance </h3><h3>目击者跑去打电话寻找帮助 </h3><h3>A sad close to a broken love affair </h3><h3>真是一段破碎爱情的悲剧结局 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Our deeds have traveled far </h3><h3>我们的所为会永远延续 </h3><h3>What we have been is what we are </h3><h3>我们的前世就是今生 </h3><h3>Our deeds have traveled far </h3><h3>我们的所为会永远延续 </h3><h3>What we have been is what we are </h3><h3>我们的前世就是今生 </h3><h3></h3><h3>She wanted love forever </h3><h3>她想要永远的爱 </h3><h3>But he had another plan </h3><h3>但是他却另有所爱 </h3><h3>He fell into an evil way </h3><h3>他误入歧途 </h3><h3>She had to let him down </h3><h3>她只能让他自己沉沦 </h3><h3>She said, "I can’t love a wayward man." </h3><h3>她说:“我不能爱一个如此颓废的男人” </h3><h3></h3><h3>She may have found a reason to forgive </h3><h3>她可能会找到原谅他的理由 </h3><h3>If he had only tried to change </h3><h3>如果他能够试着改过自新 </h3><h3>Was their fatal meeting prearranged? </h3><h3>他们最后那悲剧的见面是事先约好的吗? </h3><h3></h3><h3>Had a violent struggle taken place? </h3><h3>那时他们之间有没有发生打斗? </h3><h3>There was every sign that lead there </h3><h3>种种迹象都显示这有可能 </h3><h3>Witness found a switchblade on the ground </h3><h3>目击者在地上找到了一把弹簧刀 </h3><h3>Was the victim unaware? </h3><h3>被害者是否没有察觉? </h3><h3>They continued to investigate </h3><h3>警方继续着调查 </h3><h3>They found a note in the killer’s pocket </h3><h3>他们在凶手的衣袋里发现了一片便签 </h3><h3>It could have been a sucide letter </h3><h3>这可能是一封遗书 </h3><h3>Maybe he had lost her love </h3><h3>凶手可能失去了他爱的人 </h3><h3></h3><h3>书上所写: </h3><h3>“I feel there’s only one thing left to do </h3><h3>I’d sooner take my life away </h3><h3>Than live with losing you” </h3><h3>“我只有一条路可走,我宁可结束我的生命,如果不能够和你在一起” </h3><h3></h3><h3>Our deeds have traveled far </h3><h3>我们的所为会永远延续 </h3><h3>What we have been is what we are </h3><h3>我们的前世就是今生 </h3><h3>Our deeds have traveled far </h3><h3>我们的所为会永远延续 </h3><h3>What we have been is what we are </h3><h3>我们的前世就是今生 </h3><h3></h3><h3>All that we learn this time </h3><h3>现在我们所有学到的 </h3><h3>(What we have been is what we are) </h3><h3>(我们的前世就是今生) </h3><h3>Is carried beyond this life </h3><h3>都会被带到下一次生命 </h3><h3>All that we learn this time </h3><h3>现在我们所有学到的 </h3><h3>(What we have been is what we are) </h3><h3>(我们的前世就是今生) </h3><h3>Is carried beyond this life </h3><h3>都会被带到下一次生</h3><h3><br></h3></h3> <h1><b>7.Scene Five: Through Her Eyes(她的眼神) </b></h1> <h3>在知道了维多利亚的死因后,尼可拉斯来到了维多利亚的坟墓,心中不觉感伤. </h3><h3></h3><h3>尼可拉斯: </h3><h3>She never really had a chance </h3><h3>On that fateful moonlight night </h3><h3>在那宿命的月夜,他真的无处可躲 </h3><h3>Sacrificed without a fight </h3><h3>没有反抗就丧命了 </h3><h3>A victim of her circumstances </h3><h3>她只是一个被那罪恶环境威逼的牺牲品 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Now that I've become aware </h3><h3>现在我渐渐明白事情的原委 </h3><h3>And I’ve exposed this tragedy </h3><h3>我已经了解了这个悲剧 </h3><h3>A sadness grows inside of me </h3><h3>内心的悲伤犹然滋生 </h3><h3>It all seems so unfair </h3><h3>一切对她都如此的不公平 </h3><h3></h3><h3>I'm learning all about my life </h3><h3>By looking through her eyes </h3><h3>在她的眼神中,我读懂了自己的生命 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Just beyond the churchyard gates </h3><h3>墓地大门的旁边 </h3><h3>Where the grass is overgrown </h3><h3>野草丛生 </h3><h3>I saw her writing on her stone </h3><h3>她的墓碑在那里静静矗立,上面写着她的话 </h3><h3>I felt like I would suffocate </h3><h3>感觉我渐渐被窒息 </h3><h3></h3><h3>墓碑上的文字: </h3><h3>In loving memory of our child </h3><h3>So innocent, eyes open wide </h3><h3>“挚爱的怀念我们的孩子,如此的天真无邪,一双大眼睛” </h3><h3>I felt so empty as I cried </h3><h3>哭泣时的我是如此的空虚 </h3><h3>Like part of me had died </h3><h3>仿佛自己的一部分已经死去 </h3><h3></h3><h3>I'm learning all about my life </h3><h3>By looking through her eyes </h3><h3>在她的眼神中,我读懂了自己的生命 </h3><h3></h3><h3>And as her image </h3><h3>Wandered through my head </h3><h3>当她的影响划过我的脑海 </h3><h3>I wept just like a baby </h3><h3>我哭得像个孩子 </h3><h3>As I lay awake in bed </h3><h3>当我清醒的躺在床上时 </h3><h3></h3><h3>And I know what it’s like </h3><h3>To lose someone you love </h3><h3>我知道失去那所爱的人的感觉 </h3><h3>And this felt just the same </h3><h3>而这和那一样难过 </h3><h3></h3><h3>She wasn’t given any choice </h3><h3>她没有任何选择的余地 </h3><h3>Desperation stole her voice </h3><h3>绝望让她发不出声音 </h3><h3>I’ve been given so much more in life </h3><h3>而我却被给予了太多 </h3><h3>I’ve got a son, I’ve got a wife </h3><h3>我有我爱的儿子,有爱我的妻子 </h3><h3></h3><h3>I had to suffer one last time </h3><h3>我还要在坚持最后一次 </h3><h3>To grieve for her and say goodbye </h3><h3>为她哀悼,然后道别离开 </h3><h3>Relive the anguish of my past </h3><h3>亲自经历我前生的劫难 </h3><h3>To find out who I was at last </h3><h3>看清我的灵魂 </h3><h3></h3><h3>The door has opened wide </h3><h3>门已敞开 </h3><h3>I'm turning with the tide </h3><h3>我顺流返回 </h3><h3>Looking through her eyes </h3><h3>以她的眼睛,见证一</h3><h3><br></h3> <h1><b>8.Scene Six: Home(家) </b></h1> <h3>冰冷的前奏,带出了sleeper一段沉沦生活后的迷惘,渴望回家,回到维多利亚的怀抱。 </h3><h3>沉睡者: </h3><h3>Shine-lake of fire </h3><h3>火光冲天——火焰之湖 </h3><h3>Lines take me higher </h3><h3>湖中波纹——让我振奋 </h3><h3>My mind drips desire </h3><h3>欲望——淌入我的脑海 </h3><h3>Confined and overtired </h3><h3>受其所制,不能自己,疲惫不堪 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Living this charade </h3><h3>仿似字谜般的生活 </h3><h3>Is getting me nowhere </h3><h3>将我困在原地 </h3><h3>I can’t shake this charade </h3><h3>我猜不出这字谜 </h3><h3>The city’s cold blood calls me home </h3><h3>这城市的冷血在呼唤着我回家 </h3><h3>Home it’s what I long for </h3><h3>家,我渴望回家 </h3><h3>Back home where I belong </h3><h3>回家, 回到属于我的地方 </h3><h3></h3><h3>The city - it calls to me </h3><h3>这城市——呼唤着我 </h3><h3>Decadent scenes from my memory </h3><h3>头脑中堕落的景象 </h3><h3>Sorrow - eternity </h3><h3>痛苦——永恒存在 </h3><h3>My demons are coming to drown me </h3><h3>我内心的恶魔快要将我吞没 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Help - I’m falling, I’m crawling </h3><h3>救救我——我在堕落,我在痛苦的爬行 </h3><h3>I can’t keep away from its clutch </h3><h3>恶魔的魔爪将我困住,我不能逃脱 </h3><h3>Can’t have it, this habit </h3><h3>不能撼动,这种恶习 </h3><h3>It’s calling me back to my home </h3><h3>它正呼我着我,让我回家 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Miracle回忆起维多利亚向诉说通过的场景,他爱上了维多利亚,在伦理道德和爱情的思想斗争中,爱情取得了胜利。 </h3><h3></h3><h3>奇迹之人: </h3><h3>I remember the first time she came to me </h3><h3>我记得他第一次来到我身边 </h3><h3>Poured her soul out all night and cried </h3><h3>向我倾诉她的心事,整夜哭泣 </h3><h3></h3><h3>I remember I was told there’s a new love that’s born </h3><h3>For each one that has died </h3><h3>我记得有人曾说过:每一份爱逝去之后,都会有新的爱诞生 </h3><h3></h3><h3>I never thought that I </h3><h3>Could carry on with this life </h3><h3>我从没有想过我要继续这样的生活 </h3><h3>But I can’t resist myself </h3><h3>但我就是不能自已 </h3><h3>No matter how hard I try </h3><h3>无论我多么努力 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Living their other life </h3><h3>Is getting them nowhere </h3><h3>他们已经分道扬镳,过着不同的生活 </h3><h3>I’ll make her my wife </h3><h3>我要娶她为妻 </h3><h3>Her sweet temptations calls me home </h3><h3>她那甜美的诱惑呼唤着我回家 </h3><h3>Home it’s what I long for </h3><h3>回家,我渴望回家 </h3><h3>My home where she belongs </h3><h3>我的家,也是她的归属 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Even deceiving my own blood </h3><h3>为了她,就算违背伦理又如何? </h3><h3>Victoria watches and thoughtfully smiles </h3><h3>She’s taking me to my home </h3><h3>维多利亚会意的微笑着,看着我 </h3><h3>她正带我回家 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Help - he's my brother, but I love her </h3><h3>帮帮我——他是我的兄弟,但我爱她 </h3><h3>I can't keep away from her touch </h3><h3>她的接触让我不能自已 </h3><h3>Deception, dishonor </h3><h3>欺骗和毁誉 </h3><h3>It’s calling me back to my home </h3><h3>它正呼唤我回家 </h3><h3></h3><h3>尼可拉斯回到了过去,但是无助的他还是解不开这个谜团。 </h3><h3></h3><h3>尼可拉斯: </h3><h3>Her story - it holds the key </h3><h3>她的故事——是关键 </h3><h3>Unlocking dreams from my memory </h3><h3>能够打开我的梦之锁 </h3><h3>Solving this mystery </h3><h3>解开这个谜团 </h3><h3>Is everything that is a part of me </h3><h3>这一切是否都是我的一部分? </h3><h3></h3><h3>Help - regression, obsession </h3><h3>帮帮我——回到了过去,但我很迷惑 </h3><h3>I can’t keep away from her touch </h3><h3>我不肯拒绝她的接触 </h3><h3>Leave no doubt, to find out </h3><h3>我必须离开,去觅寻 </h3><h3>It’s calling me back to my home </h3><h3>他正呼唤我回</h3><h3><br></h3> <h1><b>9.Scene Seven: Part I. The Dance of Eternity(永恒之舞) </b></h1> <h3>永恒之舞,就像Metropolis part 1说的 "love is the dance of eternal".永恒之舞指的就是爱,在和Miracle交谈后,维多利亚爱上了他,在Home的solo中,我们可以听到Miracle和维多利亚鱼水之欢的声音(~),其实The Dance of Eternity指的就是他们鱼水之欢的场景,爱在那一瞬,爱也是永恒的。所以叫The Dance of Eternity。</h3> <h1><b>10.Scene Seven: Part II. One Last Time(最后一刻) </b></h1> <h3>尼可拉斯: </h3><h3>It doesn’t make any sense </h3><h3>This tragic ending </h3><h3>这悲剧般的结局,毫无道理 </h3><h3>In spite of the evidence </h3><h3>尽管有证据 </h3><h3>There’s something still missing </h3><h3>问题的关键仍未解开 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Heard some of the rumors told </h3><h3>听到过一些谣传 </h3><h3>A taste of one’s wealth </h3><h3>仿似讲的是某人的富有 </h3><h3>Did Victoria wound his soul? </h3><h3>是维多利亚伤害了他的灵魂吗? </h3><h3>Did she bid him farewell? </h3><h3>她是自己引火上身吗? </h3><h3></h3><h3>尼可拉斯迷惘时,突然传来了维多利亚的声音..One Last Time... </h3><h3></h3><h3>维多利亚: </h3><h3>One last time </h3><h3>最后一刻 </h3><h3>We’ll lay down today </h3><h3>今日我们都将倒下 </h3><h3>One last time </h3><h3>最后一刻 </h3><h3>Until we fade away </h3><h3>直到我们渐渐消逝,化作风沙 </h3><h3>One last time </h3><h3>最后一刻 </h3><h3>We’ll lay down today </h3><h3>今日我们都将倒下 </h3><h3>One last time </h3><h3>最后一刻 </h3><h3>We slowly fade away </h3><h3>我们渐渐消逝,化作风沙...... </h3><h3></h3><h3>尼可拉斯: </h3><h3>Here I am inside his home </h3><h3>在他的家中 </h3><h3>It holds the many clues </h3><h3>一定有许多线索 </h3><h3>To my suspicions </h3><h3>让我起疑 </h3><h3>And as I’m standing here right now </h3><h3>当我站在这里时 </h3><h3>I’m finally shown what I have always known </h3><h3>那似曾相识的感觉终于慢慢清晰 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Coincidence I can’t believe </h3><h3>如此巧合,令我不能相信 </h3><h3>As my childhood dreams slowly come true </h3><h3>童年的梦,正在慢慢成真 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Are these her memories </h3><h3>Awakened through my eyes </h3><h3>是否她的记忆,透过我的双眼,正在慢慢映出? </h3><h3>This house has brought back to life </h3><h3>这栋房子仿似慢慢恢复了生命 </h3><h3></h3><h3>An open door </h3><h3>一道门开着 </h3><h3>I walk on through </h3><h3>我走过去 </h3><h3>Into his bedroom </h3><h3>来到了卧室 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Feeling as cold as outside </h3><h3>里面和屋外一样冰冷 </h3><h3>The walls disappear </h3><h3>强逐渐消失 </h3><h3>To some woman whose screaming </h3><h3>化为一个女人的尖叫 </h3><h3>A man pleads forgiveness </h3><h3>一个男人在祈求着她的原谅 </h3><h3>His words I cannot hear </h3><h3>但我听不清楚内容</h3><h3><br></h3> <h1><b>11.Scene Eight: The Spirit Carries On(精神永不灭) </b></h1> <h3>在Miracle的家中,尼可拉斯似乎看到了维多利亚让Miracle离开她和Miracle祈求的声音,似乎维多利亚要回到sleeper身边了.. </h3><h3></h3><h3>在一系列的探查后,尼可拉斯意识到前世和今生的紧密连,认识到死亡并不是终结,只是一个过渡,这让他更有勇气面对面漆的困难和人生,而维多利亚的声音也来到了现代,她告诉尼可拉斯要勇敢面对,并不要忘记她。 </h3><h3></h3><h3>尼可拉斯: </h3><h3>Where did we come from? </h3><h3>我们从何而来? </h3><h3>Why are we here? </h3><h3>为何在此? </h3><h3>Where do we go when we die? </h3><h3>当我们死去,我们会去哪里? </h3><h3>What lies beyond </h3><h3>来世是什么? </h3><h3>And what lay before? </h3><h3>前世又是什么? </h3><h3>Is anything certain in life? </h3><h3>以否是否皆是命中注定? </h3><h3></h3><h3></h3><h3>They say, 'Life is too short,' </h3><h3>人们说:“人生苦段 </h3><h3>'The here and the now' </h3><h3>把握时间 </h3><h3>And 'You're only given one shot' </h3><h3>人生只有一次机会” </h3><h3>But could there be more, </h3><h3>Have I lived before, </h3><h3>生命中是否有更多未曾发现的呢? </h3><h3>Or could this be all that we've got? </h3><h3>还是我们现在的一切就是所有了? </h3><h3></h3><h3>If I die tomorrow </h3><h3>如果我明天死去 </h3><h3>I'd be allright </h3><h3>那也没关系 </h3><h3>Because I believe </h3><h3>因为我坚信 </h3><h3>That after we're gone </h3><h3>我们死去之后 </h3><h3>The spirit carries on </h3><h3>精神永不灭! </h3><h3></h3><h3></h3><h3>I used to be frightened of dying </h3><h3>我也曾惧怕死亡 </h3><h3>I used to think death was the end </h3><h3>我也曾认为死亡就是中介 </h3><h3>But that was before </h3><h3>但那已是从前 </h3><h3>I'm not scared anymore </h3><h3>现在,我不再畏惧死亡 </h3><h3>I know that my soul will transcend </h3><h3>因为我知道,死神捉不到我的灵魂 </h3><h3></h3><h3></h3><h3>I may never find all the answers </h3><h3>也许,问题永远不会被解开 </h3><h3>I may never understand why </h3><h3>也许,我永远也不能明白是情的原委 </h3><h3>I may never prove </h3><h3>也许,我永远不能证明 </h3><h3>What I know to be true </h3><h3>自己所知为真 </h3><h3>But I know that I still have to try </h3><h3>但我知道的,就是我还要继续努力,找出答案 </h3><h3></h3><h3></h3><h3>If I die tomorrow </h3><h3>如果我明天死去 </h3><h3>I'd be allright </h3><h3>那也没关系 </h3><h3>Because I believe </h3><h3>因为我坚信 </h3><h3>That after we're gone </h3><h3>我们死去之后 </h3><h3>The spirit carries on </h3><h3>精神永不灭! </h3><h3></h3><h3></h3><h3>维多利亚: </h3><h3>'Move on, be brave </h3><h3>加油!要勇敢! </h3><h3>Don't weep at my grave </h3><h3>不要在我的墓前哭泣! </h3><h3>Because I am no longer here </h3><h3>因为我已不再人世! </h3><h3>But please never let </h3><h3>Your memory of me disappear' </h3><h3>但永远不要让我的记忆在你的脑海中消失! </h3><h3></h3><h3>尼可拉斯: </h3><h3>Safe in the light that surrounds me </h3><h3>安全的站在这篇光辉中 </h3><h3>Free of the fear and the pain </h3><h3>恐惧和痛苦离我远去 </h3><h3>My questioning mind </h3><h3>我迷惑的心灵 </h3><h3>Has helped me to find </h3><h3>帮我重新找到了 </h3><h3>The meaning in my life again </h3><h3>生命的意义 </h3><h3>Victoria's real </h3><h3>维多利亚她真的还在 </h3><h3>I finally feel </h3><h3>At peace with the girl in my dreams </h3><h3>我终于能在梦中与那女孩共享平静 </h3><h3>And now that I'm here </h3><h3>现在我在这里 </h3><h3>It's perfectly clear </h3><h3>一切都如此明白 </h3><h3>I found out what all of this means </h3><h3>我已找到了所有的答案 </h3><h3></h3><h3>If I die tomorrow </h3><h3>如果我明天死去 </h3><h3>I'd be allright </h3><h3>那也没关系 </h3><h3>Because I believe </h3><h3>因为我坚信 </h3><h3>That after we're gone </h3><h3>我们死去之后 </h3><h3>The spirit carries on </h3><h3>精神永不灭!</h3><h3><br></h3> <h1><b>12.Scene Nine: Finally Free(最终的自由) </b></h1> <h3>最后的场景是尼可拉斯未曾揭晓的答案,真正的凶手就是Miracle,他伪造了Sleeper的遗书,伪装过现场后,他又以目击者的身份报了案,这就成了Beyond This Life里的一切。 </h3><h3>由于Sleeper最终离开了那沉沦的生活方式,回到了她的身边,维多利亚发现她爱的还是Sleeper,她拒绝了Miracle,Miracle因此生狠,在Sleeper和维多利亚暗地约会之时,杀死了他们两个。 </h3><h3>因为在歌曲的开头,从歌曲的开头我们知道,尼可拉斯已经结束了那一轮的回归治疗,开车回家了。他自己已经不再被那梦靥困扰,正在在家看电视,听歌时,突然另一辆车停在了他们家门口,催眠师来了,就像Miracle杀死维多利亚那时说的“open your eyes!尼可拉斯!”其实催眠师就是Miracle的转世.他杀死了尼可拉斯. </h3><h3></h3><h3></h3><h3>You are once again surrounded by a brilliant white light. </h3><h3>Allow the light to lead you away from your past and into this lifetime. </h3><h3>As the light dissipates you will slowly fade back into consciousness, remembering all you have learned. </h3><h3>When I tell you to open your eyes you will return to the present, Feeling peaceful and refresh. Open your eyes Nicholas. </h3><h3>催眠师: </h3><h3>你再次被那明亮的白光所围绕,随着它你将会离开过去,回到现实。当它消逝,你的意识会慢慢恢复,并会一直记得在催眠状态时记得的事情。 </h3><h3>当我说:“睁开眼睛”时,你就会回到现实。 </h3><h3>放松身心,睁开眼睛!尼可拉斯。 </h3><h3></h3><h3>故事转到了Miracle的第一人称角度,讲述他在杀害维多利亚和Sleeper后的一系列思想活动。 </h3><h3></h3><h3>奇迹之人: </h3><h3>Friday evening </h3><h3>周五的傍晚 </h3><h3>The blood still on my hands </h3><h3>我的手上沾满了血 </h3><h3>To think that she would leave me now </h3><h3>For that ungrateful man </h3><h3>一想到她为了那个忘恩负义的男人而离开我,就有愤怒 </h3><h3>Soul survivor </h3><h3>还好,心灵平静了 </h3><h3>No witness to the crime </h3><h3>因为没人看到这一切 </h3><h3>I must act fast to cover up </h3><h3>我必须马上去伪装现场 </h3><h3>I think that there’s still time </h3><h3>幸亏还有时间 </h3><h3></h3><h3>Miracle开始伪造纸条 </h3><h3></h3><h3>He’d seem hopeless and lost with this note </h3><h3>纸条上的他似乎很是绝望和失落 </h3><h3>They’ll buy into the words that I wrote </h3><h3>他们一定会对这些坚信不疑的 </h3><h3></h3><h3>纸条内容: </h3><h3>This feeling </h3><h3>Inside me </h3><h3>这种感觉,在我心中回荡 </h3><h3>Finally found my love </h3><h3>I’ve finally broke free </h3><h3>找到真爱,重获自由 </h3><h3>No longer </h3><h3>Torn in two </h3><h3>再也不和你分开 </h3><h3>I’d take my own life before losing you </h3><h3>在失去你之前,我宁愿结束我的生命 </h3><h3></h3><h3>故事又来到了周五的下午,这是描写在维多利亚和sleeper被杀之前,维多利亚急于去间回家的Sleeper的焦急心情。 </h3><h3></h3><h3>维多利亚: </h3><h3>Feeling good this Friday afternoon </h3><h3>这个周五的下午,心情真的很好 </h3><h3>I ran into Julian </h3><h3>Said we’d get together soon </h3><h3>我要奔向朱利安(sleeper),告诉他我们马上就要在一起 </h3><h3>He’s always had my heart </h3><h3>我的心永远属于他 </h3><h3>He needs to know </h3><h3>他需要知道这一点 </h3><h3>I’ll break free of the Miracle </h3><h3>我马上就会离开Miracle </h3><h3>It’s time for him to go </h3><h3>现在到了他离开我的时候了 </h3><h3></h3><h3>This feeling </h3><h3>Inside me </h3><h3>这种感觉,在我心中激荡 </h3><h3>Finally found my love </h3><h3>I’ve finally broke free </h3><h3>找到真爱,重获自由 </h3><h3>No longer </h3><h3>Torn in two </h3><h3>再也不和你分开 </h3><h3>He’d kill his brother if he only knew </h3><h3>但他如果知道,他一定会杀死他的兄弟 </h3><h3></h3><h3>独白: </h3><h3>Their love renewed </h3><h3>他们的爱重获新生 </h3><h3>They’d rendezvous </h3><h3>In a pathway out of view </h3><h3>在那偏僻的小径,他们偷偷的约会 </h3><h3>They thought no one knew </h3><h3>他们一位他不会知道 </h3><h3>Then came a shot out of the night </h3><h3>但枪声随即划破了夜空 </h3><h3></h3><h3>sleeper和维多利亚终于见到了对方,但就在这时,Miracle出现了,sleeper拔出刀向Miracle刺去,但是被Miracle躲开,Miracle拔出枪,射倒了sleeper,虽然他把枪口对准了维多利亚,在杀死她之前,他对她说 </h3><h3></h3><h3>"Open your eyes, Victoria" </h3><h3>“睁开你的眼睛!维多利亚!” </h3><h3>随后两机枪声,他杀死了自己的爱人,随即逃跑。 </h3><h3>此时sleeper还没有死,他慢慢爬到维多利亚的身边... </h3><h3></h3><h3>沉睡者: </h3><h3>One last time </h3><h3>最后一刻 </h3><h3>We’ll lay down today </h3><h3>今日我们都将倒下 </h3><h3>One last time </h3><h3>最后一刻 </h3><h3>Until we fade away </h3><h3>知道我们渐渐逝去,化作风沙 </h3><h3>One last time </h3><h3>最后一刻 </h3><h3>We’ll lay down today </h3><h3>今日我们都将倒下 </h3><h3>One last time </h3><h3>最后一刻 </h3><h3>We fade away </h3><h3>我们渐渐消逝,化作风沙..........!!!!!! </h3><h3></h3><h3>sleeper死去 </h3><h3></h3><h3>独白: </h3><h3>As their bodies lie still </h3><h3>他们的尸体倒在地上 </h3><h3>And the ending draws near </h3><h3>结局渐进 </h3><h3>Spirits rise through the air </h3><h3>他们的灵魂离开身体,升入空中 </h3><h3>All their fears disappear </h3><h3>他们的恐惧,全部化为云烟 </h3><h3>It all becomes clear </h3><h3>一切都明了了 </h3><h3>A blinding light comes into view </h3><h3>一道刺眼的光芒进入视野 </h3><h3>An old soul exchanged for a new </h3><h3>灵魂传递,新旧更替 </h3><h3>Familiar voice comes shining through </h3><h3>熟悉的声音传来 </h3><h3></h3><h3>尼可拉斯从催眠师那里回到了家... </h3><h3></h3><h3>尼可拉斯: </h3><h3>This feeling </h3><h3>Inside me </h3><h3>这种感觉,在我心中激荡 </h3><h3>Finally found my life </h3><h3>I’m finally free </h3><h3>寻回生命,重获自由 </h3><h3>No longer </h3><h3>Torn in two </h3><h3>再也不分开 </h3><h3>I learned about my life by living through you </h3><h3>经历了你的一生后,我了解了我的生命 </h3><h3>This feeling </h3><h3>Inside me </h3><h3>这种感觉,在我心中激荡 </h3><h3>Finally found my life </h3><h3>I’ve finally broke free </h3><h3>寻回生命,重获自由 </h3><h3>No longer </h3><h3>Torn in two </h3><h3>再也不分开 </h3><h3>Living my own life by learning from you </h3><h3>经历了你的一生后,我了解了我的生命 </h3><h3>We’ll meet again my friend </h3><h3>Someday soon </h3><h3>在某一天,我们还会再回,我的朋友... </h3><h3></h3><h3>尼可拉斯打开电视.. </h3><h3></h3><h3>"News in London, France, Russia and Italy have deleted their lead story, all anticipating the outcome of the man considered to be a member of American nobility. </h3><h3>And as you can imagine, as the skies have grown darker here over Washington, The moon has grown darker as well and people here are </h3><h3>beginning to resign themselves to the possibility that they are witnessing yet another tragedy in a long string of misfortunes. </h3><h3>Reaction from everywhere, from Washington and certainly from around the world has guess..." </h3><h3>电视中播放cnn新闻: </h3><h3>“英国,法国,俄罗斯和意大利的媒体都没有报道这条重大新闻,他们在猜测这位总被认为是上流社会一份子的人是个什么结果。 </h3><h3> 正如你所见,当白宫的天空渐渐变暗,夜光也会变的黯淡,这里的人们开始心情沮丧,都以为自己只是目击了一系列不行所导致的悲剧结局。 </h3><h3> 各地纷纷回应,有白宫以及各国传来的消息显示.... </h3><h3></h3><h3> 尼可拉斯开始听留声机,这是传来停车声,催眠师来了 </h3><h3></h3><h3>"Open your eyes, Nicholas’" </h3><h3>催眠师: </h3><h3>“睁开你的眼睛!尼可拉斯!” </h3><h3></h3><h3></h3><h3>"AAAH!" </h3><h3>尼可拉斯: </h3><h3>“啊!!!!!!!!</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3><font style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">这张专辑无疑时Progressive Metal的划时代鉅作,可以说是雅俗共赏的经典,而毫无疑问的这也是Dream Theater的创作颠峰,他们往后能否突破这个极限,有待时间的考验。从过去的经验法则告诉我们,Pink Floyd在《The Wall》之后,Queensryche在《Operation: MindCrime》之后,都未能突破瓶颈,我们也只能期盼这些学院派的乐师有着异於常人的潜能,不致於让我们失望,尤其是Jordan Rudees,一直醉心於Dixie Dregs,他是否会带枪投靠,而令我们的期盼落空,歌迷们只有拭目以待了。</font></h3>