

<h1>2月25日,是刘彤日的生日。在此祝他生日快乐!</h1><h1><br /></h1><h1>Feb. 25 is the birthday of my son, Liu Tongri Tony. I wish him a happy birthday!</h1> <h3>1992年的2月25日下午4点36分,儿子降生到这个世界上。当时,天边有红彤彤的太阳,由此取名:彤日。</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>On Feb. 25, 1992, at 4:36pm, my son came into the world. At that time, there was a big red sun over the sky, so I gave his name as Tongri, Red Sun in Chinese meaning.</h3> <h3>睡觉的样子,是我们永恒记忆的经典。</h3><h3>Lovely sleeping.</h3> <h3>满月照。</h3><h3>One month photo.</h3> <h3>幼时的留影。</h3><h3>Photos of childhood.</h3> <h3>小学毕业时,已经变得深沉、理性。</h3><h3>Calm and cogitative when ending of primary school study.</h3> <h3>高中毕业于北京师范大学附属实验中学。</h3><h3>Graduated from Experimental High School affiliated to Beijing Normal University.</h3> <h3>这张照片让我终生难忘。实验中学在他们18岁的时候举办成人礼,每个家长给孩子写一篇寄语。当儿子打开我们的寄语默读时,眼泪扑簌簌落下!</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>In adult ceremony hold by the high school, parents wrote a letter to the child. When my son read our letter to him, tears run out! I can't forget this picture!</h3> <h3>北京大学四年的学习生活。2010年入学时。</h3><h3>Four years study in Peking University. Registration day in 2010.</h3> <h3>2014年北京大学毕业时。</h3><h3>Graduated from Peking University in 2014.</h3> <h3>北京大学国家发展研究院(双学位)毕业典礼。</h3><h3>Graduation ceremony of National Development Academy of PKU.</h3> <h3>北京大学生命学院毕业典礼。</h3><h3>Graduation ceremony of Life Science College of PKU.</h3> <h3>北京大学毕业典礼。</h3><h3>PKU graduation ceremony in 2014.</h3> <h3>难得的一次家庭正装照。</h3><h3>Formal family photos.</h3> <h1>人生经历的第一次出击!</h1><h1>First leap in his life!</h1><h1><br /></h1><h3>2013年是值得记录的一年。儿子在大三暑假,自己联系了牛津大学药理系教授,去实习一个月。在这一个月里,踏遍牛津各个实验室,联系了二十多位教授,最终奠定了大学毕业后到牛津读博士的基础。</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>In 2013, my son went to University of Oxford for one month, and contacted with more than twenty professors, and this consolidated his DPhil study in Oxford in the future.</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>这是他第一次独立出国并生活一个月时间,是对能力的培养和考验。他完成了,并成功了!</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>This was his first time to go abroad and live for a month, and really was a training and exam. He completed and succeeded!</h3> <h3>首都机场出发。</h3><h3>Departed from Capital airport.</h3> <h3>住宿地。</h3><h3>Residential place.</h3> <h3>白金汉宫。</h3><h3>Buckingham Palace </h3> <h3>大英博物馆。</h3><h3>British Museum </h3> <h3>伦敦眼。</h3><h3>London Eye</h3> <h3>大本钟。</h3><h3>Big Ben</h3> <h3>伦敦塔桥下。</h3><h3>London Tower Bridge</h3> <h3>与药理系教授及博士生合影。你能找得到他吗?</h3><h3>With professors and students of Department of Pharmacology in Oxford.</h3> <h3>感谢这位英国老朋友,是他,在我的请求下,不远千里,从他的家-多切斯特,开车到伦敦希思罗机场接我儿子,再送到牛津,然后返回多切斯特。起初我对这三个地点没有地理概念,后来我们一家过去拜访他时,我发现这三个地点形成了一个大三角,三角的每条线开车都要2-3个小时。老先生一个人,那么大年纪,辛苦可想而知。他帮我解决了我对儿子的担心!</h3><h1>我会一直把他当恩人!他叫Michael James。他妻子是挪威人,叫Liv。</h1><h3><br /></h3><h3>Thank this British gentleman, it was him, as I asked, to drive from his home in Dorchester to Heathrow to pick up my son, and then to Oxford, then drive back home. Afterward I found these three places consist as a big triangle, and it needed to drive for 2 to 3 hours for each line, and it was very hard and exhausted for him to drive over the whole way, and he helped me being off worrying!</h3><h3>I will remember him as my benefactor, his name is Michael James, his wife is Liv.</h3> <h1>2014年8月,牛津大学博士生活开始。</h1><h1>Beginning of DPhil life in Oxford in August 2014.</h1> <h3>首都机场出发。</h3><h3>Departed from Capital Airport.</h3> <h3>牛津车站。</h3><h3>Oxford bus stop.</h3> <h3>落脚点。</h3><h3>Temporary living place.</h3> <h3>一个月的语言培训。</h3><h3>One month language training.</h3> <h3>在实验楼前。这里将是工作的地方。</h3><h3>At the front of lab building, the place of his study.</h3> <h3>学院宿舍。</h3><h3>Dormitory</h3> <h3>将要与我们告别,难掩失落之情。也许,在思考如何独立地完成自己人生的华丽转身!</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Feeling lose when saying goodbye to us, maybe thinking of his turning of life in Oxford!</h3> <h3>同事大合影。</h3><h3>Photo with colleagues </h3> <h3>学院博士生大合影。</h3><h3>Photo with DPhil students in the college </h3> <h3>三年的奋斗,终于可以汇报成果了。</h3><h3>Period results after three year efforts.</h3> <h3>注意图版左下角,是蛋白结晶的显微镜图。</h3><h3>Report on his Protein crystallization result </h3> <h3>参加美国生物化学和分子生物学芝加哥年会并发表论文。</h3><h3>Attended ASBMB Chicago symposium and presented a research report.</h3> <h3>还有他的音乐。</h3><h3>And his music.</h3> <h3>学院奖金买的吉他。</h3><h3>Guitar purchased with award from his college.</h3> <h3>迷笛键盘。</h3><h3>MIDI </h3> <h3>电脑也是音乐创作的设备。</h3><h3>Macpro</h3> <h3>受赠的音箱。</h3><h3>Sound box, a gift from a friend.</h3> <h3>专业级麦克风。</h3><h3>Professional microphone.</h3> <p class="ql-block">他的音乐作品列表。</p><p class="ql-block">The list of his music works. </p> <h3>三年多来,儿子带着我们玩遍英国各地,以及西班牙的深度游。</h3><h3>My son lead us traveling in whole U.K. , as well as in Spain.</h3> <h3>又一张经典照</h3><h3>Another favorite picture</h3> <h3>这张照片演绎出一段故事:"圣母倾听着儿子讲经,投出怜爱的眼神;窗外的阳光照射进来,似主的光芒闪耀。圣父看到这里,默默地拿出手机拍照。"😁</h3><h3>This looks like a tale of goddess with her son.</h3> <h3>2019年博士毕业啦!</h3><h3>Graduated as D.Phil. in 2019.</h3> <p class="ql-block">2019年,作为公司的唯一海外代表,他一直在努力地实现自己的梦想。</p><p class="ql-block">As the business representative in UK of the company, he is trying hard to make everything best and valuable in 2019.</p> <h3>以百名优秀海归博士身份,参加大湾区及杭州项目推介活动。</h3><h3>As an excellent overseas PhDs, joined the activities of Greater Bay and Hangzhou.</h3> <p class="ql-block">2020年新冠疫情期间,儿子坚持在英国完成他的工作,以自己的努力证明自己的能力。</p><p class="ql-block">In Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, Tony overcame difficulties to finish his work with his outstanding capacities. </p> <p class="ql-block">他的牛津博士论文发表在《生物化学杂志》上。</p><p class="ql-block">His DPhil thesis was published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. </p> <p class="ql-block">疫情期间的回国之路充满艰辛。</p><p class="ql-block">Hard coming home during pandemic.</p> <p class="ql-block">为实现他的梦想,与意胜团队在努力。</p><p class="ql-block">Striving for his dreams of Essencia,with his team.</p> <p class="ql-block">埃及旅游很难忘。</p><p class="ql-block">Wonderful tour to Egypt.</p> <h3>我们的生活因儿子而存在,因儿子而改变,因儿子而丰富多彩。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Our life exists because of my son, and also is changed and colorful for him.</h3> <h1>祝福儿子!祝他生日快乐!</h1><h1>Good luck my son! Happy birthday!</h1>