

<h3><font color="#808080">“香花不色,色花不香”的境界,不仅仅是在自然中。朴素的花成群结队,散发着浓厚芳香,美艳的花,喜欢悠然独处,孤芳自赏,吝啬香气。每个人都是独特的,都有天生的素质,你不必羡慕,你一定也有让别人另眼相看的一面,你总有自我独特的风格。只要从容乐观的对待自己的缺憾就好。</font></h3><div><font color="#808080">&nbsp;</font></div><div><font color="#808080">下面请欣赏作家林清玄的作品——《素质》。</font></div> <h3>很小很小的时候,我就感觉到花是非常奇怪的,因为在家院的庭前种了桂花、玉兰和夜来香,到了晚上,香气随同四散,流动在家屋四周,可是这些香花都是白色的。反而那些极美丽的花卉,像兰花、玫瑰之属,就没有什么香味了。</h3> <h3>长大以后,才更发现这种截然不同的风格,凡香气极盛的花,桂花、玉兰花、夜来香、含笑花、水姜花、月桃花、百合花、栀子花、七里香,都是白色,即使有颜色也是非常素淡,而且它们开放的时候常成群结队的,热闹纷繁。那些颜色艳丽的花,则都是孤芳自赏,每一枝只开出一朵,也吝惜着香气一般,很少有香味的。</h3> <h3>“香花无色,色花不香”这真是一个惊人的发现;“素朴的花喜欢成群结队,美艳的花喜欢幽然独处”也是惊人的发现。依照植物学家的说法,白花为了吸引蜂蝶传播花粉,因此放散浓厚的芳香;美丽的花则不必如此,只要以它的颜色就能招蜂引蝶了。我们不管植物学家的说法,就单以“香花无色,色花不香”就可以给我们许多联想,并带来人生的启示。</h3> <h3>在人生里,每一个人都有其独特非凡的素质,有的香盛,有的色浓,很少很少能兼具美丽而芳香的,因此我们不必欣羡别人某些天生的的素质,而要发现自我独特的风格。当然,我们的人生多少都有缺憾,这缺憾的哲学其实简单:连最名贵的兰花,恐怕都为自己不能芳香而落泪哩!这是对待自己的方法,也是面对自己缺憾还能自在的方法。</h3> <h3>面对外在世界的时候,我们不要被艳丽的颜色所迷惑,而要进入事物的实相,有许多东西表面是非常平凡的,它的颜色也素朴,但只要我们让心平静下来,就能品察出这内部最幽深的芳香。</h3> <h3>当然,艳丽之美有时也值得赞叹,只是它适于远观,不适于沉潜。</h3> <h3>一个人在年轻的时候,很少能欣赏素朴的事物,却喜欢耀目的风华;但到了中年则愈来愈喜欢那些真实平凡的素质,例如选用一张桌子,青年多会注意到它的颜色与造形之美,中年人就比较注意它是紫檀木或是乌心石的材质,至于外形与色彩就在其次了。</h3> <h3>最近这些日子里,我时常有一种新的感怀,就是和一个人面对面说了许多话,仿佛一句话也没有说;可是和另一个人面对面坐着,什么话也没有说,就仿佛说了很多。人到了某一个年纪、某一个阶段,就能穿破语言、表情、动作,直接以心来相印了,也就是用素朴面对着素朴。</h3> <h3>古印度人说,人应该把中年以后的岁月全部用来自觉和思索,以便找寻自我最深处的芳香。我们可能做不到那样,不过,假如一个人到了中年,还不能从心灵自然地散出芬芳,那就象白色的玉兰或含笑,竟然没有任何香气,一样的可悲了。</h3> <h3><span style="color: rgb(128, 128, 128);">年轻的时候,越喜欢耀目的风华;而年纪越大,越喜欢简单朴素的美好素质。人到了一定阶段、一定年龄,反而能够以心相印,以素朴面对素朴了。艳丽之美当然值得赞叹,适合远远欣赏却不能够沉潜;当我们静下心来,穿过朴素和平凡,或许能够闻到内部最幽深的香气,这也许就是岁月的最大力量。</span><br></h3> <h3>(多为个人手机拾趣而拍,清雅小花,衔来共赏)</h3> <h3 style="text-align: center;"><font color="#ed2308">闻喜煮饼 &nbsp;wen xi boiled cake</font></h3><div style="text-align: left;">闻喜煮饼是一种山西省的汉族传统名点。在山西有着饼点之王的美誉,又有国式糕点绝产之美称。在晋南民间把“炸”就叫“煮”。主要原料为面粉、蜂蜜、小磨香油、糖粞及上等红白糖等。闻喜煮饼形似圆月,由于外皮粘满白芝麻,所以外观是月白色。其外裹芝麻,滚圆状,内有栗色、绛白二色分明的饼馅,可拉出几厘米长的细丝,吃起来酥沙香甜、不皮不粘不腻,久不变质。煮饼在明末就已有名气。鲁迅先生在小说《孤独者》中有“我提着两包闻喜产的煮饼去看友人”的字句,可见闻喜煮饼确实声名远播。闻喜煮饼至今仍是老少皆宜的一种大众食品。<br></div><div><font color="#ed2308">来到运城,你怎么能够错过这些美食!</font></div><div><font color="#808080">Wenxi boiled cake is a traditional name of Han nationality in Shanxi province. In Shanxi there is little cake king ", and country style cakes without the name. The "fried" is called "boiled in Shanxi folk". The main raw material for flour, honey, sesame oil, sugar chips and fine red and white sugar. Wen Xizhu pie like the full moon, because the skin is covered with white sesame seeds, so the appearance is white. The outer wrapped in sesame, rounded like maroon, purple, white two color clear cake filling can be pulled out a few centimeters long filaments, eat cakes, sweet sand skin not greasy, long not bad. In the late Ming Dynasty has the famous cooked cake. Mr. Lu Xun in the novel "the lonely man" in the "I am carrying two bags from Wenxi boiled cake to see friends" words, visible Wenxi boiled cake really famous. A popular food Wenxi boiled cake is still good for both young and old. Come to Yuncheng, how can you miss the food!</font></div><div><br></div><div><br></div> <h3 style="text-align: center;"><font color="#ed2308">名称由来之康熙赐名说</font></h3><div style="text-align: left;">闻喜煮饼始于清康熙年间,至今已有三百多年的历史。相传康熙皇帝巡行路径闻喜时,闻喜官绅为迎接圣驾,遍选名师治宴。席间,皇上觉得其他肴馔都淡而无味,唯有煮饼滋味独特,余味绵长,不禁喜问其名。众官宦搜索枯肠,都想取一个吉利的名称来讨皇上高兴,但因皇上猝然发问,不免一时语塞,无言以对。皇上见此情状不觉笑说:就叫煮饼吧。于是康熙皇帝命名的闻喜煮饼就此名声大燥并流传至今。</div><div style="text-align: center;"><font color="#808080">The origin of the name of the given name&nbsp;</font></div><div style="text-align: center;"><font color="#808080"><br></font></div><div style="text-align: left;"><font color="#808080">Kangxi said Wenxi boiled cake began in the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, has been more than and 300 years of history. According to legend, Emperor Kangxi cruise route in Wenxi, Wenxi and to meet the holy drive, choose teacher cure feast times. During the meeting, the emperor think other dishes are tasteless and insipid, only cooked cake unique taste, aftertaste is long, can not help but ask the name of joy. All the officials want to take the puzzle, a lucky name for the emperor happy, but because the emperor suddenly asked, not speechless, speechless. The Emperor sees this situation unconsciously laughed and said: is boiled cake</font></div> <h3 style="text-align: center;"><font color="#ed2308">名称由来之闻仲始创说</font></h3><div>武王伐纣时,太师闻仲出征应战,兵至古唐(山西省南部翼城一带,古称唐国),用当地的饴、面混制糖饼,当做干粮,这种有了糖饴的食品不容易坏,便于携带,那时叫闻太师饼。汉武帝后来也多次到过此地,还把这地方改名叫了闻喜,当地这种饼也随之改名叫了闻喜饼。不过为啥叫煮饼,这跟当地的方言有关。当地方言中称油炸为煮,于是变成了闻喜煮饼。</div><div><font color="#808080">The origin of the name of the founder said Wu Wen Zhong, Zhong Wen Taishi to fight, to the ancient Tang Bing (Shanxi province south of Yicheng area, Tanggu Cheng), with the local surface of maltose, mixing sugar cookies, such as dry rations, the maltose food is not easily broken, easy to carry, then called the smell Taishi cake. The emperor was also repeatedly visited here, but also the place name of Wenxi, the local name of this cake will smell cakes. But why is it called a boiled cake?. Local dialect, said fried for cooking, and then became a Wenxi cake.</font></div> <h3 style="text-align: center;">历史沿革&nbsp;</h3><div style="text-align: left;">明末清初时,南关村任家有位四老爷,因身体略微残疾,做庄稼出不了大力,就在闻喜县老衙门口偏东一点,开了个小小“任记点心铺”。由于经营不善,点心铺开开停停,最终因四老爷英年早逝而关闭。</div><div>清嘉庆年间,南关任氏家族中又出了热心办点心铺的人,在县城西大街南排购置了一座小院,一来为诚心诚意卖点心挣钱,二来爱子名叫诚意,点心铺将来可留给儿子,遂起名为“诚意点心铺”,专门零销闻喜各地的点心。</div><div>道光年间,闻喜外出经商的人很快将闻喜煮饼这个风味独特、包装精良的食品推向全国各地。据《山西资料汇编》记载,清嘉庆至抗日战争前夕,闻喜煮饼远销到天津、上海、武汉、广州等地。那时晋南各县和大集镇,凡经营杂货、食品、粮油的大小商店,差不多门前都悬挂“闻喜煮饼”的招牌,其中虽有自行加工的冒牌货,但也说明了闻喜煮饼久负盛名的气势。</div><div><font color="#808080">The history of in late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, Nan Guan Cun Ren Jia a four master, because the body is slightly disabled, do not crops vigorously, in the old Wenxi County of East Gate ya, opened a small "remember any snack shop". Due to poor management, snack shop to open the stop, eventually because of his untimely death, close four master. Jiaqing years, Guan Ren family and enthusiastic do dessert shop, in the county of West Main Street South row bought a small courtyard, one is a matter of conscience refreshment money, second son named sincerity, snack shop will be left to his son, was named as the "sincerity snack shop", special snacks retail around Wenxi the. Daoguangnianjian, Wenxi people will soon be out of business in the Wenxi boiled cake unique flavor, excellent food packaging to the country. According to the "Shanxi" compilation of information records, Qing Dynasty to the eve of Anti Japanese War, Wenxi boiled cake sold to Tianjin, Shanghai, Wuhan, Guangzhou and other places. At that time, Jinnan counties and large towns, where the business of groceries, food, grain and oil shops, almost before the door hanging "Wen Xizhu cake" signs, which have their own processing of counterfeit goods, but it also shows that the momentum of the prestigious Wenxi boiled cake.</font></div> <h3 style="text-align: center;">闻喜煮饼特点<br></h3><div>闻喜煮饼掰成两半后,能够拉出二三寸长的闪亮亮的蜜丝,剖面显露外深内浅、色泽润亮的栗色层和红白分明的馅心,手感松软有弹性,压陷处可恢复原状,品尝时不皮不粘,甜味纯正,酥沙而不腻,带有芝麻芬芳,越嚼味越浓,佘香不尽,存放百日,色、香、味不变。</div><div style="text-align: center;"><font color="#808080">Wenxi boiled cake&nbsp;</font></div><div><font color="#808080">Wenxi boiled Cake Breaking in half, to pull out the honey silk two or three inches long shiny, profile revealed deep within the shallow layer and the color maroon embellish bright red clear stuffing, soft and elastic, indentation can be restored, taste not skin is not sticky, sweet pure sand, crisp and not greasy, with sesame fragrance, the more chewing the more concentrated flavor, sweet as she, for 100 days, color, aroma and taste.</font></div> <h3 style="text-align: center;"><font color="#010101">欢迎登陆我公司网络部(名礼特产 ) &nbsp;</font></h3><h3 style="text-align: center;"><font color="#808080">Welcome to visit our company network department (gift)</font></h3><div style="text-align: center;">零购网址<font color="#808080"> Zero URL</font></div><div style="text-align: center;">http://tc1688-sx.taobao.com</div><div style="text-align: center;">联系电话 &nbsp; <font color="#808080">Contact number</font></div><div style="text-align: center;">0359-2319990</div> <h3 style="text-align: center;"><font color="#010101">欢迎登陆我公司网络部(名礼特产 )&nbsp;</font></h3><h3 style="text-align: center;"><font color="#808080">Welcome to visit our company network department (gift)</font></h3><div style="text-align: center;"><br></div><div style="text-align: center;">批发网址 &nbsp;<font color="#808080">Wholesale website</font></div><div style="text-align: center;">http://mltcsxd.1688.com</div><div style="text-align: center;">联系电话 &nbsp; <font color="#808080">Contact number</font></div><div style="text-align: center;">15364988080</div><div style="text-align: center;">微信号 <font color="#808080">&nbsp; &nbsp;Wechat number</font></div><div style="text-align: center;">tc1688-sx</div>