<h3>Master Yazi Liu is from Xian Yang City in China. He has over 40 years experience of both external and internal forms of martial arts. He was 8 years old when he first began training in a variety of external martial arts including Shaolin Gong Fu, Boxing and San Da. At 15 years of age he was scouted to became a lineage student (Tu Di) of Master Pei Guo Qing, training exclusively in ZhaoBao style TaijiQuan , Qi Gong and TuiNa(acupressure massage). In 1993 Master Yazi Liu received permission from Master Pei Guo Qing to teach ZhaoBao style TaijiQuan;he has tutored students of various ages for over 30 years between Xian Yang( China) and London, where he now resides. Since 2005 he has been a lineage student of Master Li Tian Xiang learning Chen style TaijiQuan gaining permission to teach it in 2013. Zhao Bao Tai Ji Quan. Zhao Bai Tai Ji is a traditional Tai Ji from sharing roots with the now well-known Chen style but almost unknown here in the west. Training is cantered around the practice of Tao Li,"The Form", which is mastered at a slow pace. As a student 's Tao Lu develops so the training begins to include the use of Fa Jin(explosive power); push-hands experiences (with a partner) and study of how the Tao Li translates into combat. Class time and address. 3 Holmes Road , Kentish Town, London. NW5 3AA Tai Ji Quan Monday: 19:00-22:00. Thursday: 19:00-21:30:00. Saturday: 17:00-20:00. SAN Da. Wednesday: 16:30-19:00. Charing Cross Charing Cross library,4-6 Charing Cross road, Charing Cross, London, WC2H 0HF. Friday: 19:00-21:00. Beginners to experienced - all Wellcome. For more information. www.azitaiji.com. Telephone: 07846610760. 07818158886. 07545632698</h3>