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Embracing Western Culture -- English Course Presentation
💨 Christmas is not only a feast for the eyes and ears, but also a warm chapter of love and hope. It is great for the who
628 9 0其他Embracing Western Culture -- English Course Presentation
💨 Winter is here. Days get shorter and colder, yet the Sky Belle kids are fired up and eager to learn no matter the weat
2639 36 0其他(K2/3)Embracing Western Culture -- English Course Presentation
🎥 The second month of the semester has come and gone. Now, Sky Belle kids are going at full steam and would like to show
1824 20 0其他(K4/3)Embracing Western Culture -- English Course Presentation
🎥 The second month of the semester has come and gone. Now, Sky Belle kids are going at full steam and would like to show
1515 19 0其他Embracing Western Culture -- English Course Presentation
🎬The first month of the first semester has come to an end. Old friends started a new grade, and new friends have joined
1899 26 0其他Embracing Western Culture -- English Course Presentation
☀️Summer is here. The Skybelle kids are laughing and playing. They have also prepared something special for us to see.
1148 13 0其他“未来因你 灿若星河” 2024届大班毕业典礼(下)Blue Sky Belle Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony.
4109 77 0其他“未来因你 灿若星河” 2024届大班毕业典礼(上)Blue Sky Belle Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony.
这将是孩子们人生中一场特别的经历,蓝天蓓尔幼儿园2024届大班毕业典礼,与孩子共度这难忘的时刻,精彩实录敬请观看..💫 K4A,💫 K
3828 69 0其他“童话相随,璀璨六一” 蓝天蓓尔幼儿园文艺汇演(二部⚪︎K4)
4905 75 0其他International Fairy Tale Festival International ClassK2-K1
☀️ What makes the world brightest is not the sun but your smile.🪽 Happy Children's Day💭,🌱 Childhood is only once.⚪ G
3239 44 0其他