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How to make super and delicious sandwiches or hamburges?
The students are busy with the preparation.Put some butter on a piece of bread.Handsome boys are preparing the ingredien
357 7 0其它How to make super and delicious sandwiches?
They\'re busy with the preparation.Put some butter on a piece of bread.Cut up pepper and cucumber.Cut up some tomatoes.Pu
189 2 0其它Making milk shake is very interesting!
Put the bananas and ice cream in the blender.Pour the milk into the blender.Turn on the blender.Cheers!Drink the milk sh
504 9 0其它Making milk shake is interesting!
Put the bananas and ice cream in the blender.Pour the milk into the blender.Turn on the blender.Drink the milk shake hap
236 6 1其它路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索
趁着年少,让多彩的梦铸就辉煌;趁着年少,让伟大的梦想杨帆远航。骄阳无惧,你们认真的样子是最美的风景!少年强,则国强!I like
545 15 5其它